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What EXCITES you about the proposed healing changes?

I believe we are turning a multifaceted discussion into a binary one.

This poll is my attempt to help quantify our community's opinions regarding the proposed healing changes. (At least, the ones that read the forums.)

There will be a what CONCERNS you and a what EXCITES you version of this poll.
My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
  • Advocate for this HERE.
  • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.

What EXCITES you about the proposed healing changes? 238 votes

I think this will make fighting in PvP more dynamic because the layered heals were too strong
dsalterkollege14a5InvictusApolloTravestynoxQwazzyNoobslayer3255susmitdsWhiteout55AnyronSirAxenPhiathornsyldolevonieeSephyr 13 votes
I think this will make PvE more interesting because the layered heals were too strong
I think too many healers spammed Orbs and Springs so this will change the meta and encourage healers to learn more about their roles
akredon_ESOPhlatheadVexariusmitebaAmylarKuratiusVercingetorixninjarina_HallothielkylewwefanSpiderKnightSygil05mikemaconToniWinterSCSpecterJephryssorgatemshaielzafineWildRaptorXVeynrir 27 votes
I think the changes to abilities will be fun to learn and explore
delta_mysticGalenIruil_ESORev RielleEshjaessi2ElwendryllDosuulSiohwenoehtMelivar 10 votes
I think this will help improve performance in Cyrodiil
MyNameIsEliasvesselwiththepestleThogardLeHarrt91hasi 5 votes
Some of the Above
seratinSporvanArwinRPGplayer13579ZatoxMrsinister2likecatsmairwen85Barry_Magikarpdarkblue5TriangularChickenNerrai 12 votes
All of the Above
kypranb14_ESOAhPook_Is_HereCinbriRex-UmbraSeraphayelToastyTheTyrantAhtuuniversal_wrathburty61 9 votes
Suddwrathdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOrotaugen454FaulgorcorpsebladeThe_Aurorkargen27RunefangRatzkifalRehdaunTommy_The_GunLordGavuscentral_scrutinizerFrancisCrawfordChickenSuckerSaucyMcSaucefaceccfeelingArtim_XghastleySalvas_Aren 23 votes
What Healing Changes?!?
Pyr0xyrecuprotiteMarrazzMistCoggageAgobiThePlayerEasily_LostLadyHeloiseKRBCAndroconiumjainiadralMartiemer 11 votes
Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
fastolfv_ESOchuck-18_ESOnexxus_ESOBlueRavenjosh.lackey_ESOvailjohn_ESOMoloch1514Pinesywenchmore420b14_ESOninibinicoolme132b16_ESOAimoraAlienSlofSnowstriderNebthet78SheezabeastAlisyraDelgentIdinuseAshtaris 128 votes
  • FrancisCrawford
    The only possibly favorable things in these changes are Healing Ward (but we'll have to see where it settles out) and Siphon (but exchanging Elemental Drain for Siphon Spirit would hardly count as "exciting").
  • TheNightflame
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    even if you pretend the only options are "at least a teeny bit exciting" and "all bad", the numbers for "all bad" win out.

    and I'm sure they'd be higher if a large number of healers didn't outright quit when they saw the changes were so much as seriously proposed.

    (I'm sorry to be a downer on the matter, if you like them, all the good to you o:) (un-sarcastic face, maybe slightly, idk))
    Edited by TheNightflame on July 18, 2019 5:16AM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Tbh. Since I have stopped doing PvP content with Wrathstone DLC and PvE with Elsweyr chapter, I simply dont care. They might as well remove combat entirely. Only thing that keeps me booting the game on are daily crafting quests.

    Sorry for the negativity, but ZOS actions made me to think that way... :disappointed:
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on July 18, 2019 5:12AM
  • MojaveHeld
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    These changes look like they were designed by people who have never gone into one of their own vet trials, it's impossible to be excited by that degree of ineptitude and poor design.
  • LordGavus
    I'll wait til the end of the pts cycle before being excited or crying about the end of the world.

    But to contribute to the topic, one thing i like is everyone being able to synergise of one of my orbs.
  • danara
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    Some People are complaining about spamming orb/springs, i would to see you pass through vCR+3 execute phase or vHoF HM execute phase without those 2 spell, i mean like they are on the pts, it s not "i spam because it s easy win", but "i spam because if i dont everyone die", you Just dont have the choice...the game force you to do that

    But well Now with the current change will force you to spam Combat Prayer with Asylum Staff to pass through some fight, i mean...great gameplay Right ?

    The only thing acceptable and i dont know if it is too much is the 2nd orbs change (only one but activable multiple time), but without something to compensate the healing power of 3 springs stacked on a group of 12 ? I dont know if it is even possible for some particular fight that are désigned to be burst heal
  • jecks33
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    Nothing. Next patch i'll have 4 bank-toons.
  • kargen27
    I will finally be able to go into a public dungeon and not have to worry about other players killing a boss before I can get to it. I know this because other threads have said everybody is quitting when the changes go live.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • BoraxFlux
    Excited because trying out other combo's, however the new changes work I'll see when the patch comes live.
    The spammables might be less spammable but the healing is increased + synergy of an orb can be used by multiple players.

  • Peekachu99
    Circle of Preservation is cool. More Stamina/ tank heal options.
  • danara
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    Circle of Preservation is cool. More Stamina/ tank heal options.


    It is a spell that cost stamina but the healing power is the same as the other magicka spell (scale with max magicka and spell power), this mean that it is à magicka healer spell that cost stamina.

    In no case it is stamina healer spell, and it is even worst for tank
    Edited by danara on July 18, 2019 1:52PM
  • Saril_Durzam
    The healing changes will make healing more challenging and difficult - WHICH IS GOOD.

    I just don´t see so much and good selfhealing on Stamina characters making maybe healer unnecessary. We could end up seeing healers just in vet trials and in pug dungeons due the way the Finder is done. That is.
  • danara
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    We could end up seeing healers just in vet trials and in pug dungeons

    Isnt it already like that ?
  • bakthi
    Other: I've only been playing for a few months, so it won't be as wrenching an adjustment for me as it will be for someone who has been playing for years.
    Army of me:
    CP810+: Breton Templar healer, Redguard stamina Warden, Imperial DK tank, Altmer magicka Sorceror, Orc stamina Sorceror/werewolf, Nord Necromancer tank, Khajit TG/DB Nightblade, Bosmer stamina Necromancer, Argonian Warden healer, Dunmer magicka DK, Nord Nightblade tank
    Second account, CP400+: Breton magicka Warden, Nord Nightblade healer/solo vampire, Bosmer stamina Templar/werewolf, Dunmer magicka Necromancer, Orc stamina DK, Argonian Warden tank
  • Vercingetorix
    I think too many healers spammed Orbs and Springs so this will change the meta and encourage healers to learn more about their roles
    People will always complain when faced with change that forces a departure from the familiar. This is an opportunity to improve your healing skill and make the role more dynamic. Frankly, the people complaining about the change are ultimately going to keep playing the game - they'll adapt and life will go on (or they'll quit and other will take their place).
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • rotaugen454
    I can’t definitively say it will really hurt doing vet trials and dungeons, but the math seems to say so. I’ll see how it plays out for my four healer characters before rendering a final verdict.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • method__01
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    looks like zos focuses into minor changes to skills and make game more confusing instead focusing into performance
    skills are easy to change

    btw next month,when performance at Cyro will still be crap,i want to see which skills are gonna cripple :p
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • ghastley
    There's an argument that a bit of change periodically is good for the game, so each individual change in this set is a positive. However, the combination is the problem, as well as the lack of equivalent nerfs to other roles. Weakening healing when the role is being dropped in favour of another DPS in many situations was the exact opposite way to go.

  • cheifsoap
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    I think too many healers spammed Orbs and Springs so this will change the meta and encourage healers to learn more about their roles

    This is a smug, condescending opinion. Its asinine to assume someone else's behavior based on your opinions.
  • ATreeGnome
    I actually think the orb change is good - I like knowing that if I send an orb toward the tank will actually make it to the tank. Aside from the, my feels toward the healing changes range from annoyed to irate. In general I feel like the changes are going to make healers far less valuable in PvE and much more boring to play. The upside of the orb changes does not compensate for everything else
  • kargen27
    ATreeGnome wrote: »
    I actually think the orb change is good - I like knowing that if I send an orb toward the tank will actually make it to the tank. Aside from the, my feels toward the healing changes range from annoyed to irate. In general I feel like the changes are going to make healers far less valuable in PvE and much more boring to play. The upside of the orb changes does not compensate for everything else

    What do you do though when the tank needs orbs and the group needs orbs but they are separate so one orb can't cover all? Plenty of fights where the group isn't stacked meaning plenty of fights where part of the group will be scrambling for resources. Most of us will adjust eventually. First few pugs are going to be interesting though.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Salvas_Aren
    I will convert some PvE healers to PvP chars, no need for crap healers.
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    "I think too many healers spammed Orbs and Springs so this will change the meta and encourage healers to learn more about their roles"

    Boy this common sense logic won't go over well

    "This is a smug, condescending opinion. Its asinine to assume someone else's behavior based on your opinions"

    Well, that didn't take long
    Edited by Pops_ND_Irish on July 18, 2019 4:27PM
  • barney2525
    laying hands on people :)


  • Varana
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    "I think too many healers spammed Orbs and Springs so this will change the meta and encourage healers to learn more about their roles"
    At the time of writing this, 15 people have never paid attention to what their healers did in a trial.

    Also, "learn more about their roles" - like what?!?
    Healers are casting orbs and springs and a whole lot of other things because they know their role.
    Edited by Varana on July 18, 2019 5:32PM
  • RogueShark
    Nothing -- I'm incredibly unhappy with these changes!!!!
    I would be more interested in these changes if every class was being given tools to deal with them. In a game where difficult content has phases designed around stacking grand healing, the only classes that will be able to keep up are those who have access to more class healing, especially more hots and aoes.

    People thinking these changes will change the meta: lol. No. Meta is becoming more desired.
    Varana wrote: »
    "I think too many healers spammed Orbs and Springs so this will change the meta and encourage healers to learn more about their roles"
    At the time of writing this, 15 people have never paid attention to what their healers did in a trial.

    Also, "learn more about their roles" - like what?!?
    Healers are casting orbs and springs and a whole lot of other things because they know their role.

    So much this.
    PC NA
    Will heal DPS for memes.
  • The_Auror
    Since "healers" will be unable to do the very thing they are named for, this will give me an excuse to start dpsing again.
  • ATreeGnome
    kargen27 wrote: »
    ATreeGnome wrote: »
    I actually think the orb change is good - I like knowing that if I send an orb toward the tank will actually make it to the tank. Aside from the, my feels toward the healing changes range from annoyed to irate. In general I feel like the changes are going to make healers far less valuable in PvE and much more boring to play. The upside of the orb changes does not compensate for everything else

    What do you do though when the tank needs orbs and the group needs orbs but they are separate so one orb can't cover all? Plenty of fights where the group isn't stacked meaning plenty of fights where part of the group will be scrambling for resources. Most of us will adjust eventually. First few pugs are going to be interesting though.

    It's definitely a trade off. In theory though, I should be able to alternate sending an orb to the group then the tank every 10 seconds. Of course, if there's a 2nd healer you can assign 1 to send orbs to the group and the other to focus on the tank. Obviously it's harder than that in a real trial situation but I think it will result in better synergy availability for most groups in most situations (obviously exceptions exist). I wouldn't say that it's better than orbs are on live, but I don't think that it's a bad change in and of itself.
  • Rehdaun
    I'm excited to run defensive ultimates and survival enhancing set just like what @ZOS_BrianWheeler wants me to do.

  • Peekachu99
    danara wrote: »
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    Circle of Preservation is cool. More Stamina/ tank heal options.


    It is a spell that cost stamina but the healing power is the same as the other magicka spell (scale with max magicka and spell power), this mean that it is à magicka healer spell that cost stamina.

    In no case it is stamina healer spell, and it is even worst for tank

    If it’s a stamina ability, it should scale with max Stam and weapon damage. Have you confirmed what you’re suggesting via PTS?

    Edit: confirmed in this thread with videos and screenshots that it does, indeed, scale with stamina and weapon damage:
    Edited by Peekachu99 on July 19, 2019 12:41PM
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