Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Terrible change. It hurts new and poor players. One of my guilds has already doubled weekly dues and quadrupled weekly sales requirements.
generalmyrick wrote: »maaaaaan, explain to me, why this change would cause guilds to DOUBLE fees!!!!???
its like this change is shrinking the spots by half?
doubling everybody's bank roll?
am i missing something?
you can only when one spot...
i'm really asking here, please don't come with anger.
@Enemy-of-Coldharbour @juttaa77b16_ESO
Just make it so you can only sell to guild members do away with traders in open world create smaller economies
That way people who just think the games about money can join a guild that will sell stuff at stupid prices to each other ..
Here's a potato 2million gold please
Or a friendly guild that's helps each other
Here's Chromium plating, 12k , yeah we know it's hard to get but it's our economy.
We already run like in a few guilds I'm in cos did us it's about the bond of friendship not how much we can fleece a digital fireplace for
Don't know what to think.
Ten bids has probably been chosen because of how the various scenarios are projected to play out.
Even top guilds might have to start being selective about whether they make one, massive bid with one or two very high bids, or one massive bid with four or five high bids, or one massive bid with nine lowish bids spread evenly. The risk of being sniped for the preferred spot, and then losing out, if nine, lowish bids are submitted, might be quite high. There are also risks associated with one massive bid and a small number of high bids.
Much will depend upon whether the top guilds can maintain a big enough war chest, to consistently facilitate a large number of high bids across the board. If the cost of top kiosks keeps on rising, top guilds might find their war chest depletes, thus making high bids across the board more difficult. Much will depend on whether top guilds can maintain their war chest at a consistent level.
At face value, it does look like financial firepower will be the key to winning in the short term. Unless that financial firepower can be maintained all the time, the outcome of the bidding process might become more varied.
Reducing the number of bids would probably advantage the big guilds, because they could then always concentrate their resources on the spots they really want to secure.
But ten bids probably has ramifications lower down the pecking order.
Don't know whether the changes are good or bad all round.
SteveCampsOut wrote: »
With any luck, players won't keep supporting extortionist fees and dues and quota's just to keep the top spots and it will slowly drain the coffer's of those guilds who have secreted away millions and maybe billions of gold.
Read this thread. The reasons to increase fees have been posted and explained in depth.
Why is your guild doubling fees? That's a bit excessive.
juttaa77b16_ESO wrote: »
I couldn't have said it better myself. There will always be those few players, who blindly comment on things without reading the entire thread. So, they come with only a small piece of the whole story. Some of them even phrasing most things with a lot of attitude and snark.
juttaa77b16_ESO wrote: »Some of them even phrasing most things with a lot of attitude and snark.
It's lazy, it's rude, and it's trollish behavior.
generalmyrick wrote: »maaaaaan, explain to me, why this change would cause guilds to DOUBLE fees!!!!???
juttaa77b16_ESO wrote: »ZOS will listen to the players, and push the 10x's bidding change off,
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
I did not find a new article in Announcements, nor a change to the Update 23 and Performance Improvement articles. Can you post a link, since I guess I'm looking in the wrong spot?
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Thanks, but even after refreshing my browser, I still didn't see where ZoS said they are backing off from 10 bids. Maybe I misunderstood your post.
Will try again later. Must be my cache.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »
I see what you are saying, but, no.
Been there, done that.
Eso launched without kiosks. They weren't introduced till update 6. If you wanted to sell or buy, it was in zone chat in capitol cities like Riften or just within guilds.
This is a GOOD system, and yes it needs some fix's, but this is not the answer.
Multi bidding and the changes to guild history are going to make things even harder for GM's to run their guilds.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »GMs will be scared of "10 times more bids", the established order of things will be scrambled from head to toe, and GMs will want to secure their positions by sacrificing more gold in the first weeks.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »I believe the market will sort it out over time, - and by "over time", I mean until some time like around Christmas - and whether it will stabilize at higher or lower prices than now, noone knows.
Androconium wrote: »
No-one is even considering this last statement.
By "considering", I mean accepting that these issues are already known to ZOS and they are committed to implementing them as a desired change; and regardless of player sentiment.
So let's accept this change on move onto what long term effects will result.