Why? Because you don't agree with it? I don't agree with your advice.
Crafting is great for people that enjoy boring and repetitive tasks.
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »WoW so many bad advices for s 5 pts list.
2. Pick all the loots, its free money
4. Crafting is probably the most profitable activity you can do in game for the least amonth of time spent. Even if you dont sell anything that you craft.
Just the decreased amonth of plating required to upgrade your gear will make you save millions in the long run.
MaleAmazon wrote: »Why? Because you don't agree with it? I don't agree with your advice.
You start a thread to give out 'useful tips' and you put in a really *un*useful, if not directly wrong, tip.Crafting is great for people that enjoy boring and repetitive tasks.
Crafting with addon literally takes one click at the crafting station. While I can listen to the radio, eat breakfast, whatever. Daily writs give gold and XP, as well as useful items like recipes so you can craft your own blue / purple food, which is really useful for questing (or would be if questing was harder).
And I would imagine sitting in zone chat typing "someone pls craft me Hunding´s gear", as well as grinding for item traits since you didn´t research them for transmute, are far more boring and repetitive tasks.
And one 'useful tip' would be to get ESO for PC rather than console, since PC gets better performance (judging by the threads from console people), you can alttab to useful sites like UESP, you get content before consoles, and you can work around some of the more egregious UI problems with addons.
SocialAssassin wrote: »You try and be helpful. And all you do is get criticized for it. Let's be honest here, you don't like what I said about crafting. I don't like crafting and I never will. You know why? Because it's designed to pad out the game. How many of you actually do quests? Finish the main storyline? I am willing a lot of you haven't even played the main game? Because of your way too busy crafting. Crafting absolutely nothing to with the main game. It doesn't affect quests and how much gold you get. When completing that quest. It doesn't affect the overall story of the game. It's not like an NPC is going to say to you "Cool Sword" here is some extra gold. Or here is some extra XP. It's busywork, boring and basically a job!
SocialAssassin wrote: »I disagree somewhat with that list.
1. Join a guild. Trusting Google to teach you the game is Russian Roulette. There is a lot of outdated information out there, dead fan sites. No source is perfect though.
2. Put gold into bank space. then loot everything to gain more gold. Rinse and repeat. My focus when I started this game was expand bag and bank space. I did not repair or buy gear. I just used dropped gear.
3. Yes, Daily rewards are good.
4. Crafting is a must if you want to be half serious. Those that do not care about the quality of their gear or what trait their gear is can ignore crafting. Granted, it is easy to ask someone to craft gear for you, but they cannot upgrade the gear or change the trait. Even if Zos starts selling maxed out crafting lines you still need them maxed on one character to start with so OPs comments on the subject are careless.
5. OP is generally correct on this point.
Two points OP is correct on. Two other points seem to be on the extreme side of casual. My comments are based on my experience when this game launched and in some cases all of this was harder. I would suggest following my comments on the first, second and forth points rather than OP's.
But again, join an active social guild. You will find help getting started and figuring things out. In the end you need to do some research on your own and decide what is best for you.
As for what @drkfrontiers says, mage guild books do count towards leveling that guild line even before you enter the guild. This has been tested and known from when the game launched. I am pretty sure this has not changed. Drk, may be able to explain it change since the game launched, idk.
Fighters guild on the other hand does not start counting kills of undead and daedra until you enter the guild.
Edit: links explaining you do get mage guild book credit even before joining the guild.
What if you don't want to join a guild? And again I have learned how to craft runes properly because of the information I have read. If you had read what I initially said. It's all about opinions. In my experiance yes, most guilds are helpful to a point. And I said don't loot everything in the beginning, because you simply don't have the bank space in the beginning. And if you have multiple toons? That bank space will fill up fast. I figured this game out my own. And no one taught me anything. This is a video game and not rocket science. And yes you can ask someone to craft your gear for you? But chances are they want something in return to do so.
"My comments are based on my experience when this game launched and in some cases, all of this was harder."
Then feel free to write your own post then. Don't be telling people that they shouldn't follow my advice. Because some people do agree with me.
In the future keep your "opinions" about me? To yourself.
" Even if Zos starts selling maxed out crafting lines you still need them maxed on one character to start with so OPs comments on the subject are careless. "
I did say you would have to unlock aka max it out first on one of your characters first.
SocialAssassin wrote: »Hallothiel wrote: »SocialAssassin wrote: »Berserkerkitten wrote: »Oh hey, crafting lets you create and upgrade tons of gear and entire sets, so yeah, let's definitely not focus on that.
Yes but you have to either buy or find the skill books to do so. And you have to collect the resources to do so. And everyone in the game wants those resources. Especially when most players have multiple characters. And high-level characters to boot. And that takes additional resources.
You dont need skill books to craft.
Are you thinking of motifs? Thats cosmetic.
Hundings & Julianos are still pretty ok sets for stam/mag respectively so useful to be able to craft them.
And collecting resources needed is not hard. Especially if do crafting writs. 😉
Sorry I was thinking of Motifs. And when it comes to crafting, sure as long as you enjoy doing boring and repetitive tasks. I would be rather playing the actual game. Instead of running arround and gathering a resource. And what about the people that use bots to farm those resources. And those players that will deliberately run and steal those resources. Before your able to do so?
wishlist14 wrote: »sub seriously eso plus will be your bff. I endured a world of frustration until i got eso plus a few weeks into the game...5 plus yrs ago 😆I recommend it purely for the endless crafting mats storage bag
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »wishlist14 wrote: »sub seriously eso plus will be your bff. I endured a world of frustration until i got eso plus a few weeks into the game...5 plus yrs ago 😆I recommend it purely for the endless crafting mats storage bag
LoL. The craftbag didn't exist 5 years ago at all. And 5 years ago, subbing was mandatory, not optional.
Advising new players to sub isn't good advice at all.
First, because you don't have real inventory issues or needs until you start farming item sets - so not an issue for beginners. Second, because it's advisable to start playing the stories in their correct order, which means : no need for DLC access.
Third, because it implies that the game is unplayable without a sub, which is false and could turn new players away from ESO.
I sub myself because of the craftbag, but I don't think it is as useful for new players as it is for me.
wishlist14 wrote: »That is your personal experience not mine. I'm not afraid to point new players to eso plus. The days of 'free gaming 'are long gone. Someone has to pay so zenimax employers can keep their jobs. I'm entitled to my opinion. New players are adults that can make up their own minds about what they deem to be useful to them.
Have a lovely day 😆 Also big deal I made a human error time wise...i still remember getting it early on when it first came out annd it changed my game. Again, my personal opinion not yours.
What helped me immensely in the beginning was Dottz's Complete Beginners Guide. Below is his latest.
(Instead of watching the entire 3 hours, he also has time stamps in the video's description.)
Elder Scrolls Online Complete Beginner Guide (Elsweyr Patch):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYcfm1Na5so
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »wishlist14 wrote: »sub seriously eso plus will be your bff. I endured a world of frustration until i got eso plus a few weeks into the game...5 plus yrs ago 😆I recommend it purely for the endless crafting mats storage bag
LoL. The craftbag didn't exist 5 years ago at all. And 5 years ago, subbing was mandatory, not optional.
Advising new players to sub isn't good advice at all.
First, because you don't have real inventory issues or needs until you start farming item sets - so not an issue for beginners. Second, because it's advisable to start playing the stories in their correct order, which means : no need for DLC access.
Third, because it implies that the game is unplayable without a sub, which is false and could turn new players away from ESO.
I sub myself because of the craftbag, but I don't think it is as useful for new players as it is for me.
barney2525 wrote: »The only way a new player would not have inventory issues would be if they were Not picking up resources from nodes, New players will be picking up everything, because they Should, and that short bag will become a huge source of frustration.
Playing the stories in order is good, but playing the main quest line when You have decided you are prepared for it is Better. Starting with one of the newer tutorials, IMHO, is much better than the old 'You begin stranded in the Wailing Prison' having no clue about anything - in character or out of character.
A suggestion does Not imply a resulting Absolute. Suggesting that they sub does Not imply that the game is Unplayable. It Does imply that the game may be more Frustrating than if one had a sub. Which is true. But the leap to 'Unplayable' makes no sense.