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Pets that give Inventory Slots - Would you buy?

A new pet now in PTS will give 5 Inventory slots when unlocked in Collections.

OOPS that options should be "Yes -- but I have limits to how many I'd buy if they keep pumping them out"
Edited by Dusk_Coven on September 18, 2019 4:59AM

Pets that give Inventory Slots - Would you buy? 153 votes

"Gotta collect them all" - I get all pets regardless
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOdcam86b14_ESOheavenelvashaielzafined3adpain 5 votes
Every one as long as they do something useful, like Inventory Slots
jristaub17_ESOBluepitbull13SirGabenOfSteamiakylewwefanMyNameIsEliasFischblutGiantFruitFlyMarcoPolo184Pirateassassin3CatagamiDosuultodoketeOzby 13 votes
Depends on cost (state how much in Crowns)
vailjohn_ESOPhilhypeninibiniAimoraVDoom1Recremenparpinpod88kkmandricusfireraptureTommy_The_GunIrfindjazsper77ToniWinterShawn_PTAVaelhamSleepyMuggsMrCHotdog_23StormChaser3000 29 votes
Refusing to buy out of principle (state the principle you are adhering to)
ThorntongueChivanaRunkorkoBloodystabNyghthowlerLucyferLightbringerCorpierVaohAdzer2hexnoticMyrnhielJhalinSpiderKnightPureEnvelope35A_SilveriusblkjagSydneyGreySshadowSscaleRANKK7blnchk 35 votes
Just one, but I have limits if they keep pumping them out
Bobby_V_RockitmsettenLasinagolWildRaptorX 4 votes
Something Else
Casterialcalitrumanb14_ESODaveMoeDeerotaugen454DominoidNirntrotterBeolundIruil_ESOKnootewootLauranaeGlurinDarkhorse1975kimaerilLinaleahStreegadeviousthevileJenziCaffeinatedMayhemkargen27Robo_Hobo 67 votes
  • Jayroo
    Something Else
    No, I have ESO+ so 5 slots is literally meaningless.
    Maybe the B2P scrubs will clamor for it.

    Jokes :D
  • JamieAubrey
    2000 crowns for 5 extra slots ? #NoThankYou

    And the 2000 will be the final price ( I'm guessing )
  • Dusk_Coven
    I think they are boxing themselves too early in a corner here with the per-toon Inventory.
    IF (big if) they increase the number of alts allowed, that would also increase the inventory... 5 is not much NOW, but if they keep adding pets that do it...
  • LeHarrt91
    Something Else
    5 slots is not enough for me to care.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • LoreToo
    Depends on cost (state how much in Crowns)
    Yes, if it will drop from Crown Boxes
  • BomblePants
    Something Else
    Five slots is a little small and I have eso plus anyways .... however good idea, I really like the idea that pets would have a use.

    As cute as pets are and I do collect some of them I rarely use them as I find them annoying..... and useless.....
  • StormeReigns
    Something Else
    Maybe, sure, yeah probably. If it didn't look terrible, overly cluttered and so compacted that the design and concept aesthetics didn't appear all mushed and mashed.

    The current one (Pack Pig) while so many people are crying that it is P2W. ACTUALLY screams in reality, "Christ, this is a crap design, no one will pay for it out right... add some random feature to it so we can at least turn a profit for this."
  • UrbanMonk
    Something Else
    I've 4 slaves with 200 inventory slots and a personal guild bank with 500, carrying my Extra stuff for me and ESO+. 5 slots..meh. if it was 20 + for all toons then yeah I might consider it but only if the price did not exceed 1k crowns, which I'd happily buy for 300k or so gold in game.
    Apart from that IMO it is a bad precedent in motion by ZO$ pushing more micro transactions in the game compared to how many QoL improvements we get + the way they have been destroying the game last couple of patches.
    Couple of weeks ago I did my last Crown buy at least for a while till this critstorm is over and game performance improves.
    Edited by UrbanMonk on September 18, 2019 5:25AM

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    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • Jhalin
    Refusing to buy out of principle (state the principle you are adhering to)
    It is P2W even by the most absurd, restrictive definition of the term

    It’s disgusting
  • VDoom1
    Depends on cost (state how much in Crowns)
    Seen it, a fierce looking boar! But now it feels like inventory space is gonna be hiding behind crowns, a little anyways. So will I get it...nah, really depends.

    Also it depends on if you have to keep that pet up all the time for the inventory space to go up. If that's the case...nope. I don't want to be forced to run around with one pet forever for a slightly larger inventory. It could be like mounts instead, once the stamina upgrade is at max it applies on all mounts (per character).
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    PC - EU
  • bmnoble
    Something Else
    Depends on the cost and utility they provide.

    If its a small amount of crowns I will just use gold to get someone to gift me the new pets or my sub crowns.

    If its a large amount of crowns I won't bother with them, since I don't really need a few extra inventory spots that badly.
  • MojaveHeld
    Something Else
    Given the utter disdain and lack of respect ZOS just showed for their own playerbase with the latest proposed changes, nobody should be buying anything from the crown store until they get their act together. When a developer is that rude to their own players, hitting them in the wallet where it counts is often necessary for them to learn some humility and behave reasonably.
  • Hapexamendios
    Not interested.
  • Uryel
    Depends on cost (state how much in Crowns)
    The pet looks interesting. It's not yet another reskin of something else, so there's that. But the crown store is generally overpriced. Anything that has even remotely some use ends up costing way too much. Best exemple of that are the outfit slots, which cost 1500 crowns each, and that's for a character unlock, not an account unlock. That price would be mighty fine for an account unlock, but for a per character thing, it's armed robbery.

    Pets tend to be somewhat epensive considering their total lack of use. Up to 1000 crown for entirely cosmetic pets.... So I'm guessing this one, which provides some utility and isn't a reskin, will be 2000 crowns or more. At that price, I'm not buying.
    Edited by Uryel on September 18, 2019 6:04AM
  • Michae
    Something Else
    Thanks, but no thanks. The game's monetized enough already and this would easily fall under pay to win. On the other hand, if they just changed that to that if you have any pet slotted you get bonus space it could be alright. Still, 5 space is not worth the trouble.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • Uryel
    Depends on cost (state how much in Crowns)
    MojaveHeld wrote: »
    Given the utter disdain and lack of respect ZOS just showed for their own playerbase with the latest proposed changes, nobody should be buying anything from the crown store until they get their act together. When a developer is that rude to their own players, hitting them in the wallet where it counts is often necessary for them to learn some humility and behave reasonably.

    Yeah, they really should bring back the stealth the Bosmers used to have. Or the good old "path of darkness" that did both damage and heal. But hey, that's what you get when PvP whiners keep whining and the lead combat designer is the former PvP lead. Also, that's another matter so I'm not derailing this thread and will just go.
  • Banana
    Something Else
    No. Pets suck.
  • oddbasket
    Something Else
    Have no issues with inventory space, if they added bank space however...
  • Darkhorse1975
    Something Else
    I would really enjoy them if they could be earned playing the game. I will probably buy them with gold if available through gifting through the crown store. If in the store, I am of the opinion that they fit the Pay To Loose catagory because now I'm just going to store MORE stuff!
    Master Craftsman!
  • Knootewoot
    Something Else

    First of all, i haven't even maxed out with bags or bank storage. So if i really need extra slots i would do that first and it already gives away i don't have space issues.

    Second. 2k crowns is around 15 euro? For 15 euro i can buy a full game during a sale. I rather do that then to rent 5 inventory during the lifetime of the game.

    I do not find it P2W also, because you don't win anything by it.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Araneae6537
    Something Else
    No, I prefer to collect pets and pair them with characters based on what fits them, if they have a pet follow them at all. In any case, I wouldn’t wish to choose them for a pedestrian reason.

    I haven’t maxed out my other inventory options yet anyway, although at the rate I’m going... :o
    Edited by Araneae6537 on September 18, 2019 6:26AM
  • SeaGtGruff
    Something Else
    From the other thread, it doesn't need to be bought, it can be obtained via quest, so it sounds pretty good to me! Especially if it adds 5 more slots to each of your characters.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • blnchk
    Refusing to buy out of principle (state the principle you are adhering to)
    Said principle being that cosmetic pets must stay cosmetic. Anything else is a slippery, slippery slope. I do not want to p(l)ay BDO 2.0.
  • Dusk_Coven
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    From the other thread, it doesn't need to be bought, it can be obtained via quest, so it sounds pretty good to me! Especially if it adds 5 more slots to each of your characters.

    An early post in that thread said they found it in the Crown Store. So it could be the start of a product lineup.
  • TelvanniWizard
    Something Else
    It´s ugly.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Something Else
    I won't buy, simply because I don't need any more bag space. Only one of my 18 toons has a maximum 200 space bag, and none of them are full up.
    PC EU
  • barney2525
    Another Fake Poll.

    I don't get it.

    Why is it so hard to put the option " No " on a poll? Do they really think that everyone MUST agree with their initial premise?

    No. I would not buy for inventory slots. I am not a hoarder. Got plenty of slots between 2x bank, extra capacity slots, and chests

  • Fischblut
    Every one as long as they do something useful, like Inventory Slots
    Yes, but I think it will depend on the price. For 5000 crowns, for example, I would buy this pet only if it would be the very last thing in the store :D

    I bought all character slots with my own crowns simply to have mules with all the inventory space. For 9000 crowns I got 1200 spaces (200 x 6 characters). The pet which will give me 90 spaces (5 x 18 characters) should cost ~692 crowns to be fair-priced :)
    Also it depends on if you have to keep that pet up all the time for the inventory space to go up.

    Luckily, no :smiley: The boar pet also looks very cool... But no other pet can beat Sep Adder in cuteness for me <3

  • redlink1979
    Something Else
    No. I'm sure the price will be ridiculous for just 5 slots.
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  • Beolund
    Something Else
    For around 350 Crowns, Yes. Otherwise No. 2k Crowns fo 5 Inventory Slots is a Joke.

    PC/EU CP1300+
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