vamp_emily wrote: »I don't think DCs biggest problem is "zergs and the hammer".
DC's biggest problem is that the players are OP ( in a bad way ). If AD nightcaps/winning then DC goes primary for EP. If EP is winning DC goes primary for AD. I just don't understand, DC helps the winning alliance get more points by not putting pressure on them.
This reminds me of the current DC alliance in Kaal/NA/PC.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
AD been 3-barred to poplocked every night in oceanic, which isn't 10pm EST, usually oceanic is considered 12-1am EST and onwards.
Funny how an oceanic player comes on and points out an issue about oceanic faction imbalances and AD players start going at her/him like they don't play oceanic or something.
There has been a huge top in balance in faction numbers for a very long time in Oceanic, it's not a new issue, just being denied regardless of any evidence and the constant differences in faction pops every night.
idk wrote: »
In the early days of this game when we pop locked two campaigns every evening we had some good strategy. Most of those people have long left this game behind and the strategy (if I can call it that) is so simplistic that it is sad. Unless we get leaders that think like they used to I see no hope for Cyrodiil becoming interesting like it used to be.
Lol. Are you what is called "fake news"? While tis true that AD has an overwhelming Oceanic presence now. It hasn't always been the case. But you sound real salty. The animosity you harbor towards AD is understandable if you've been beaten one too many times. But it really makes it hard to take you seriously.
Anyways, I've mentioned in a couple of threads now. DC will have a few more hopping over to you next campaign. So hopefully DC will at least welcome a few more players and AD will find more challenging things to do.
Salty? I wouldn't be taljing big on the forums if I were in a 24 man that got farmed by 5 EP every night pre-lock. But yeah, fake news. Just like your guild isn't a PvDoor one that logs the moment you all get wiped. Oh wait...
Bring it. We’ll be on DC soon enough.
I don't think you realize this: you and your guild are non-factors. It's not amazing to anyone to see a guild PvDoor the map all the time, except maybe to you and your guild. Your guild is a meme at this point, but like I said, keep pretending that is not the case on the forums. It will be funny to see what you do next patch. Maybe it will be time for your guild to take a "break" again
Rofl. I love the salt. But I don’t know whether to laugh at you or pity you. See you on the battlefield.
You won't because every time you have your guild got wiped or "strategically retreated," so...
Except it has just become much more interesting (PC EU Kaalgrontiid) as AD are playing 3rd fiddle to DC and EP for the 2nd month running.
(For those not in the loop on PC NA, AD have been winning pretty much every campaign every month for years by huge margins until recently.)
Time will tell if this becomes the new trend of course but for now the new approach with better strategic game-play to counter the years of night-cap driven campaign wins is making for an overall healthier and more rewarding pvp experience.
Well if an Alchuri is going to dc then you know at least 60 others are going also. Alchuris do not travel alone.
idk wrote:
The period you mention becoming more interesting is the period that happens to be the return of faction locks.
The lack of faction locks helps create balance. Yes, there were some issues with scroll swiping and such that Zos could have fixed but instead took the lazy way out but did not fix the real issue.
So you have what you have, but none of this has anything to do with the misplaced notion of night capping.
dtsharples wrote: »I feel sorry for those Oceanic players who never get to see what ESO Cyro is really about.
Primetime is a blast! it's laggy as hell but fuuk you get to play guild v guild and its fun.
Stacking onto one faction in oceanic time doesn't even give you the slightest sense of what it's like.
I'm feeling that you miss out on so much. It would be better if your spread out a little.
dtsharples wrote: »I feel sorry for those Oceanic players who never get to see what ESO Cyro is really about.
Primetime is a blast! it's laggy as hell but fuuk you get to play guild v guild and its fun.
Stacking onto one faction in oceanic time doesn't even give you the slightest sense of what it's like.
I'm feeling that you miss out on so much. It would be better if your spread out a little.
dtsharples wrote: »I feel sorry for those Oceanic players who never get to see what ESO Cyro is really about.
Primetime is a blast! it's laggy as hell but fuuk you get to play guild v guild and its fun.
Stacking onto one faction in oceanic time doesn't even give you the slightest sense of what it's like.
I'm feeling that you miss out on so much. It would be better if your spread out a little.
And yes, some of those losers championed faction lock on this very forum because they hated when others in their own faction swapped to EP & DC and kept score balanced or stopped them from stealing scrolls and getting super ticks.
Point of order.. If you play PC NA in Kaal and all 3 factions aren't pop locked, it's not primetime. Also, if you're fighting guards to take keeps then it's not PvP.
Point of order.. If you play PC NA in Kaal and all 3 factions aren't pop locked, it's not primetime. Also, if you're fighting guards to take keeps then it's not PvP.