Backpacks now appear looted, despite containing loot. Seen this at multiple locations / areas.
Only case I came across where this isn't happening was for a backpack containing stolen items.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »What zone are you in where you're seeing this?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Got it, thank you! We've figured out the issue and will work on getting it fixed.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Got it, thank you! We've figured out the issue and will work on getting it fixed.
katanagirl1 wrote: »I’m struggling to understand how backpacks can suddenly be broken.
Did someone, instead of implementing code reuse and calling the same standard code for backpacks (that is used for all other regions) when they write their code, reinvented the wheel and wrote their own new code for backpacks in southern Elsweyr only and messed it up?
Also, regression testing.
Sorry to sound harsh, but I’m completely baffled here.
lordrichter wrote: »
There can be a lot of reasons. As simple as it sounds for a backpack to be open when looted, but closed when it contains something, a lot of things come together for that to work right. If any of those things glitch, then the outcome would be that feature does not work properly.
Regression? You bet'cha. Given the relative stature of this issue, the real question is whether anyone was looking for it. Someone asked if this could have been detected on PTS, and the answer is yes, it probably could have been. That brings up the question of when this was introduced. If it was in 5.2.4, or earlier, how many thousands of players did not notice it? Maybe it was noticed, but not reported. It does not sound, from what Gina said, that it was reported but not prioritized for a fix before release.
katanagirl1 wrote: »
What I read above was that backpacks are not working correctly in souther Elsweyr and they appear to be working correctly everywhere else for me. Has anyone found a case where they are not working correctly in other areas? Or did the new dlc break backpacks in all areas?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
What zone are you in where you're seeing this?
This patch, they finally fixed the bug with the inventory animation of players without ESO+. This bug has been around for at least a couple of years, and the fixed animation uses a bag model with this flap turned back. So I think the bug in this thread is somehow related to the fix for that longstanding bug.
katanagirl1 wrote: »
When you say “this patch” are you referring to the Dragonhold patch that is currently only on PC/Mac?
That might explain why I am not seeing this on PS4.
I know you PC guys forget that not everyone is on the same page as you.
This is a thread describing something that started appearing this past Monday, when Update 24 went live, so while people are not explicitly stating that this is an Update 24 issue, it's implicit.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Got it, thank you! We've figured out the issue and will work on getting it fixed.