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The root of all evil is the CP system. Remove it already and stop nerfing EVERYTHING else

  • mairwen85
    caperon wrote: »
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »
    Thicclady wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »

    let me guess, you low level who are not willing to put the work to get CP.


    Sure thing, 1320 CP are not enought.

    /people that speaks out of their ass

    1320 and you still don't understand the system and complain about grind? Hmmm...

    /people who think 1320 is an impressive number

    Yes, I don't complain for myself, I point how it slows new players in access content. How disconsiderate of me.

    Its not, its just a correction to wrong guesses:

    "let me guess, you low level who are not willing to put the work to get CP."

    But hey in my language we say "creique y penseque, los amigos de tonteque"

    Factoid: it doesnt slow players from accessing content. But very cool you're so considerate...

    Yes it does, not for Fungal Grotto, that is true.

    It takes no time to acquire CP. Content unlocks as you level as content increases in difficulty. Some would argue content is unlocked too soon by leveling rather than achievement. If anything, CP is not enough of a barrier to content as plenty of times you see people running dungeons or trials they are clearly not ready for.
    Edited by mairwen85 on September 26, 2019 6:58PM
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    caperon wrote: »
    What customization? Having 75 thaum, 56 elfborn, 56 elemental expert? Because its easy to maximize the CP bonus, there are addons for it even. If you mean PVP, allright you can keep CP for pvp as long i can keep playing in no cp pvp, where i dont get cancer.
    I think you have the right of it.

    I LOVE the CP system, in concept. But what I don't like is that it's tied to stat increases that you kind of need in order to be competitive.

    I'd like to see it reworked. Personally I think attribute, damage, resistance, and regen bonuses should be completely uncoupled from the CP system. If those increases HAVE to be in the game for balance purposes, then find a way to roll them into the regular attribute/weapon damage/skill increases/etc.

    I think where the CP system gets it right is with the unlock bonuses you get at 10, 30, 75, and 120 points. For the most part, these are mechanics that add something interesting and unique to a build. Don't get me wrong, right now these bonuses are pretty minor and don't add enough to make or break a build (with a few notable exceptions).

    That said, I'd like to see the ENTIRE CP system operate on this principle. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want it to promote endgame build diversity, as opposed to just being about the power creep.
  • React
    When people say sets are the problem but you're cp is giving you several times the offensive, defensive, and sustain values that any 5 PC set can provide....
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • SinXGreen
    SkerKro wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »
    Title: The root of all evil is me @caperon. Remove my forum acces already and only nerf ME, leave everyone else alone.

    I think we all can agree to this.

    I almost died just now lmfao
  • Jhalin
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    When people say sets are the problem but you're cp is giving you several times the offensive, defensive, and sustain values that any 5 PC set can provide....

    Compare the total benefits of cp501 pre-Morrowind to cp801 now. The differences are far from immense, and dps was hardly so high.

    Now look the the effect of introducing False God, Yolnahkriin, and Lokkestiiz on top of the Major Vulnerability buff.

    Those sets and that buff alone increased dps more than cp has provided from its launch cap of cp501 until now.
  • ZonasArch
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    When people say sets are the problem but you're cp is giving you several times the offensive, defensive, and sustain values that any 5 PC set can provide....

    The issue is power creep and power creep, as if the last few updates, came only from sets. How? Look at the newer sets compared to older ones... 2 or 3 years ago, julianos was meta. Today, it's at best a stop gap and that's it. Mother's sorrow, spinner's... Still usable right? But only on specific builds and only until you get your meta sets, be it in trial or PvP... Why? Because have you seeeen them?????

    If you can't tell that every single update brings a new set everyone wants...
  • Siohwenoeht
    caperon wrote: »
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »
    Thicclady wrote: »
    caperon wrote: »

    let me guess, you low level who are not willing to put the work to get CP.


    Sure thing, 1320 CP are not enought.

    /people that speaks out of their ass

    1320 and you still don't understand the system and complain about grind? Hmmm...

    /people who think 1320 is an impressive number

    Yes, I don't complain for myself, I point how it slows new players in access content. How disconsiderate of me.

    Its not, its just a correction to wrong guesses:

    "let me guess, you low level who are not willing to put the work to get CP."

    But hey in my language we say "creique y penseque, los amigos de tonteque"

    Factoid: it doesnt slow players from accessing content. But very cool you're so considerate...

    Yes it does, not for Fungal Grotto, that is true.

    I started soloing group content at cp160, solo'd almost all base dungeons by 500.

    Sets, not CP allowed me to do that (plus a little skill on my part😉). CP only gates players from content when other players are being elitest, excepting of course dlc dungeons but again, getting to cp300 takes no time at all.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • merevie
    CP allows players to try different play styles and roles for their characters.
    That's a vital function.

    Entitlement issues here.

    If you want CP go get it?

    I have an EU account (yeah, ikr...) which I have taken to pvp since it was 140. It needs a group. When without, I have to work hard on my skills to win. That's good.
    Edited by merevie on September 26, 2019 7:05PM
  • GallantGuardian
    caperon wrote: »
    I LOVE the CP system, in concept. But what I don't like is that it's tied to stat increases that you kind of need in order to be competitive..

    Stay competitive ? You must be talking about pvp... this is a far less problem in pve people aren’t really competing with each other there

    If you don’t want pvp to have cp for competitive reasons

    Zos gave the option to go to no cp servers
  • Iccotak
    Good thing ZOS are going over the CP system before it gets out of hand
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