Nope, you don't get it.This makes so little sense as those impacted most by faction locks are those who play in Cyrodiil. Logic wins out on this one.
Nope, you don't get it.
Of course locks don't affect BGs, that's a given.
But before locks, the problem was that certain players would play Cyrodiil like it's a battleground map.
They didn't give a rat's behind about the objectives or factions, in fact they swapped factions on a daily basis as they saw fit.
Some would switch to the losing side for better fights - but at least as many, if not more, would switch to the winning side for easy gratification, and/or for trolling.
Cyrodiil is an alliance war zone, so being able to switch factions on the fly made absolutely 0 sense.
Of course ZOS still failed to provide viable options for players who have characters in more than 1 alliance. This is not in question, and it's an implementation failure on ZOS' part.
On the bright side, the faction lock system is still being worked on to some extent - as evidenced by the Scalebreaker changes - so maybe that issue will be addressed eventually.
The decline has been going on for years, which you have argued against saying it's just because of faction lock and now your saying otherwise.
MaximillianDiE wrote: »I literally haven't logged in for almost a year now due to the ridiculously bad performance issues/lag/terrible balance . I played from closed beta until then and most of my friends from those 4 years have quit for the same reason well before any faction lock came into play. The fact that I only recognise a handful of names in this thread from a year ago says a huge amount about how many people have quit without saying anything. Doesn't give me any urge to log in again to an empty friends list and dead guilds.
Decline ramped up hardcare since faction locks. Nowadays not uncommon to see 30cp at zero bars across all 3 factions on XNA. It was vanishingly rare as little as 3 months ago.
When is it “not uncommon”? I’m truly curious.
I typically play after work from 5-11pm central US during the week and any time on the weekends. We are usually pop-locked the entire time I’m on during the week, and by mid-day on the weekend... I have no idea what time the populations actually ramp up, or fall off since I’m working or sleeping at those times.
You say 100%, but the reason I took a break was because of performance mostly, and secondly because balance has totally gone down the crapper more than usual.
Faction locks had nothing to do with it.
Ash_In_My_Sujamma wrote: »
So what I read from this is that One Tamriel was their biggest player gain, after that ups and downs.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »The really disgusting part is all people like me who have poured dozens or hundreds of hours into Cyrodiil characters on a second or third faction. That time is just down the drain. ZOS might as well have deleted half our accounts without as much as an explanation or apology, let alone compensation. Really despicable from a customer service perspective.
All because some people complained on the forums.
This.lordrichter wrote: »Faction locks don't matter as much when it's not fun to play the game because of lag and disconnects.
Can't follow hammer in primetime, constantly get "stuck on textures" and killed while unable to move or do anything else. Or get lagged out and disconnected.
Can't port to keep/outpost under attack by a sizable zerg (while it's still yet possible to port to it) -> instant disconnect.
Can't even be in a group, because that causes me to get randomly lagged out and disconnected even in areas where there are very few players around - or sometimes even when I leave Cyrodiil for any reason without leaving group first.
lordrichter wrote: »
I think people get that you don't like faction locks, and that is what you see as a reason for leaving, but seriously, performance has gotten worse; if not actually, then in perception. Faction locks don't matter as much when it's not fun to play the game because of lag and disconnects.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »
Performance is not worse and not getting worse. It's very bad and it's been very bad for years.
If anything, the declining populations have slightly improved performance.
Anyone citing performance is just trying to cover for factions locks killing Cyrodiil because they don't want to admit it. If it were the performance, population would have died off two or three years ago.
Hexquisite wrote: »I am one of the last left in my main PvP guild, as well as my F List is empty. The performance is horrid. And the Health Desyncs are crazy. I could deal with a lot, but the health desync is so discouraging.
Nope, you don't get it.
Of course locks don't affect BGs, that's a given.
But before locks, the problem was that certain players would play Cyrodiil like it's a battleground map.
They didn't give a rat's behind about the objectives or factions, in fact they swapped factions on a daily basis as they saw fit.
Some would switch to the losing side for better fights - but at least as many, if not more, would switch to the winning side for easy gratification, and/or for trolling.
Cyrodiil is an alliance war zone, so being able to switch factions on the fly made absolutely 0 sense.
Of course ZOS still failed to provide viable options for players who have characters in more than 1 alliance. This is not in question, and it's an implementation failure on ZOS' part.
On the bright side, the faction lock system is still being worked on to some extent - as evidenced by the Scalebreaker changes - so maybe that issue will be addressed eventually.
Cernunnos55 wrote: »A lot of things are getting pretty tiresome in this game, and many of these things massively outclass faction lock. The performance, as people are relentlessly mentioning, is the main contributing factor to people leaving PvP, or indeed the game altogether. I am tired of being a full health and not even knowing I’m being hit until I’m dead due to lag, or disconnecting, crashing to desktop, generally hating life. It’s difficult to stay committed to and support a game that does not adhere to any kind of mutual ethical contract of supply.
I openly cite performance as the primary issue AND I admit to be a 100% supporter of faction lock. It is not a bad thing at all. I still believe pop decline is folk having had enough of performance.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »
Performance has always been bad. If the performance was a turn-off for you, you would never have started playing in the first place. It's not like it was something you didn't know about until you already had a big time investment. Performance has been totally horrible for years, including health desynchs, disconnects, and everything else. Anyone who has been in Cyrodiil around primetime even one time in the past 3-4 years would immediately know performance sucks. And if it were a dealbreaker, they'd be done with it then and there.
It's the faction locks.
If performance were going to make people quit, they would have never started playing in the first place.
What is "right" or "wrong" in terms of how the game is to be played, is for the developers (ZOS) to decide.Where you are right is they have a different interest in playing Cyrociil and it is not wrong.