Sorry in advance for essentially a letterbut I do feel passionate about this part of the game and its community and I feel compelled to try address the issues.
Sporvan while I agree 100% with the sentiment of your thread, I must admit I have grown tired of trying to reach out to ZOS and have them engage with the community.
I honestly think that housing is actually in decline rather than improving.
The recent DLC was a substantial blow for housing in my view. Offering so little new furniture and flat out ignoring all the feedback from the community has led to a frustration amongst community members which I fear will have knock on effects for housing.
I think what ZOS greatly overlook is the importance of this community for the long term viability for housing as a game system. Sure, the money comes from a very small few who buy so many of the crown only homes but there needs to be a healthy ecosystem of active community and content creators in order to create an interest in housing that encourages the larger spenders to part with their crowns.
This kind of monetization approach needs to have a careful balance of attention to BOTH sides of the ecosystem. My view is that at the moment, this balance is non-existent. ZOS appear (and I emphasise that part because I am told that they do listen and care) to have absolutely no interest in wanting to deliver a housing system that the community are asking for. At the moment, the sole focus of housing is just a series of overly aggressive cash grabs.
Now please don't misunderstand, I am not some socialist that wants everything for free and thinks that all consumerism and monetisation is evil... I really don't. I believe that healthy monetization is a vital part of ensuring that a system like housing receives the resources and attention it needs in order to develop and thrive. But what we currently have is unhealthy, unbalanced and long-term, damaging to what could be a really great part of this game.
The reason I believe this balance is broken is based on the fact that ZOS continue to ignore the community. You can argue that they listen but what use is listening if they never deliver on what they hear?! Every request appears to be met with ZERO response. I look at other parts of the game and I see devs commenting on Live streams and forums saying 'yeah we hear what you said so we are changing x'. But this never happens for housing. Yes, I am aware of that ONE, brief discussion of 3 housing issues last year on ESO Live but this was maybe 30secs and never addressed any of the issues in a meaningful way.
Meanwhile ZOS continue to push the monetization part of housing more and more aggressively. They release more and more crown only homes. The balance of gold purchasable vs crown only homes has been utterly abandoned. Yes they gave us the Hall of the Lunar Champion house and its areas for free this year but they tied the whole thing behind a single 700 item limit for all 4 sections.
The new furniture items they have released are being put behind increasing numbers of gates making them almost inaccessible to the average player. Why this is being done, I don't know. Maybe its to try add grind to the game to give people something to do or maybe its to push people to crown store. Both options I understand but neither, I believe are working because again, the balance is wrong and they have been over-aggressive in their approach.
In the last few months I have seen a number of prominent members of the community either leave or prepare to leave. This is not good and should not be ignored by ZOS. These people generate much of the inspiration that drives many others in the community to want to engage with housing as a part of the game. I also believe that the latest DLC was the final blow for many of them. Here again the balance for the community was just all wrong. So little new furnishings, huge crown only cash grabbing homes, no acknowledgement of feedback and not even a hint or suggestion that any improvement lies over the 2019 horizon.
I genuinely believe housing is in decline and would do anything to save it, but it all lies with ZOS! They need to urgently be seen to make some effort to address the issues that are poisoning the housing ecosystem. I don't need to suggest steps here, we all know the issues and I believe ZOS do to. What's needed now is not more poll's, suggestions and lists. Whats urgently needed is meaningful engagement. Otherwise I fear that housing will become nothing more than a novelty system. Its so disappointing because it has the potential to be so much more.
I'm going to tag @ZOS_RobGarrett here as he has overall responsibility for game systems including housing.
Rob, this is not a rant. I am involved in lots of housing guilds and spend so much time interacting with so many people in this community. If it were just my issues I wouldn't be concerned but I genuinely feel that the housing community is not in a good place at the moment and that housing as a system is very reliant on the that community. I ask you to please consider some action from ZOS to show a willingness to engage with the community in a meaningful way and give us some hope that things are going to improve. Otherwise you are asking people to invest a lot of time and money in a system that is not giving people a deserving return on their input.
Yours in hope,
Is it possible that Zenimax loses money on the housing portion of the game? After reading what @Zypheran had to say, it dawned on me that maybe we are overestimating our monetary contribution. Why else would we all feel so ignored?
musical instruments are all available and could have pushed our Elsweyr options into a new stratosphere. What a squandered opportunity.
Is it possible that Zenimax loses money on the housing portion of the game? After reading what @Zypheran had to say, it dawned on me that maybe we are overestimating our monetary contribution. Why else would we all feel so ignored?
Even if only 1% of players buy these houses, which is very conservative, that's 10,000 players x €$50 per house and they bring out about 4 of these per year.
Now ZOS say that they have 8million players, lets say that even only 1million are active across the 3 platforms. Even if only 1% of players buy these houses, which is very conservative, that's 10,000 players x €$50 per house and they bring out about 4 of these per year. And that's even before you count all the crown store furniture people buy to put into these houses. I would be surprised if the figure isn't double.
To put that in context you have to consider what each of these houses costs ZOS to make. Now I'm not a developer at ZOS and I don't know how much they get paid but given the fact that almost all of the houses are copy and paste and seem rushed, I would be very surprised if a these houses took more than 2-3weeks of time to do up. ...
To be honest I think the reason we are being apparently ignored is more to do with the fact that it really doesn't matter what the majority of people think about housing. As long as there is a small fraction of players who buy these houses, its very profitable.
But my point was that you need to have both groups to make the system work. If the 99% abandon the system out of frustration, then the 1% who finance it all, don't bother because they have nobody to impress with their purchases.
I think most buyers of these houses are subscribers, so no additional crown sells and no additional income for ZOS.
thesoundofwolf wrote: »As someone who is toe deep in housing, and just getting into it- I really appreciate this thread. i mostly just feel overwhelemed and exhausted by all the microtransaction aspect for all the 'cool stuff' thats in the crown or housing store tabs, meanwhile I'm putting mud balls and daedric thrones together to try to make a house with just gold.
I would venture to guess that housing does not make ZO$ the kind of money they hoped it would, so they have little interest in updating it. I feel the devs are passionate about it, but this game is not designed to be fun first, everything must pass the monetization approval.
Its sad, but this is what Bethesda/Zenimax has become. Look at what they are doing to Fallout 76. Most of what we hear from them is PR speak when it comes to what the customer wants.
I understand that companies are in business to make money, the difference between the video game industry and every other industry is that video game customers are easily taken advantage of because all of the products and services are digital. Right now it seems that zenimax is going for a cash grab, to make as much as possible from all their games. As long as the investors get their money, they could care less what happens to the company or the customers.
Its sad, but this is what Bethesda/Zenimax has become. Look at what they are doing to Fallout 76. Most of what we hear from them is PR speak when it comes to what the customer wants.
More than anything, I just want things to loot and harvest in my homes. I desperately want be more engaged in this content than simply decorating and moving on. It feels like such a waste of energy, and gold and crowns, when there is nothing to do in the home once it's finished.
I'd also like to see some way to incorporate features of things like Port to a Friends House.