WreckfulAbandon wrote: »Don't worry, this will all be addressed next patch when damage is further nerfed and healing is buffed in some areas. Thanks for playing
I don't understand why people are complaining about this. Even if the time limit is hit you will probably get a winner. Its just like any sport. Sometimes it's a high scoring affair, other times the game might end 0-0.
I agree with you but I think ppl who complain use burst builds that cannot play in such games because they die even with the extra healing.
I don't understand why people are complaining about this. Even if the time limit is hit you will probably get a winner. Its just like any sport. Sometimes it's a high scoring affair, other times the game might end 0-0.
Running around fighting mini ballgroups in a large cluster of AoE and undodgable/range damage (add at least 4-5 Blackrose restoration staffs/game and 2,5 healers in each team) isn't my definition of fun. People rarely die because healing and "tankiness" is so insanely overtuned (you listed a few good reasons earlier in the thread), and I've been in DM'd where not a single team reaches above 100 points. The current state of battlegrounds (other game modes are starting to look similar as well) is just horrible
Small disclaimer:
Sure I duo queue most of the times and depending on what game mode I get I change build accordingly (due to achievement hunting), but the current state of thing are simple not enjoyable for me or the people I play with in majority of games.
I don't understand why people are complaining about this. Even if the time limit is hit you will probably get a winner. Its just like any sport. Sometimes it's a high scoring affair, other times the game might end 0-0.
2 teams fighting each other is bad pvp design. One team will just end up spawn camping the other team every match.
That's what MMR and Ranks are for...
Team vs Team and make it competitive. Nothing new, same system as any Moba out there...
2 teams will not work in ESO or at least it will not be fun. Everyone will build up tanky builds and just try to make a few team kills.
I agree with you but I think ppl who complain use burst builds that cannot play in such games because they die even with the extra healing.
I will never understand why people in this game, insist in going the opposite way of everything that is already tested and it's proved to be working through the years.
2 Teams has been the standard of competitive PvP for years... I repeat this is Nothing New... It's been like this forever.
Same argument happens in this game with the Global Auction House. Every damn MMO of the last 25 years had a global auction house. Why this one have to be the one trying to reinvent the wheel? And look, we still have a mess of a trading system.
Make it 2 teams, make is competitive with real Ranks and MMR, call it a day...
Love this game but I really wish it was develop from a traditional and more experienced company...
I don't understand why people are complaining about this. Even if the time limit is hit you will probably get a winner. Its just like any sport. Sometimes it's a high scoring affair, other times the game might end 0-0.
Actually it could be better because more ppl will use burst skills and will be able to kill players. Now ppl use dots and have a lot of damage but that damage is sustained and not bursted.
Problem is even right now when You apply DoTs plus keeping direct dmg burst pressure on enemy it's sometimes hard to kill anyone if there is healer around. That issue will be just bigger next update. ZoS made some adjustments to offensive power of healers by reducing the effectiveness of warden ult or templar puryfying light but those changes are like putting small patch on broken bone sticking from the body.
Running around fighting mini ballgroups in a large cluster of AoE and undodgable/range damage (add at least 4-5 Blackrose restoration staffs/game and 2,5 healers in each team) isn't my definition of fun. People rarely die because healing and "tankiness" is so insanely overtuned (you listed a few good reasons earlier in the thread), and I've been in DM'd where not a single team reaches above 100 points. The current state of battlegrounds (other game modes are starting to look similar as well) is just horrible
Small disclaimer:
Sure I duo queue most of the times and depending on what game mode I get I change build accordingly (due to achievement hunting), but the current state of thing are simple not enjoyable for me or the people I play with in majority of games.
People build tanky because damage is so high, that to build any other way requires a very difficult playstyle. In bgs specifically. Any player not running at least 1 defensive set in light or medium, is liable to be disintegrated.
For reference, my new stamplar, with brp DW, brass, can get deleted even with major protection and vigor up. Thats how high damage is.
Maybe the issue is your playstyle. 1.5 million damage should be enough damage to kill someone 30 times over so 5 deaths seems low.
Are you by chance spamming dots and expecting it to be able to kill people?
BRP DW isn’t the issue, he did a lot of damage so I doubt outgoing damage is the issue? If the issue was major protection he wouldn’t have done 1.5 million.
I guess you have no idea about the ESO combat. I will be curious if devs introduce 2 teams BGs and I will be looking forward to play them but if you think that now ppl complain about premade and extremely OP setups, then it will be three or four times worse.
My opinion is that the combat is not suited for 2 teams not that the model is not good.
More time alive=more damage done.
Oof, now you really explained it to me...
But why not just directly call me a noob instead of just insinuate it like this?
Dude, I'm not new to this game so pls before you decide to condescend to someone like this try to get some facts first.
I haven't based this post on 100 hours of playtime q-ing with people i've never heard of or played with. You can even read where you quoted me that i've mentioned really good and regular players on EU BG DM that I usually play with/against so I pretty much know how higher MMR bracket works in BGs and that's why I posted this in the first place, because I've seen many of those players, including me, complain about boring matches because of some imbalance in higher MMR brackets.
I'm not used to "oneshotting" people but I'm also not used to people being scared of engagements and instead hiding behind a wall of healers and heavy armours waiting for a time limit to hit so they can profit from a mere of 3 kills they manged to dish out. That is not what death-match is supposed to be. In any game.
- "squishy" builds work. they are not optimal, but all way of playing are viable somehow.
-mate, if this game was like all other game with team1 vs team2 pvp, 1global action house and so on this would just not be this game.
those things make the game different and very enjoyable.