Can we get a veteran overworld mode that disables champion points or something? Power creep ruins it

  • Kalgert
    Save it Alexander the Great. You're not likely to find many people who agree with you, and they'll either respind with a copy-paste response of "Go do Veteran dungeons" or suggest idiot suggestions, such as some guy suggesting permadeath (I guess some people would find that attractive, but I don't know what sense ot makes in an MMO). I should know, I've proposed a similar thread once, and it got closed down after a bunch of posters were going "Lul diz goy"

    The best solution I can think of, that could make everyone happy, while not separating playerbases or "Taxing the servers" through phasing... Include a buff/debuff called "Undaunted Wanderer" or something fancy like that. Put an NPC in the Undaunted camps that challenges you to take on the world, and then applies a debuff that increases damage taken or damage dealt, or something like that, while also improving the drop and quality of loot.

    Can't see anything wrong with that.

    I can even think of some dialogue the NPC might have: "Ah, I see you there! *inhales* Aaaah, can you smell that? I can see it in your eyes, you lust for adventure, to see the world and battle monsters of all shapes and sizes? But I see the spark in your eyes that yearns for more. So tell you what, take this scroll and read it out loud, and you will find yourself facing beasts that may very well leave you gasping for air. And if you wish to revert the scroll's magic, come to me and I shall cleanse you of its effect... For a fee. Hahah, just pulling your leg!"

    So sayeth Ingrid the Wandered. A Nord Woman Soul Shriven (Let's say that she is Cadwell's cousin that only you can see)
    Edited by Kalgert on May 27, 2019 1:24PM
  • tinythinker
    Yeah, lots of possibilities for this and an issue people have been on about for a long time...
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  • srfrogg23
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    OMG Zos, please just implement some sort of optional debuff mode so all these tryhards can use it once and then never touch it again. At least then maybe they will quit whining on the forums in an attempt to impress the rest of us with their uber l337 ESO sk1llz...

    You know, after a week of playing with ESOLogs it doesn't surprise me that someone as active as you on the forums would be so dismissive considering I see 810s parsing below what I did at CP300. Maybe you aren't to the point where you sneeze on a boss and it dies but I am and it sucks.

    If it has gotten to that point, then you might as well go try something else. Go pvp. No greater challenge than facing other human beings. Then brag about how awesome you are on the forums.

    I tank and heal in vet group content. Shorter queue times. I don't need to "parse". I just play. Maybe you should try that too.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Taking off CP and gear doesn't work to provide challenge for "veteran" players. Because the whole "know how the game systems work / has Learned To Play" is a bigger factor in your success.

    Which is why just making the zone mobs stronger wouldn't work, either - people who have done vet dungeons & trials are used to mobs with mechanics that they have to deal with. Overland mobs are in smaller groups, with simpler mechanics. Simply increasing their HP and making them do 2x damage, won't actually provide challenge for the L33T Crowd. You'd need a redesigned zone, with denser mob placement & mobs that do more things.

    and give us better loot

    No. There's already enough "haves & have nots" stuff, we don't need to amplify it.

    And as said - if you're really doing this for the "challenge", you don't need a bribe to do it.

    (but we know that "l33t d00d" MMO players don't actually want that challenge - you see it every time New Hard Content comes out in a game, and the Top Players rush to find the easiest way to exploit past everything for Maximum Profit @ Minimum Effort. Ditto in PvP, where the most macho braggarts love to stomp on helpless PvE'ers and low levels. They don't want "challenge", they just want the illusion of it to lord over those they see as below them.)
  • Taleof2Cities
    I’m really getting tired of these threads.
  • sudaki_eso
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    As I posted in a similar thread, and which someone has mentioned on above, this would mean separating out the players - in an mmo.

    Overland is for players to quest, rp, play with friends, learn new skills, harvest mats and to get to grips with the game. So you find it easy? Well if you have been playing for so long then thats not a surprise - you understand how the game works. Not everyone has that knowledge yet.

    And another suggestion for pc players who think things too easy - turn off all your lovely combat add-ons 😉

    ^This, you are already good, too good :wink:
    When i started the game i came directly from skyrim and played like in skyrim...go figure...And let me tell you, overland content wasnt easy for me when i was new and had no clue, cp's or decent armour. There was even one delve boss which i couldnt kill and i was so happy when a max cp guy came by and killed the mofo with me. Public dungeos? Quite a challange....If i think about it now i can only laugh about it but back then it was tough. Also soloing dolmen was quite a bit of a challange, now with a proper rotation, gear, cp's its a walk in the park. And even now i see a lot of people struggle with overland content - you know, the low level guy fighting mobs and almost dies, you see that quite often.
    That doesnt mean that I wouldnt mind a harder extra zone like carglorn was when it came out. Otherwise play naked and without cps for now :blush:
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • max_only
    I wish “collect 25 pieces of meat” took longer.

    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Spartabunny08
    3000 gold remove CP. Problem solved.
  • mikemacon
  • Chadak
    Let me disable my champion points in the overworld in exchange for more XP and better loot.

    All you want is more XP and better loot. If you cared about challenge, you'd just not spend your CP and/or roll around in white gear with no set bonuses.

  • Androconium
    I’m really getting tired of these threads.

  • Skwor
    Overland is just fine for new players. Go solo vet dungeons if you are so good. Better loot and more challange, if those are to easy for you solo them naked with no CP.

    Other wise enough already these threads are tiresome.
  • Fingolfinn01
    This maybe one of things next on the to do list. They haven't raised the cap in this expansion. And have suggested some kind of overhaul of the cp system. However its difficult to solve, and I hven't yet read any good solutions on the forums.
  • MikaHR
    Actually they hav to put power creep back under control as it has spiraled out of control, removing ANY combat stats from CPs +heavily nerfing top end gear along with limiting monster sets to dungeons/trials is first step which in resolving both issues.
  • Pevey
    This mode already exists. It's called "don't allocate your champion points."

    That is in addition to the other hardmode ZOS has implemented, which is called, "don't use any gear or food or skills you personally believe are OP."

    There is nothing stopping you from using these two modes today.
  • mocap
    Skwor wrote: »
    Go solo vet dungeons if you are so good
    repeatable content not the same as unique questing. Stop this BS advices already as well as naked etc...
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