Haha brilliant! And spot on.
OP didn't even state he was in a faction locked campaign is the best part. What id give for this to have been on 7 day CP lol
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »Unfortunately, the forum rule against naming-and-shaming exists.
Last night, a small group of us (4) hopped on our Nightblades with the intent of harassing the enemy, getting a feel for the new patch, and introducing a new player to Cyrodiil. We were having fun going against a group of very competent AD players of about equal numbers, until someone from our alliance showed up and started leading the ADs to us while we were in stealth.
I get that "all's fair" in warfare, but IRL the guy would have been hanged/shot for treason if he weren't fragged in the field.
That got me thinking that maybe Cyrodiil should be changed so that standard stealth rules also apply to members of your own alliance that are not in your group. It would be a relatively simple way to stop this type of cheating without the need to report players for doing it.
Lol @ all the most vocal anti faction lock lobbyists. Congrats. You found a thread that proves that it didn’t stop ALL cross faction shenanigans, even though we all knew it wouldn’t. It’s good to have a hobby. 😂
Haha brilliant! And spot on.
OP didn't even state he was in a faction locked campaign is the best part. What id give for this to have been on 7 day CP lol
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »That got me thinking that maybe Cyrodiil should be changed so that standard stealth rules also apply to members of your own alliance that are not in your group. It would be a relatively simple way to stop this type of cheating without the need to report players for doing it.
As you see.. they just brag or use your topic to push the no-lock agenda.
However, i would go one step further. In PvE and PvP stealth should be stealth to everyone. Either they are in your group, then you can read their text or, if you use it, can hear the voice. Otherwise noone is able to see you. Not in Cyrodiil and not in a simple solo delve.
There is a reason why detection exits. And detection should be the only counter to stealth.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Yes! Because IRL when two soldiers sneak together, they can't see eachother!
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »Maybe don't play with the explicit intent of harassment.
Some people who play this game actually have a little bit of sportsmanship. The players on other factions aren't actually your enemy, they are just regular people playing on a different team.
Even to make a parallel about shooting or hanging someone... just because they interrupted your trolling/griefing session?
I´d rat you out aswell.
Go pvelands if you want to harass something. Other people are trying to have fun in the game. Trying to make another person not have fun in a game on purpose is probably the most despicable a player can do.
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »Faction loyalty is for roleplayers, free pvp.
Lol @ all the most vocal anti faction lock lobbyists. Congrats. You found a thread that proves that it didn’t stop ALL cross faction shenanigans, even though we all knew it wouldn’t. It’s good to have a hobby. 😂
Yes, it's impossible for people to communicate outside the voice channel for group....
2 accounts?
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Impossible. Faction locks ended all trolling.