GaianSpirit wrote: »
Difference here is that the motifs we already know we can get in game, they never said the weapon packs would be avaible with tickets, once again its about the lack of information.
witchdoctor wrote: »
Hasn't that been an ongoing request of these forums?
Less crown stuff; more in-game stuff?
Its almost like they listened ...
GaianSpirit wrote: »
So with that analogy you are saying I should code my own weapons and use them in game? :S
adjective"he was a dishonest hypocrite prepared to exploit his family"
- behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy, deceitful, or insincere way.
"he gave the editor a dishonest account of events"
- intended to mislead or cheat.
synonyms: fraudulent, corrupt, swindling, cheating, double-dealing;
Please elaborate on where this applies.
What you're experiencing is hyperbolic discounting and relative deprivation. It's a play on perceived, artificial 'need' that we choose to fulfil or not. Get your reward now or later -- now will always initially feel more valuable than later, even if holding equal or less actual worth. Others seeing that reward want the same or similar. Provision of later ensures a new cycle.
rotaugen454 wrote: »The only two items that I don’t want to see in Crown Store or for tickets are the Beta Monkey and the Loyalty Senche. Even so, I wouldn’t get bent out of shape if they did. It wouldn’t prevent me from enjoying the game.
Clearly most people saying this is ok or great or defending zos didnt buy the pack with crowns and are just happy they can get it with tickets... usually these are the same people that brag about playing free without spending any money at all. Same people that don't understand how a company needs $ to survive.
W/e. Seems unfair though. Zos just being short sighted here. Shocking.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Clearly most people saying this is ok or great or defending zos didnt buy the pack with crowns and are just happy they can get it with tickets...
I think if you wanted the item at the time, months and months before it became or could become available by other means is irrelevant. You got it when you wanted it when it was available.
They've never marketed with the words 'this is exclusively how you get these'. We all just took it as the medium it was available in without question and either bought or didn't.
But I wouldn't consider this a scam. I think your definition's wrong. Sorry, don't agree with you.
Girl_Number8 wrote: »
Give it time, lol. I have had so many people ask me where I got my little imagkin monkey that I said, don't worry, you will have a chance to buy it or get it in a crate soon enough and Idc either.
KhajiitFelix wrote: »You people are insane.
Imagine you paid 6000$ for a very big in-game manor and then people who logged-in 3 days got it for free.
Would you be happy?
Scammed has 2 m's
Emmagoldman wrote: »
Thank you for the dictionary defintion. Whew, I guess I can toss out my masters now that I know what dishonest means. All this time, I thought it was a verb or adverb.
Its decietful to generator sales under the pretext of exclusiveness and urgency through a false time limit. They lured customers to believe the items were exclusive and unique. Would people have purchased as many of these sets if they knew it can be earned? Probably not. I would argue ZOS also new timeframe wasnt relevant and it wasnt unique, unlike unique motifs only availbe in store.
I understand mmos finding new way for people to keep grinding out previous content as end game content cant keep pace. Also I actually like the idea of people acquiring these goods ( though it will be grindy for sure). Yet I empathize with people upset thinking it was limited time or only availbale in store
Hey, limited time Jordans, only sold for three days. 1k each. One month later on the shelves at payless
So reduced, your argument is:
"It can only be permitted if known ahead of time; it will only be known ahead of time if permitted."
This is a different argument to what you present.
No longer scam -- just that you now are aware of a cost free means to the same result. Months later, and you feel this is grounds for refund.