ServerusEcru wrote: »I miss the old days of Kush and Pact Militia, prime EP guilds that no longer run; indeed OTC has had some good battles with them. But yes, despite what the lead shows now, AD is still the faction to beat..
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
I would pay good money to have all the golden oldies on the map again, and a server that could handle it. Imagine a world where Hijinx and No Mercy and Decibel and Vokundein and K-Hole and DiE were all on the map at once.
It would be glorious.
ellahellabella wrote: »
I used to have trouble streaking or simply roll escaping out of the talon and impulse strong DiE back then with fps drops.
DiE was a Fantastic guild I shall add before any negatives get any ideas to QQ.
If i were to reflect now however, I would take those fps drops over what we have now. The server ran so smooth most of the time. And people wonder why we daydream about the old days....
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Yup. Right up to the lighting patch, the only issues in pvp were the cruddy class and skill balance issues (and those were severe). But that was fixable. Whatever foundational thing they put into that patch just wrecked the game and has been the underpinning fault that has continued to this day.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
In b4 some random guy turns up saying lighting patch didnt cause performance issues. That one patch made so many players quit
the lighting patch was when they moved a bunch of information server side to deal with cheating / exploits. that means more calculations that the server has to do. obviously when the original alliance war was designed and tested it was done so before that change.
Really? I’ve read for the past 3 or so years DC and EP have been dominant and had 2 or 3 times the numbers. There are more AD these days but it’s a recent development - this is no-CP 30 day PC NA.
I’m pretty sure this is where all the recent faction stacking complaints have come from. EP and DC aren’t used to fighting large enough numbers of AD to pose a challenge.
Let’s face it, the same people complaining about faction stacking are the ones who chose EP and DC to play on the most populated team.
the lighting patch was when they moved a bunch of information server side to deal with cheating / exploits. that means more calculations that the server has to do. obviously when the original alliance war was designed and tested it was done so before that change.
im surprised they have kept it going as smooth as they have given that change. I would just cut the fat from cyro even more, get rid of the wild wolves, imperial camps, random mobs, and NPC's outside of dungeons, get rid of the harvesting nodes, etc.
I think that alone might curb lag a bit more, maybe even drop per faction pop by another 10 players per faction (so 30 total) get rid of CP (more calculations)
the lighting patch was when they moved a bunch of information server side to deal with cheating / exploits. that means more calculations that the server has to do. obviously when the original alliance war was designed and tested it was done so before that change.
im surprised they have kept it going as smooth as they have given that change. I would just cut the fat from cyro even more, get rid of the wild wolves, imperial camps, random mobs, and NPC's outside of dungeons, get rid of the harvesting nodes, etc.
I think that alone might curb lag a bit more, maybe even drop per faction pop by another 10 players per faction (so 30 total) get rid of CP (more calculations)
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Yup. Right up to the lighting patch, the only issues in pvp were the cruddy class and skill balance issues (and those were severe). But that was fixable. Whatever foundational thing they put into that patch just wrecked the game and has been the underpinning fault that has continued to this day.
Joy_Division wrote: »
[sarcasm]I don;t know why everyone scapegoats the Lighting Patch. ZOS told us the sudden and precipitous performance drop was because at that very same time everyone unlocked all their class passives, which added a bunch of calculations to the server that hadn;t been there the night before they did the update. Because we all have the same schedules and leveled at the same pace. And none of us reset our routers.[/sarcasm]
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »Yes there was a huge performance problem with that patch in 2014... The game was unplayable in 2015 etc... The game isn't like that now though.
This is what the game used to be like, and it doesn't look like this anymore... it has improved a lot and that is despite the fact that the player base has greatly improved, max cp, unlimited sustain and proc sets.
Blackwater Blade had zero lag with lock pop. Console launch had 0 lag with lock pop while PC was still lagging, after a few months console ended up degrading to the same state as PC though. The variable in all this is the players themselves and how much stress they put on the servers as they get better at the game or have better character stats.
Don't get me wrong, lag is still bad, but I don't understand why people still carry on about a patch from 5 years ago when a lot of changes have been made since then.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Conceptually, having resources in Cyrodiil is a good idea. Having them be extra rich would in fact help with Cyrodiil participation and player numbers. Back in DAOC they even had raid bosses and rich farm spots in the frontiers precisely to entice people to stay in them for long periods of time. And they do participate in the function of getting players to spread out.
Every player in Cropsford, Cheydinhal, a delve, searching for rubedite nodes, ganking a resource, crafting in the south gate, etc is one less player stacked on top of each other in a giant zergball.
I do wish the server did a better job handling everything. That is still a primary failing of ZOS's, is never understanding how to fix it. I attribute a large part of that to spaghetti coding and the fact that they transferred the primary initial dev team to the console development as the lighting patch hit, causing a brain drain while also making it hard to detect the failure point back through the coding to a spot where it could be fixed without breaking a ton of other things.
Minnesinger wrote: »
As is AotP. To keep this civil I find it really nice that AD feels stronger at the moment. Many of the more orginal AD guilds have been on hiatus but luckily the new players been able to hold their best to keep AD competitive. There will be much to see when Elsweyr will be live. I think many veteran players will be back.
Minnesinger wrote: »
As is AotP. To keep this civil I find it really nice that AD feels stronger at the moment. Many of the more orginal AD guilds have been on hiatus but luckily the new players been able to hold their best to keep AD competitive. There will be much to see when Elsweyr will be live. I think many veteran players will be back.
Strength of each faction depends on the raid times of each guild. As much as the small scale pvpers like to talk like they’re the foundation of ESO pvp, it isn’t until the larger guilds log on that objectives get pushed.
A lot of DC and EP also chose that faction because they’re more numerous. The larger AD guilds are fighting numerous smaller guilds at once, so are still usually outnumbered.
and most small scale consists of farming noobs at resources, trying to flip an outpost on the opposite side of the map, or generally trying to sit between the opposing two factions and try to feed of people actually trying to engage in the alliance war.
small scale contribute nothing in in cyro, but boy are they loud on the forums.
They contribute heaps. When a small scale group attracts the attention of 40 pugs, that's 40 pugs not defending a keep for the Faction Loyal RPers to go PVDoor.