BrightOblivion wrote: »As time allows, I'm also going to attempt to go through and graphically document what's happening with each of these 24 remaining bugged books, in addition to the locations of the newly placed ones.
Let's start with the ones they recently added:
The Forest DarkThe Siege of Ald MirakThe Truth of Minotaurs (You can also see Forest Dark on the seat in the left and Siege on the barrel to the right)
Updated Instructions from DorteneInformation Request from Emeric
Yes. Those are DC siege engines to the side. Because the new location for these books is in the encampment where new DC toons go to learn about siege weapons. Way back here. (They weren't kidding about having to invade the DC compound):
On to the bugged ones! These are going to be done in more detail, with pictures (hopefully) inside nested spoiler tags to make scrolling easier. Note that, because there are 23 different books that are being covered here, and because it's a lot of information to cover, it is going to take a considerable amount of time to run through these and formulate explanations of what's happening. I will try to have them done as quickly as possible, but I ask that you bear with me as I work through it.
The first book I'm covering is The Treaty of Khenarthi's Roost:This is part of the quest "The Perils of Diplomacy, which is the main quest for Mistral within Khenarthi's Roost. During the quest, it is located inside the Private Quarters portion of the Maomer Embassy in Mistral, on the desk in the front part of the room, as seen here:
Immediately after the book is interacted with, whether by the player (which would add it into their library) or by a different person in the player's group (which wouldn't add it to the player's library), the book disappears, as seen here:
Yep. Just an empty desk. What happens is that the book is transferred to the Quest Items portion of the player's inventory (shown here:)
In theory, if you're on your toes, you can interact with the book while it's there, adding it to the library. Better act quickly, though, because as soon as someone in your party talks to Raz on the bridge outside?
That book's gone. And, even if you go through and finish the quest, it stays gone. The simplest solution for this issue is to return the treaty to its previous location on the desk in the Private Quarters once the quest is finished. That way, anyone who was in a group while doing this quest is able to grab the book they've missed.
An additional note: While returning to the wayshrine, I did notice that four books associated with this quest (Unwelcome Visitors, Your Silver Fur, Forged Letter from "Zali", and Apothecary's Ledger are located on the ground in the northwest corner of the wayshrine area. Unfortunately, Treaty of Khenarthi's Roost is not one of the books there.
The next book, in terms of zone order, is the Tome of the Undaunted (the unsigned version, not the signed one):In theory, this book is connected to the quest "Taking the Undaunted Pledge," and would be located within the Undaunted Enclaves in Stormhaven, Grahtwood, or Deshaan depending on which alliance your character belongs to. I say, in theory, because I honestly can't locate it. Let me show you why.
For a baseline, here are the tome pedestals in each location before the quest.
The first issue that stands out to me is the interaction range on that NPC in the Stormhaven Enclave. I'm as far away from her as I am, aiming my crosshairs in the direction I'm aiming them, and it still wants me to talk to her. Making matters worse, there is also a book (Adventurer's Almanac, 3rd Edition on the porch, behind the pillar, which has an overly-healthy interaction radius of its own. Stormhaven isn't the only Enclave with this issue, however. In Deshaan, if you edge your mouse to the right just a hair?
Alright. Baseline provided, let's start the quest. It's important to note here that there are technically two ways to start this quest. First, you can use the "Undaunted Enclave Invitation" which you receive in your character's mail when your character hits level 45. This tasks you to go to your respective Undaunted Enclave and sign the Tome of the Undaunted, then talk to Maj. The second option, bypassing the Invitation, is to simply talk to Maj, and things pick up as though you've just finished signing the tome. For the purposes of this explanation, I'm using an EP toon (because she's the one who has the Invitation) and starting the quest from the Invitation (because this theoretically allows me to interact with the tome while on the quest, but before signing).
Open the Invitation and, if you're anywhere other than your Alliance's Enclave, you're told to go there. Once you arrive at the outskirts, the objective then becomes "Sign the Tome of the Undaunted." So you walk up to where the tome is and, finally, you have an interaction option- to sign it.
Interact with it, signing the tome and, predictably, this happens:
After signing (or when starting the quest from the point where you talk to Maj), whenever you try to interact with the Deshaan version, you get:
As before, the Stormhaven tome has no interaction options, being dwarfed by those for other objects/NPCs. In fact, the only location which can be interacted with is the one at the Grahtwood Enclave...which opens up the signed version of the Tome. The unsigned version is nowhere in the game*. To resolve this, I suggest one of two options. The first would be to make it so that, after the quest is completed, the unsigned version appears at the Deshaan Enclave where the player can finagle their cursor around the NPC to interact with it. The second, which I wouldn't normally suggest, is to simply delete the unsigned version from the library. The reason I suggest this is that, compared to the signed version that is in the library and obtainable, the unsigned version is only missing one line - the player's name - and the inclusion of the player's name makes the signed version more personally meaningful in any case. That said, there may be potential hiccups in deleting an entry from the Library, so adding it at the Deshaan Enclave may indeed be the preferable solution.
*Though it might appear from the UESP Log Data Viewer that the book is located in the bookshelves of Hew's Bane, I have not been able to personally confirm this. Additionally, because of the randomness involved in finding that one book in such a large pool and because it would necessitate buying a DLC to have the only chance at obtaining a book that is involved, however tangentially, in the main game, I would argue that including it in this bookshelf pool would not cause this to be "solved."
For the next trio of books (Krisandra Edrald's Journal, Vols. 1-3, we travel to Rivenspire and the Edrald EstateThese books, and Dulkhi's Diary, are involved in the area quest there, "A Change of Heart." The first step of this quest sends you to explore the manor house, on the second floor of which you find the third volume of Krisandra's Journal, shown here:
However, upon reading it, it disappears (as shown below) and enters the quest inventory:
You then go to Dulkhi's Servant's Quarters, where Federic sweeps up Dulkhi's Diary into your quest inventory before you can even interact with it (shown below):
From there, you go to the windmill, where you find volume 1 and it disappears as well:
If you're following the pattern at this point, you should be able to guess that when you interact with volume 2 in the Undercroft (shown below), it will also disappear and enter the quest inventory.
And sure enough, all four books you've encountered so far are there:
However, when you complete the quest, after venturing into a daedric plane and destroying a sigil stone, these books all leave the inventory. Dulki's Diary returns to her bed:
The other three books, however, are gone for good. If someone else in your party grabbed them and you didn't read them while they were in the quest inventory, then, once again, you're out of luck. To resolve this and not penalize those players who are fond of grouping up for quests, I would suggest returning these books to their original locations, or somewhere else within the Estate, once the quest is completed.
So now we prepare to start Summerset by entering the prologue quest, and it is there that we encounter Note to VanusWe find it briefly inside the Mines of Khuras in Glenumbra...
and it disappears after we or anyone in our party interact with it...
After the quest, I would suggest either returning it to this spot, or even placing it in the garden area in Skywatch where we arrive after saving the Oracle.
In Summerset proper, the first book we encounter is the Kinlady's LetterThis book is located on a table in the Monastery of Serene Harmony as part of the quest "The Queen's Decree" and is removed after the player or a member of the player's party interacts with it.
It does not return to the world after the quest, and the simplest solution would be to place it back on the table in the Monastery after the quest is finished.
From here, we travel across Summerset to the Illumination Academy, where we find Illuminus:Part of the area's quest, Illusions of Grandeur, we encounter this book several times in various states as the quest progresses- first on the edge of a planter...
...then several times on a bench...
...and finally floating in the air in the Book Stacks after we thwart the Illuminated One.
This last time gives us the complete book and adds it to the Library. However, if someone else interacts with the book and shelves it, you aren't able to add it to yours. After the quest, I would suggest either returning a copy to the bench or to the edge of the planter where it's previously been encountered. While it may not necessarily make lore-appropriate sense to have it there, I would argue that allowing your players to add all the books to their library even if they're grouping with their friends is more important.
Further inland from the Academy, we find King's Haven Pass, home of goblins, the quest "Savage Truths," and seven bugged books, which are (in the order which they are encountered: Naliara's Notes, Day 18, Naliara's Notes, Day 2, Naliara's Notes, Day 8, Naliara's Notes, Day 13, King's Haven Trade Record, King's haven Scouting Record, and King's Haven Territory Record.Despite there being seven books here, they all have the same bug. Specifically, as you progress through the quest, picking up the books along the way, they all disappear when you interact with them and don't return- to their original spots or to anywhere else- after the quest is done. Every single one of them does this.
Naliara's Notes, Day 18:
Naliara's Notes, Day 2:
Naliara's Notes, Day 8:
Naliara's Notes, Day 13:
King's Haven Trade Record:
King's Haven Scouting Record:
And King's Haven Territory Record:
To address this, I would suggest either making them return to their original spots after the quest or putting copies of all of them together in the same location, either near Mehdze, or up above near the boss, or near one of the entrances to the Pass (either inside or outside). Another possible location could even be near the King's Haven Wayshrine in the northeast of Summerset.
Guide to Altmeri Culture (On Dueling); Lirendel's Family ShrineBoth of these books are part of the quest "A Duelist's Dilemma" and disappear as soon as any member of a party interacts with them, never to be seen again. The Guide to Altmeri Culture (On Dueling) is present on the table in the Golden Gryphon's second floor (at the table where Lirendel and his second are seated)....
while Lirendel's Family Shrine is located on the plaque for the statue within Tor-Hame-Khard
In order to allow all members of a party to obtain them, even after the quest, I would suggest either returning them both to their previous locations once the quest is complete or placing a copy of each of them in the ruins where the "duel" takes place at the end of the quest.
For Captain Telomure; Pearl Research Notes, Log 3; Journal of Justiciar AvanaireThese books are part of the quest "Pearls Before Traitors" within Tor-Hame-Khard in Summerset. Unlike most of the other books on this list, the issue with these three is not that they disappear when interacted with. The issue is that they are only present during the quest (off to the side and relatively easy to miss), with nothing to lead the player to them, and then they disappear as soon as the quest is turned in.
For Captain Telomure is in the first room where the player enters, on the ground:
Pearl Research Notes is upstairs, to the side of a hallway and extremely easy to overlook:
and Journal of Justiciar Avanaire is in the room with its writer, Justicar Avanaire, where the player goes to defeat her:
While ensuring that they return to their previous locations once the quest is complete is an option, it would also be possible to place all three together, either next to Captain Telomure just outside the entrance to the delve or on the tables in the room where Justiciar Avanaire was.
To the Villainous ManacarThis book is part of the quest "Bantering with Bandits. During the quest, Manacar requests that the player go into the nearby winery to check on Tableau. After getting permission from her patron, the player goes upstairs to the room Tableau was staying in, and finds a note on the floor:
As soon as any member of a party interacts with it, the note disappears:
After the quest, I would suggest this book is placed back in the room in the winery, so that anyone who missed it during the quest can get it then.
Dead Water Riddle FragmentThis book never actually has a place in the world. Partway through the quest "Whispers in the Wood," the book is placed in the player's inventory, and vanishes further on. As such, instead of posting pictures regarding a book not being there (as there's not any location it should be), I will post a number of possible locations a version of this book could be placed.
Such as near the Gravesinger's bed in his lodge in the Dead Water village (where the player goes to get the gravestake with this riddle deciphered):
Or on this table in the Cyrodillic Collections building in Lilmoth (where the player returns after obtaining both this riddle fragment and the Bright Throat Fragment)
Or on one of these small platforms within the Tomb of Many Spears (where the player first goes to obtain the gravestake and fights a voriplasm-controlled corpse of Etri Many-Spears):
What is most perplexing about this book is that the other book related to this quest (the Bright-Throat Riddle Fragment) which was bugged in the exact same way received a fix during the Elsweyr patch, but this one has still not been addressed in any way.
Sealed Imperial SummonsThis book is part of the quest "The Demon Weapon," the first quest during the prologue for Elsweyr. More precisely, this entry is obtained by interacting with the item of the same name which is purchased for free from the crown store in the Quest Starters category and placed in that character's inventory. However, there are a number of issues with this item, and with adding this library entry.
The first and most restrictive issue is that it must be interacted with at a point before completing the associated quest. Otherwise, any attempt to interact with it will result in the message depicted in this image:
The player is informed that they've already completed the quest and the book, which is only added upon successful interaction with the item (bringing up the actual text of the Sealed Imperial Summons), is not added to the player's library. This is an issue for several reasons, in addition to this Sealed Summons item being the only means to obtain the book and it not existing anywhere out in the world. First, this crown store item is only one of two possible ways to begin this prologue quest, with the second being to speak to Anais Daveaux outside Vulkhel Guard, Glenumbra, or Davon's Watch, as indicated by the quest giver marker. As such, it becomes extremely easy to do the quest without ever knowing anything about this crown store item and its associated lore entry.
To make matters worse, although this quest was introduced a number of weeks before Elsweyr came out, the library entry associated with this book was only added when Elsweyr came out and, even if you had interacted with the crown store item to start the quest, the entry was not retroactively added. As a result, anyone and everyone who completed this quest before Elsweyr was released, as expected both due to its being released earlier and due to it being a prologue quest for the chapter, is entirely unable to add this book to their library in any way.
In order to rectify this issue, either the item needs to stop giving that error when it's interacted with, instead opening up the letter and adding the entry to the library or, even better, a copy of the summons needs to be placed somewhere outside the inventory. Suggested locations for this could be Tharn's camp in Grahtwood, one of the three locations where the player meets Tharn for the first part of the quest (Daggerfall's Castle, Vulkhel Guard's Manor House, or the Davon's Watch Mage's Guild), or even the building in Riverhold where the player meets Tharn, Khamira, and Gharesh-ri during the first Elsweyr quest.
Crumpled Nursery RhymeThe issue with this lore entry, which is encountered as part of the Elsweyr quest "In Sickness and In Health," is unlike any of the others in this list. You see, unlike any of the other entries, the issue is that this book doesn't actually have an associated entry in the library. It is present in the world, both during and even after its associated quest, as seen here:
Interacting with it presents a very lore entry-like page, as seen here:
However, when you open up the journal, tab over to the library, go to where the Anequina books are all located, and scroll down to where the book should be, under the letter C, you will find:
The book's just not there. No entry exists. As mentioned before, everything else about this book is perfect. All that needs to happen is that an entry needs to be added to the library for it. If it looks like an eidetic memory book, and functions like an eidetic memory book, and has text like an eidetic memory book, then shouldn't it be listed in the Eidetic Memory section?