GimpyPorcupine wrote: »Unfortunately, the forum rule against naming-and-shaming exists.
Last night, a small group of us (4) hopped on our Nightblades with the intent of harassing the enemy, getting a feel for the new patch, and introducing a new player to Cyrodiil. We were having fun going against a group of very competent AD players of about equal numbers, until someone from our alliance showed up and started leading the ADs to us while we were in stealth.
I get that "all's fair" in warfare, but IRL the guy would have been hanged/shot for treason if he weren't fragged in the field.
That got me thinking that maybe Cyrodiil should be changed so that standard stealth rules also apply to members of your own alliance that are not in your group. It would be a relatively simple way to stop this type of cheating without the need to report players for doing it.
dtsharples wrote: »There's always some gimp who feels the need to suck off the other faction to get brown-nose points
KingExecration wrote: »I’m always grateful when another faction guildie GIMP points me in the directions of a hiding weenie. I for one don’t feel like walking keep to keep being stuck in combat. I’d rather ride my reskinned mount but to each their own ig.
dtsharples wrote: »
Don't forget to give that gimp a lil treat, maybe slip him a sausage
If you need to rely on subterfuge to survive in cyrodiil you should probably stick to pve.
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »Unfortunately, the forum rule against naming-and-shaming exists.
Last night, a small group of us (4) hopped on our Nightblades with the intent of harassing the enemy, getting a feel for the new patch, and introducing a new player to Cyrodiil. We were having fun going against a group of very competent AD players of about equal numbers, until someone from our alliance showed up and started leading the ADs to us while we were in stealth.
I get that "all's fair" in warfare, but IRL the guy would have been hanged/shot for treason if he weren't fragged in the field.
That got me thinking that maybe Cyrodiil should be changed so that standard stealth rules also apply to members of your own alliance that are not in your group. It would be a relatively simple way to stop this type of cheating without the need to report players for doing it.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Impossible. Faction locks ended all trolling.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Impossible. Faction locks ended all trolling.
LOLthis story is a fantasy, faction lock stops these shananigans.
Yeah no way this happens anymore with faction lock. I’m going to call BS.
InvictusApollo wrote: »Spies? In a faction locked campaign? No! That's impossible.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »Absurd this isn’t even possible with faction locks. Now we are all jolly good fellows who sit around camp fires and exchange war stories.
What do you mean there are spies?
FACTION LOCK fixed it all
Lol @ all the most vocal anti faction lock lobbyists. Congrats. You found a thread that proves that it didn’t stop ALL cross faction shenanigans, even though we all knew it wouldn’t. It’s good to have a hobby. 😂
Lol @ all the most vocal anti faction lock lobbyists. Congrats. You found a thread that proves that it didn’t stop ALL cross faction shenanigans, even though we all knew it wouldn’t. It’s good to have a hobby. 😂