biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »Why would I want to play EP during the "night" on NA PC Kaal. When the majority of their players would rather take Nikel or camp Cropsford than defend Arrius?
No wonder people log off.
Hardly a "myth".
The crux of the problem is that during the North American night capping, that player base is unwilling to self-balance the population. This occurred prior to the recent campaign locks and the locks exacerbate the problem by tying their hands.
From the oceanic player's viewpoint, there is no 'night capping' since the server population is large enough and, relatively, equally distributed during those hours to check against long periods of one faction "running the map" and holding it. Therefore, no regular and predictable massive score movements.
So, unless the players self correct the issue (which they have proven they will not and recently can't due to campaign locks) then you're left with a relatively meaningless scoring system as it's currently structured since the majority of players have to deal with wild swings in the score nightly (during which the vast minority are online) that reflect little-to-no reality of the majority's actions.
(((Myth Busted)))
"The only thing we can do is keep making threads like these and maybe one day they might notice and do something about it."
That's pretty ironic coming from you sacred. Has your group maybe tried not to just pvdoor the entire night with a 3 bar pop vs the lower ep and dc pops?
And the low pop bonus is not a joke. The double ap it also brings is great. If anything it should occur more frequently rather than having the under dog factions take the slaughterfest that is 3 bars vs 1 for 2 or so hours before it kicks in.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »This may get down voted to hell but you have to understand , AD has always had a larger oceanic presence during late night and ad needs the night capping to equalize the score a bit more. Without the night capping, AD would completely falter and be 3rd place every single time because of our low quality troops. If ad were to be in 3rd place all the time , they could quit cyrodiil all together and then We’re would the pvp go? Y’all have to understand how badly ad gets farmed on NA PC, the poor ad tolerate it because of those sweet campaign rewards at the end.
You're talking about specifically an OCE server, I never suggested that. I said a west coast NA server. You see the only reason why our ping is HORRIBLE is because the closest server is in east NA.
Lol it is entirely related to the topic because were talking about a different regions prime time effecting the campaign because its population is stacked almost entirely into one faction, said regions prime time is in the servers off time hence night cappers.
Considering the recent problems ESO is having is due to server stresses it would it really be asking so much to get a west coast server?
Please explain how giving the lowest pop faction more points when they're not playing is anything but a measure of balance to prevent one team falling so far behind it's impossible to win or even stay competitive.
And in terms of faction lock, I'm almost 100% certain that if it wasnt in place the only thing those AD would do is change team to recap as another faction only to ultimately swap back to AD and make sure they ended up with everything in the end. So no, I dont think faction lock should be reversed.
Some of you seem to be under the impression that OCE prime time is evenly split in terms of faction. no, no it is not....and that's what I find annoying, it's only AD that are consistently on in large numbers.
they used to be able to switch but RP nerds ruined thatxylena_lazarow wrote: »
I'm telling them to stop stacking one faction.
Look familiar? Night 2 of the AD night capping adventure!
The server is not on the east coast, it's in texas.
The funny part is how these night cappers get their butts handed to them on the weekends when people are actually defending keeps. We will continue to fight them on the weekends and keep handing their butts to them for as long as they want to night cap. Bring it on you yellow-bellies.
Actually, they're just playing while you are not. If that bothers you, stop sleeping ...
VaranisArano wrote: »
*There were no nightcappers prior to the return of faction locks.*
Currently, the map looks like this (PC/NA) Kaal camp... and does quite often during what may be considered "prime time" .. (it hasn't changed much and is now about midnight/1 am est Sat morning) ... also interesting to note that it was very similar just earlier in the day .. approximately 10 am est Friday, or so hours before.... Seems that a majority of the hours, the map appears as below, yet, it does seem to change drastically as someone posted above around 4 am est.
Currently, the map looks like this (PC/NA) Kaal camp... and does quite often during what may be considered "prime time" .. (it hasn't changed much and is now about midnight/1 am est Sat morning) ... also interesting to note that it was very similar just earlier in the day .. approximately 10 am est Friday, or so hours before.... Seems that a majority of the hours, the map appears as below, yet, it does seem to change drastically as someone posted above around 4 am est.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
AD been 3-barred to poplocked every night in oceanic, which isn't 10pm EST, usually oceanic is considered 12-1am EST and onwards.
Funny how an oceanic player comes on and points out an issue about oceanic faction imbalances and AD players start going at her/him like they don't play oceanic or something.
There has been a huge top in balance in faction numbers for a very long time in Oceanic, it's not a new issue, just being denied regardless of any evidence and the constant differences in faction pops every night.
Oh please, those same AD PvDoor guilds been PvDooring the map for years and some of them did so when it was DC's turn to dominate the night map. They know who they are and know exactly when to log off so they aren't embarrassed and trashed when the population evens out. No one should be defending those guilds. They have no skill and no real tactic besides balling up on 1-bar factions, yet some AD would choose to do so just because it helps them win. Pathetic.
And yes, some of those losers championed faction lock on this very forum because they hated when others in their own faction swapped to EP & DC and kept score balanced or stopped them from stealing scrolls and getting super ticks. Now they go and do whatever they want assisted by ZOS' stupid lock system that clearly is not working to accomplish anything besides massive score imbalances, the very thing people complained about a lack of locks causing!
Someone mentioned those JPN "EP" guilds that would appear on EP, yeah those were actually JPN AD guilds fed up with AD's crap every night and swapped around to, you know, actually get a fight in instead of sit around looking stupid or taking scrolls with no resistance and patting themselves on the back. Almost sounds like they were playing the game!
And I thought EU server was full of it.