This toon was at least wearing clothes and had a real name!
This toon was at least wearing clothes and had a real name!
Many bots which I (after making sure they are not a human) report wear nice clothes and crown store outfits, have nice names and wear monster sets/proc sets (Skoria, Maw of Infernal, Defiler etc). I think those are either bought/hacked accounts, or maybe even people who think that it's ok to bot from time to time
Versispellis wrote: »Same. lol I remember collecting ALL the runes, just because they were so cute and glowy in the snow! And that was how enchanting became my first discipline.
Usually you can tell it's a bot because they stand waiting at a node and immediately harvest it as it appears. I've tried to take mats away from bots, but I'm never fast enough once the node appears and the bot is standing there. I can take mats that have appeared before the bot arrives at the spot on their route.
Versispellis wrote: ». . . Carrying tons of plants for the express purpose of trading with high level farmers: you're smart, and I support you.
Versispellis wrote: »Same. lol I remember collecting ALL the runes, just because they were so cute and glowy in the snow! And that was how enchanting became my first discipline.
Remember when there were different colors of runes? I miss the other colors... the blue and yellow were pretty.
Versispellis wrote: ». . . Carrying tons of plants for the express purpose of trading with high level farmers: you're smart, and I support you.
*"Real men of genius" playing in the background*
Electricblulion wrote: »[. . .] I've also heard that the people behind the bots are making real world money from this and that makes me worried about what kind of things this could be funding.
This toon was at least wearing clothes and had a real name!
Many bots which I (after making sure they are not a human) report wear nice clothes and crown store outfits, have nice names and wear monster sets/proc sets (Skoria, Maw of Infernal, Defiler etc). I think those are either bought/hacked accounts, or maybe even people who think that it's ok to bot from time to time
This toon was at least wearing clothes and had a real name!
Many bots which I (after making sure they are not a human) report wear nice clothes and crown store outfits, have nice names and wear monster sets/proc sets (Skoria, Maw of Infernal, Defiler etc). I think those are either bought/hacked accounts, or maybe even people who think that it's ok to bot from time to time
Most are stolen accounts. When you are dumb enough to pay for lvling then you tend to lose your account. Gold is sent via mail or trade but lvling requires access to accounts. Its brutal but its ppls own fault.
Versispellis wrote: »@myskyrim26 Same. lol I remember collecting ALL the runes, just because they were so cute and glowy in the snow! And that was how enchanting became my first discipline.