A guild can still only win one bid, and a guild can no longer disband and sell their spot, so I don't see the larger guilds buying up multiple spots. The ghost guilds can still buy a spot, but without the ability to sell it, that gold is just gone.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »These are basic principles of trade really.
All The Best
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »The new up-date is around the corner.
Several threads and PTS feedback thread later, we have only heard one response.
They told us that the new multi-bidding changes are to address ghost guilds, insure availability, etc. The full response is here...SpoilerZOS_PhilipDravenZOS_PhilipDraven
The guild trader system is a cornerstone of the in-game economy in ESO, but over time the enormous pressure on trading guilds to have a guild trader every single week has led to behaviors which reduce competition and negatively impact trader customers. Tactics employed to ensure guild trader ownership each week, such as the generation of alternate “shadow” guilds to bid on additional locations as well as guild trader speculation and resale through guild dissolution, often lead to fewer traders populated with goods and massive amounts of wasted gold.
The multi-bidding feature is part of an initiative to provide in-game supported methods for players to have fallback trader bidding options without the associated drawbacks for both guilds and their customers. In addition to multi-bidding, we are also removing the ability for guild traders to be transferred through guild dissolution in an upcoming PTS update for Update 23. We avoided making that change prior to the multi-bidding feature because we wanted to ensure trading guilds weren’t entirely dependent on winning their one single bid each week, which puts even more pressure on them to place exorbitant bids.
We appreciate the concerns being raised regarding this change and we are absolutely committed to monitoring the impact of this feature, as well as potentially making additional adjustments as necessary to ensure the ongoing health of the in-game economy.
Once we had "The Council of Nirn", a round table group of GM's that ZoS would communicate with on ideas, etc. ZoS used to listen.
So, this is a last chance effort to show ZoS that IF they are going ahead with the bidding system, that 10 is WAY too many, IMO.
Yes, we want a solution to "ghost guilds", we need more tools for GM's to operate with, but this needs to be looked at BEFORE live.
Just my 2 Drakes.... What are yours?
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
But they can BID on more Kiosks, driving prices UP and driving smaller guilds out.
There are guilds out there with more than enough gold to buy up a Kiosk and not use it, just to deny market access to their competitors - thereby increasing footfall at their own Kiosk.
These are basic principles of trade really.
All The Best
generalmyrick wrote: »ROI?
Androconium wrote: »If you are too lazy or too time-consumed to farm your own 700 k motif, then you will be forced to pay whatever that motif is being sold for, when you go to buy one.
Even if someone else got to it before you did and marked the price up to something that you don't agree with.
generalmyrick wrote: »
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
But they can BID on more Kiosks, driving prices UP and driving smaller guilds out.
There are guilds out there with more than enough gold to buy up a Kiosk and not use it, just to deny market access to their competitors - thereby increasing footfall at their own Kiosk.
These are basic principles of trade really.
All The Best
10 sounds to many 2-3 a bit low 5 perhaps but you don't need to bid on all 10 either.wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »As a GM of a small social guild that has been able to keep the same trader for over 2 years, on a limited budget, with out dues or fees, this is gonna hurt. Any Trade Guild GM KNOWS the time and grief of a "Bid War" that happens occasionally, but I see this as becoming a bid war every week. Maybe I'm over thinking it.
But 10 is TOO much, I vote 2-3 if we have to do this....
danieldewoeste wrote: »There wil be allot more free traders also this way because alliance of guilds wil be broken ,so wil be a huge increase of free traders
I quoted thisas I will laugh hard when this guy realizes there will be no free kiosk run on sunday
A guild can still only win one bid. It doesn't matter how rich that guild is, even if they bid 100 million on every single trader, they still only win one of them.
That second spot may sell for 300K, and the bidder won't ever know there was an eight million bid on it.
oh really? a guild can still only one bid? .... seriously? wow mind blown
do you know what is chain reaction or domino effect? so since you clearly missing a point lets compare today and future.
Today's status
- X and Y fights over rawl, Z bids in Grahtwood, Q bids in greenshade
- X wins the bid in rawl, Y loses and waits for a next week, Z and Q is happy as they won
Future status
- X and Y fights over rawl, X and Y also bids grahtwood, Z bids in Grahtwood and greenshade, Q bids in greenshade
- X wins the bid in rawl, Y loses but since he has power to bid in rawl, z in grahtwood will be no match
- Y wins grahtwood, good thing z knows this and wins against greenshade
- Q loses and goes QQ as it is a small guild now no one cares
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
Each guild still only wins one bid. Those two large guild will continue to fight over their preferred spot. Those large guilds rarely lose their primary bid locations. The large guild leaders have unspoken as well as spoken deals.
Can you share with us how we can see "what Bids have been logged"? Thanks in advance.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
Fairly sure there were screenies of it in the PTS Multi-Bidding thread.
All The Best