Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

PS4 NA guild traders raising weekly fee to 20k

  • Kidgangster101
    Yes, this is largely a problem only on our server. I have talked to GMs on both PC servers and they do not have the Mafia issue we do.

    I do not see XBox GMs complain here of such issues.

    And PS4 EU also does not seem to have this issue.

    Our server on PS4 NA is literally controlled by one to two people who force any guild wanting to be in a capital or large city to bend the knee to their empire or be threatened with being driven out of such cities. This has been going on for years and only gets worse.

    There is actually a guild that was under their knee that literally posted a MOTD update recently that they are converting to a social/PvE only guild moving forward. All due to the stress and suffering that comes with serving the Mafia on our server. It is literally driving some people away from the game entirely.

    I cannot even attempt to stay in a city like Vivec or Alinor for any length of time because they swarm in to drive me and my ilk out (the large donation-based guilds who refuse to join the Mafia and verbally speak out against them).

    There's also rumored to be a LOT of bot money feeding this machine, to the point dues probably aren't even necessary but I imagine it sure is nice to rake in billions. Yes, capital cities cost a lot to bid in - but PS4 NA seems to have an entirely unique problem/situation caused by a small handful of people.

    Welcome to Game of Thrones.

    You would be better off not paying them their blood money and instead joining one of the dues-free guilds and making reasonable donations to help them. The multi-bid update is bringing an apocalypse to our shores and all the help dues-free guilds can get will be welcomed since I'm sure the Mafia will do what they can to try and lock things down even tighter. I guess the fake ghost guilds will maybe be stocked with goods this time, since at least they won't be able to re-sell those trader positions anymore so I'm sure they'll be converted to shell guilds simply to keep other guilds out.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. I find this system to be the worst trading system in any mmo history. A system where you can be left out of the trading system is not healthy for the game. There is end game trials, dungeons, PvP, roleplaying, and trading......... Which one of those do you have to pay an in game fee to participate in? 😉

    This is on zos for allowing players to run their market. People can be cruel and only care about themselves, meaning they don't care about if someone is enjoying something or not.

    A d out of all those listed above, you would expect trials and dungeons to be the hardest part of the game, but in reality sometimes it is the trading system. Try finding a random item you need on ps4na without add-ons and the load screens lol. If I had to travel the entire world to find 1 item (sometimes it doesn't even happen) I could have run nss 3-4 times easy and that is sad when I can beat the newest trial faster than finding 1 item.........
  • Vicinia
    Jayman1000 wrote: »
    You console people have to pay a fee in ANY guild no matter how much sales you got? I sincerely have to doubt this.... though that's pretty messed up. Imagine someone selling for 2million a week and then STILL demanding them to pay 20k fee just like the guy that made 5k sales that week. Im not on console so I dont know the facts of how it is on console, but I have a hard time believing it really is as you say it is. On my pc guilds I have to make around 300-500k in sales per week depending on the guild, and if that is not met only THEN do I need to contribute a raffle donation of like 30-50k. This is totally fair in my opinion, and these examples are the absolute TOP guilds. Most other guilds have much lower sales requirements.

    Either step up, or step out.

    And to repeat - PC has add-ones that let you see how much each person has sold.


    We have NO way to know what each member is hitting for sales. It is literally impossible to set a sales quota or minimum. Period. So, yes, for the guilds that charge dues - EVERYONE has to pay those dues weekly.

    You have console players telling you how it works on our system. Why and how is this hard to believe?

    Sigh. Why would we make things like this up. If you don't play on the platform and/or server why even open your mouth really smh. I make 300-500k weekly, I also pay 15k a week (I'm sure it will get to 20k). This is how it goes, I don't like it but I can swing it. I knew that a dues increase would happen the second they announced this multibidding.

    On PS4NA all this current system does is gatekeep the means of selling from lower end trading guilds/new players. The fact that people deny this reality and situation should surprise me but it doesn't. It will be amplified when the multibidding comes to pass. This system benefits me greatly but I cannot condone how exclusionary, and corrupt it is specifically on PS4NA. I'm not gonna even get into the ghost trader/mafia deal since others touched upon it.

    Good luck with your guild @DragonRacer. I hope you guys will manage. You guys have really good prices, and it really would be a shame to lose a guild with quality wares :/

    Edited by Vicinia on July 18, 2019 2:01AM
  • wolf486
    I joined a random trader guild in the finder. Just off loading a lot of things since I no longer have ESO+. I'd still like to see an overhaul of the trading system so you don't have to join a guild. Can't stand how ESO does it.
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • saruhrose1
    I laugh at all of you every time complaining commences over guild dues. Yall probably don’t know who I am, don’t know my history with the “mafia” or simply don’t care.

    You will never know what it was like 4 years ago… try starting a guild in the height of it all. Ghost guilds had just been thought of by a slimy lil rat name “eternal”. I was then a free guild. CO-Creater/GM of the guild Banana Surprise and GM of, the still standing guild, Spicy Burrito. We existed when the game was still playable, BEFORE one tamriel, BEFORE text chat and when the game was still very full of life. You lil whiney babies will never, ever feel the full wrath of the “mafia”. Staying up till 5am talking and conspiring against each other. Spies getting in your guild and changing every 1 of your 500 members 'guild note' to something derogatory.

    Fast forward to today- I am a part of the “Mournhold Mafia”. At the point that I joined, The people I fought against for almost 2 years. Combated the “ghost guild” system and I am one of the reasons ghost guilds are (soon to be were) so vast. I now (previously free)charge dues (15k at the moment soon to be 20k).

    You have to take into consideration how the game has changed. 3 years ago alloys were 20k per, we didn’t have a craft bag, there weren’t 50 million dlcs, no celebratory events, no master writs and massive amounts of Gold were… few and far between. When elements of the game change… the economy of the game changes and this time its drastic.

    Anyone can be a millionaire these days. All it takes is a credit card with a decent limit.
    For me- A single, divorced mother of one in school, with a full-time job, trying to get in to a nursing program at my university… I don’t have the time or the money to support a guild trader that on several occasions I have to make double digit, millions and millions of gold bids several weeks in a row.
    And when the system changes? Then what? I can’t purchase a back up trader aka “ghost guild” to secure a trader. I have to dump 10s maybe even 100s of millions of gold around the map in hopes I secure a trader.

    Guild trader politics are just like pve politics or pvp politics. You have your cliques, your “e-couples”, your big-time flirters, and a lot of different personalities and LOTS OF INFLATED EGOS. Its like high school.
    You also have to remember there are 3 sides to every story you hear- What he said, what she said and what ACTUALLY happened.

    I’ve been lied to, lied about, harassed, been made fun of, I’ve helped people who didn’t deserve it, BEEN USED and the topic of many conversations.

    Eso is much like our real lives, we are all just trying to “survive”. You gotta do what you gotta do.
    At the end of the day you have to remember it’s a video game. We are here to enjoy ourselves.
    None of its real. But the impact you make is real. Not everyone’s a bad guy… I know many in this game who act like a innocent victim but are really a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    Well I think that’s enough rambling for today… If I could give any one of you advice in this game it’s the same advice I give in real life… Treat others how you wanted to be treated. Be receptive and don’t be afraid to say sorry. People make mistakes but learn from them!

    xo ESO community
    -saruhrose1, PS4 NA
    Edited by saruhrose1 on July 18, 2019 3:46AM
  • david_m_18b16_ESO
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Are we the only server having this issue? 20k a week is absurd to pay for a trading guild. The only ones with enough gold to take the top trading spots on a weekly basis are themselves so who are they raising the prices in fear of?

    This is blatant greed at this point. It's already well know alot of the profits get pocketed but now you're just making it obvious.

    This is why Zos needs to rework the trading system. Zone chat is free remember.

    You always have the option to leave the guild...

    Excellent suggestion. Glad you added to this conversation. 11/10

    And what do you expect ? One of my guilds have raised fee to 20k. I am not paying it because there is many other options. Simple.

    I wasn't asking for a suggestion or a smart ass remark. I asked if other servers were experiencing similar issues.

    It's possible that the reason you are getting snark is because you are complaining about an optional organization charging you more to be a member. There isn't a problem with the trading system. You aren't being forced to be a member of that specific guild. If the dues don't lineup with the gold you are making at the trader, leave the trader.

    Around 2 or 3 months ago, my Mournhold trader increased dues from 10-20K because they kept getting sniped and wanted to ensure that we always had that trader. I rolled with the change because I make far more than 20K a week at that location and it was worth it. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be a part of that guild any more. It is that easy.

    I guess youve never played any mmo where guild fees arent a thing ?.

    This game trading system is the worst one. Not only you must pay a taxe upon selling something like in most mmo but on the top of that beeing in a good spot cost money.
  • david_m_18b16_ESO
    therift wrote: »
    Are we the only server having this issue? 20k a week is absurd to pay for a trading guild. The only ones with enough gold to take the top trading spots on a weekly basis are themselves so who are they raising the prices in fear of?

    This is blatant greed at this point. It's already well know alot of the profits get pocketed but now you're just making it obvious.

    This is why Zos needs to rework the trading system. Zone chat is free remember.

    "...alot if the profits get pocketed..."

    Got any proof of that? Because it's equally well-known that your claim is a pile of hooey.

    Yup, that dude who won the whole zone bcuz he new how low those guild were biding.
  • disintegr8
    Surely the new system will not require a guild to have all of the gold to cover their multiple bids?

    If the idea is that you bid for multiple locations and as soon as you get one, all other bids are void, my assumption would be that as long as you have the resources to cover your highest bid, you can bid up to that amount on as many traders as the game will allow.

    Maybe ZOS should set a fixed price on all traders, higher in major spots (all Mournhold traders would be the same price for example), lower on 'black holes', with everything else somewhere in between. Any guild can put their name in the hat for whatever locations they can afford and the guilds are drawn at random for that location. Once your name is drawn, you are automatically withdrawn from any other location you may have put your name in for.

    I'm sure this idea has problems but it can't be worse than what we have now.

    And ban selling in zone chat!!!! It drives me up the wall.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • tahol10069
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Surely the new system will not require a guild to have all of the gold to cover their multiple bids?

    In other threads I've seen several people saying that yes, actually you have to cover up your multiple bids. When you bid, the money is taken out. Ofc you will get it back, but right now guilds are in the panic mode raking up the money for their first multiple bids. If they want to bid for locations worth of say...100k gold, they have to have that gold to pay for the system when they bid. If they win a location that cost 10k, they will get 90k back. So, after the first bidding round, guilds that rise fees are actually getting more money saved than before, and where is all that money going?

  • disintegr8
    tahol10069 wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Surely the new system will not require a guild to have all of the gold to cover their multiple bids?

    In other threads I've seen several people saying that yes, actually you have to cover up your multiple bids. When you bid, the money is taken out. Ofc you will get it back, but right now guilds are in the panic mode raking up the money for their first multiple bids. If they want to bid for locations worth of say...100k gold, they have to have that gold to pay for the system when they bid. If they win a location that cost 10k, they will get 90k back. So, after the first bidding round, guilds that rise fees are actually getting more money saved than before, and where is all that money going?
    If that's the case, it's poor programming from ZOS and we are being thrown to the wolves.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • reoskit
    tahol10069 wrote: »
    So, after the first bidding round, guilds that rise fees are actually getting more money saved than before, and where is all that money going?

    Oh, for the love of conspiracy theories...

    Guilds are implementing/raising dues to pay for inevitably higher kiosk bids. They're not pocketing the gold. Everyone is going to be bidding defensively and offensively. Since *everyone* is doing that, all together, we will be raising the price of kiosks.

    There are multiple threads which explain in great detail the ramifications of this system. I recommend reading them if you'd like to learn more. You can start here, and read the other threads linked therein.

    (Disclaimer: I'm sure there are corrupt people taking advantage. That is the exception, not the rule.)
  • Pevey
    therift wrote: »
    therift wrote: »
    Are we the only server having this issue? 20k a week is absurd to pay for a trading guild. The only ones with enough gold to take the top trading spots on a weekly basis are themselves so who are they raising the prices in fear of?

    This is blatant greed at this point. It's already well know alot of the profits get pocketed but now you're just making it obvious.

    This is why Zos needs to rework the trading system. Zone chat is free remember.

    "...alot if the profits get pocketed..."

    Got any proof of that? Because it's equally well-known that your claim is a pile of hooey.

    Back when you could see guild history is your proof. You don't think people stopped just because they removed public guild history do you? LOL

    I out bidded a top end guild trader that was charging 10k a week back when that was the price. They were bidding 1.1 million every single week and when the news got around I dropped 1.8 mil with me and my buddies free trading guild. I got threatened but people I didn't even know lol So again they was making 5 million a week and spending 1.1 and you really think that has changed?

    I wish I had saved images of in-game e-mails showing that bids of 8 million and up on prime kiosks lost. What you say may have been true in the past, but for certain kiosk locations it most certainly is not true. Dues, sales tax, and raffles barely cover bids in this age of fierce competition.

    There was a thread on this issue back in May when someone on PC outbid every long term trader in Rawl'kha and claimed he/she did so with bids as low as yours. Dozens of conspiracy nuts piled on, claiming this event was 'proof' that trade guild GMs were getting rich off of dues/tax/raffles/donations.

    It all fell apart when one of the losing guild GMs posted a picture of the in-game e-mail showing the losing bid of 12 million or so gold... or maybe it was 13 million.

    It's very important to have concrete facts when you accuse people of deceit. The player who claimed to have 'proven' that trade guild GMs were 'pocketing millions' was instead proven to be a liar himself.

    therift wrote: »
    Are we the only server having this issue? 20k a week is absurd to pay for a trading guild. The only ones with enough gold to take the top trading spots on a weekly basis are themselves so who are they raising the prices in fear of?

    This is blatant greed at this point. It's already well know alot of the profits get pocketed but now you're just making it obvious.

    This is why Zos needs to rework the trading system. Zone chat is free remember.

    "...alot if the profits get pocketed..."

    Got any proof of that? Because it's equally well-known that your claim is a pile of hooey.

    Yup, that dude who won the whole zone bcuz he new how low those guild were biding.

    Just to provide some additional info, it was actually a screenshot from their bank history, and the amount was greater than 20m. So, yeah, not cheap at all.
  • geonsocal
    saruhrose1 wrote: »
    I laugh at all of you every time complaining commences over guild dues. Yall probably don’t know who I am, don’t know my history with the “mafia” or simply don’t care.

    You will never know what it was like 4 years ago… try starting a guild in the height of it all. Ghost guilds had just been thought of by a slimy lil rat name “eternal”. I was then a free guild. CO-Creater/GM of the guild Banana Surprise and GM of, the still standing guild, Spicy Burrito. We existed when the game was still playable, BEFORE one tamriel, BEFORE text chat and when the game was still very full of life. You lil whiney babies will never, ever feel the full wrath of the “mafia”. Staying up till 5am talking and conspiring against each other. Spies getting in your guild and changing every 1 of your 500 members 'guild note' to something derogatory.

    Fast forward to today- I am a part of the “Mournhold Mafia”. At the point that I joined, The people I fought against for almost 2 years. Combated the “ghost guild” system and I am one of the reasons ghost guilds are (soon to be were) so vast. I now (previously free)charge dues (15k at the moment soon to be 20k).

    You have to take into consideration how the game has changed. 3 years ago alloys were 20k per, we didn’t have a craft bag, there weren’t 50 million dlcs, no celebratory events, no master writs and massive amounts of Gold were… few and far between. When elements of the game change… the economy of the game changes and this time its drastic.

    Anyone can be a millionaire these days. All it takes is a credit card with a decent limit.
    For me- A single, divorced mother of one in school, with a full-time job, trying to get in to a nursing program at my university… I don’t have the time or the money to support a guild trader that on several occasions I have to make double digit, millions and millions of gold bids several weeks in a row.
    And when the system changes? Then what? I can’t purchase a back up trader aka “ghost guild” to secure a trader. I have to dump 10s maybe even 100s of millions of gold around the map in hopes I secure a trader.

    Guild trader politics are just like pve politics or pvp politics. You have your cliques, your “e-couples”, your big-time flirters, and a lot of different personalities and LOTS OF INFLATED EGOS. Its like high school.
    You also have to remember there are 3 sides to every story you hear- What he said, what she said and what ACTUALLY happened.

    I’ve been lied to, lied about, harassed, been made fun of, I’ve helped people who didn’t deserve it, BEEN USED and the topic of many conversations.

    Eso is much like our real lives, we are all just trying to “survive”. You gotta do what you gotta do.
    At the end of the day you have to remember it’s a video game. We are here to enjoy ourselves.
    None of its real. But the impact you make is real. Not everyone’s a bad guy… I know many in this game who act like a innocent victim but are really a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    Well I think that’s enough rambling for today… If I could give any one of you advice in this game it’s the same advice I give in real life… Treat others how you wanted to be treated. Be receptive and don’t be afraid to say sorry. People make mistakes but learn from them!

    xo ESO community
    -saruhrose1, PS4 NA

    that was some pretty interesting stuff right there @saruhrose1 ...enjoyed reading it, thanks for sharing...

    I gotta be honest though, it's hard for me to imagine the motivation to run large social/trading guilds...seems like an awful lot of work...kind of like a second job...

    ha, I guess pvp is my second job...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • saruhrose1
    geonsocal wrote: »
    that was some pretty interesting stuff right there @saruhrose1 ...enjoyed reading it, thanks for sharing...

    I gotta be honest though, it's hard for me to imagine the motivation to run large social/trading guilds...seems like an awful lot of work...kind of like a second job...

    ha, I guess pvp is my second job...

    I have over 200 days of log time on my main character... Probably close to 220 now. It is second job, the pay out is different... Not even going to lie to you... I'm not great at the 'game' but I have a great social game 😉
    Edited by saruhrose1 on July 18, 2019 5:24AM
  • therift
    Edited by therift on July 18, 2019 5:29AM
  • therift
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Surely the new system will not require a guild to have all of the gold to cover their multiple bids?

    If the idea is that you bid for multiple locations and as soon as you get one, all other bids are void, my assumption would be that as long as you have the resources to cover your highest bid, you can bid up to that amount on as many traders as the game will allow.

    Maybe ZOS should set a fixed price on all traders...

    It was quite clear in the Scalebreaker Announcement that a guild must have sufficient resources for each bid. Despite incredible mental gymnastics, faulty logic, and wishful thinking on the part of many Forum dwellers... one gold coin does not suddenly become ten with Update 23. If you want to place 10 bids totalling 20 million, you must have 20 million. The official word is unequivocal on that point, and further speculation is pointless.

    As for the idea of having Big Brother set prices... that Stendarr ZoS wants nothing to do with that.

    Edited by therift on July 18, 2019 5:50AM
  • therift
    therift wrote: »
    Are we the only server having this issue? 20k a week is absurd to pay for a trading guild. The only ones with enough gold to take the top trading spots on a weekly basis are themselves so who are they raising the prices in fear of?

    This is blatant greed at this point. It's already well know alot of the profits get pocketed but now you're just making it obvious.

    This is why Zos needs to rework the trading system. Zone chat is free remember.

    "...alot if the profits get pocketed..."

    Got any proof of that? Because it's equally well-known that your claim is a pile of hooey.

    Yup, that dude who won the whole zone bcuz he new how low those guild were biding.

    Stop drinking the Kool-Aide. It was proven that the losing guilds in Rawl'kha had bid tens of millions, and 'that dude' was proven to be a liar. You have been lied to, kid, sorry to shatter your belief in 'low bids'. It simply is not true.
  • bmnoble
    25K a week is the new min in the bigger guild I am in, up from 10K. All in anticipation of the changes to the bidding system being planned for update 23.

    Then again I already donated a lot more(up to 150K a week/combination of raffle tickets and sales tax), so it did not affect me.

    The other guilds I am in have not changed their dues but they are medium and smaller guilds, I give each of them 10K a week but their min dues are all much lower than that.

    If you are a member of a big trade guild and don't have a reliable supply of stock to sell each week and your only looking to sell stuff you pick up casually while playing, you should really think of changing to a guild with lower/no min dues/sales targets etc.

    Or do what a lot of casual traders do, don't be in any trade guilds hoard a lot of valuable stuff for a few weeks months, join a big trade guild for a week or fortnight and sell the lot, leave and repeat. The guild finder makes this easier than ever before.

    We will have to wait and see if the bidding changes in the next update really change things that much or if it just turns out to be business as usual.

    Dues might go back to what they were before or might stay at higher rates only time will tell.

  • Urigall
    Whether one, or more, players are at the capers is impossible - for other players - to prove to the level that would stand up in a court of law. Focusing on that part of the debate will only divert us from the main issue, as the discussion deteriorates into he said, she said. All we need to know is whether ZoS regard the system as fit for purpose. They are the only ones with access to the data overview that is required to make a definitive analysis.

    Any impartial observer would infer that ZoS do not think the system is fit for purpose. Comments from ZoS about ghost guilds and kiosk transfer can only be a corollary to ZoS having identified dodgy practices. Or "flaws" rather than "dodgy practices" if we want to keep the debate neutral.

    Unless someone at ZoS came up with the changes at a team meeting and it went to a show of hands. DAFT idea! Sounds cool to me. DAFT idea! Ok, show of hands - 7-6 in favour, majority rules, someone email this to the patch team. a chance to win the lottery sort of way.

    The real reason seems to be dealing with dodgy practices...sorry "flaws" Otherwise, the proscribing of ghost guilds and kiosk transfer wouldn't have been specifically mentioned.

    Ease of joining guilds (or otherwise) claims that the current system is the best thing since sliced bread (or not) and other, yes-no yes-no yes-no arguments, deflect from the core of the problem. It is reasonable to infer that ZoS's view is something isn't working as intended. Otherwise, ZoS wouldn't be making changes to the system.
  • akl77
    If 20k just for one guild in deshaan then definitely jump ship, but if all are 20k in deshaan, then it’s just the fee you gotta pay to get in. I have traders in all 3 capitals and reapers and Vivec or alinor, the good items that actually sells overnight are just in deshaan, other places you can wait forever to sell by the time prices already dropped.
    The guilds are full 500 people as well, there won’t be a shortage of people applying for the guilds.
    No point compare server as well, it’s completely different world and markets.
    But you can compare ps4 na capital city guild fees to see if the 20k is fair not just one guild.
    Pc na
  • Haenk
    Again, the only solution is to have a bidding system in place, in which the top 150 or so bidders will receive a random trading spot.
  • Urigall
    Haenk wrote: »
    Again, the only solution is to have a bidding system in place, in which the top 150 or so bidders will receive a random trading spot.

    There is a certain appeal in a lottery system. A lottery could remove the power of money at a stroke; if it was set up properly.

    Has drawbacks though: uncertainty for a start, possibility of gaming the system (flood the bidding process with guilds working together) and how the system would cater for lower tier guilds/new entrants. There is also the possibility of penalising those guilds who have worked their way up fairly, only to find they lose to the luck of the draw.

    In principle, the lottery concept does have some advantages. It also has some major drawbacks.

    And restricting it to the top bidders would be wrong in my humble. That would leave money as a key determinant of the outcome.
  • disintegr8
    therift wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Surely the new system will not require a guild to have all of the gold to cover their multiple bids?

    If the idea is that you bid for multiple locations and as soon as you get one, all other bids are void, my assumption would be that as long as you have the resources to cover your highest bid, you can bid up to that amount on as many traders as the game will allow.

    Maybe ZOS should set a fixed price on all traders...

    It was quite clear in the Scalebreaker Announcement that a guild must have sufficient resources for each bid. Despite incredible mental gymnastics, faulty logic, and wishful thinking on the part of many Forum dwellers... one gold coin does not suddenly become ten with Update 23. If you want to place 10 bids totalling 20 million, you must have 20 million. The official word is unequivocal on that point, and further speculation is pointless.

    As for the idea of having Big Brother set prices... that Stendarr ZoS wants nothing to do with that.

    Maybe guilds should refuse to bid when the changes come in... if they can handle the withdrawal symptoms.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • bmnoble
    Urigall wrote: »
    Haenk wrote: »
    Again, the only solution is to have a bidding system in place, in which the top 150 or so bidders will receive a random trading spot.

    There is a certain appeal in a lottery system. A lottery could remove the power of money at a stroke; if it was set up properly.

    Has drawbacks though: uncertainty for a start, possibility of gaming the system (flood the bidding process with guilds working together) and how the system would cater for lower tier guilds/new entrants. There is also the possibility of penalising those guilds who have worked their way up fairly, only to find they lose to the luck of the draw.

    In principle, the lottery concept does have some advantages. It also has some major drawbacks.

    And restricting it to the top bidders would be wrong in my humble. That would leave money as a key determinant of the outcome.

    They are TRADE GUILDS, making gold is the point of their existence, they should not be penalized for being successful.

    If the gold they make plays no part in securing a trader what should?
  • sudaki_eso
    I asked if other servers were experiencing similar issues.

    No. Any other questions?

    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • Urigall
    bmnoble wrote: »
    They are TRADE GUILDS, making gold is the point of their existence, they should not be penalized for being successful.

    If the gold they make plays no part in securing a trader what should?

    What should NOT be used to secure a kiosk is using that gold to indulge in dodgy practices.

    Why do you think ZoS are proscribing ghost guilds and kiosk transfer?

  • Inaya
    My guild has a 20k in sales or 10k dues which can be paid by buying 10k worth of raffle tickets (2k each). We also have a 9999 monthly mega raffle, hour long farming competitions where you get a % of the total worth of everything farmed and then it is sold to fund the guild, and auctions of REALLY nice things from mats, to furniture, to plants, recipes, plans, etc...

    I think my guild does a fantastic job!
  • BlazingDynamo
    sudaki_eso wrote: »
    I asked if other servers were experiencing similar issues.

    No. Any other questions?

    Sorry but the answer was yes, try reading through the comments troll.
  • Mettaricana
    Ive ditched ingame traders back to reddit and fb making way more and theres no middle man guild trader... system seriously needs a rework like remove gold portion of guild bank and trader bidding just add trade boards for guild who hit 50+members and let us search by guild to access the trader menu
  • markulrich1966
    it might help to reduce dumping prices.

    I offer my goods at "reasonable" prices I think, meaning I calculate a 50% win after substracting the price for ingredients.
    This is the case with crafted items, with others like motifs I usually use the low price offers as a base for my own offers.

    I lately see an increasing number of people who offer their items at slightly lower prices than I do, to increase their chance to sell their items before I sell mine.
    If I reply by reducing mine, we quickly will reach a downward spiral, destroying any profit we make, the profit that compensates for the time and money I invest in trading (price checks, buying blueprints etc.).

    If you have to pay a certain amount of weekly fees, this will make it less attractive to sell items for extreme dumping prices.

    As others wrote before, 20k still is not much copmpared to the income you generate at traders in the main cities, have 2 in mournhold, 1 in elden root, 1 in wayrest and one often switching.

    The one that often switches gives not much income, this week he even lost a bid and so I sell almost nothing with him.

    The other 4 allow me to earn 50-150k gold a day depending on traffic, so 20k a week still would be very reasonable (on xbox EU I pay nothing except house cut though).
  • ezio45
    Ghost traders have raised the prices alot. Zos is fixing that but i dont expect it to get better because there also introducing the multi bidding system. which is also going to raise prices alot.
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