WilliamESO wrote: »It's not worth to farm boxes just farm gold in IC no cp regular way 3Mil 10 hours
True. Some people seem to be misled about the actual value of Midyear Mayhem reward boxes (they aren't nearly as valuable as the Anniversary event boxes).
In short they may contain:
- (rarely) a Hakeijo rune
- (rarely) a motif page for the Pact/Covenant/Dominion or Akaviri style (prices for those will plunge in no time)
- (rarely) some Transmute crystals (1-10 iirc)
- (rarely) a coldfire siege
- worthless junk
So as a pvp player you'll be better off just doing your usual thing for tons of AP (and reward boxes along with your RFTW mails).
As a pve player you'll probably make more gold/hour just farming mats in Craglorn (taking some load off the pvp servers too)
Ryath_Waylander wrote: »
Mwahaha no AP. I have a diabolical method to ensure no ganker profits from my pve toon's death. I die so often I have none on my corpse
LadyHeloise wrote: »
This is me. Only PvP in MM. But have got to Lieutenant through tagging along with groups and playing with seige weapons or repairing walls. Oh and healing in sieges and running away a lot. Have only killed other players by accident! But had a blast doing it. Scouting missions are easy, but just be prepared to die. Often. It really doesn't matter much, apart from having to travel a lot.
"Cyrodiil merchant Adhazabi Aba-daro (also known as “The Golden”) stocks Alliance War Legendary-quality jewelry, with necklaces during the first weekend and rings during the second."
Can anyone give more info on this, like where is the npc located? Cyrodiil is a big place. Forgive me if it's in the OP. But I can't seem to see anything about it. How expensive are the goods the merchant sells? I require more information.
The guide seems to tell me everything except the one thing I want to know.
Best way for a new player/non-pvper to contribute in cyrodiil:
Bring in your tank spec. Defend anything being attacked and drop oil or use meat bags like crazy. Never fight and run away.
PvPers will hate you, you’ll be contributing a lot, and get lots of kills while getting revenge against people for all those times you were ganked.
She is in one of your alliance's bases. Specifically, at
Western Elsweyr Gate (AD)
Northern High Rock Gate (DC)
Southern Morrowind Gate (EP)
So once you get into Cyrodiil, you're in one of the two bases of your faction. Check the map if you're in the right one; if not, use the Transitus stone to port there. She is near the wayshrine, a Khajiit NPC with a golden glow.
There is zero PvP or even travelling through PvP areas required.
Pretty sure they stack as they are not the same buff.Cirantille wrote: »Does the delve boss killing AP buff stack with the AP buff from event?
Sorry, first year in ESO and grinding for legate:)
Ryath_Waylander wrote: »
Mwahaha no AP. I have a diabolical method to ensure no ganker profits from my pve toon's death. I die so often I have none on my corpse
Pretty sure they stack as they are not the same buff.
XP buffs from events stack with training gear who stack with potion or scroll but potions and scrolls don't stack.
marius_buys wrote: »
Stack Delve Boss bonus, Scroll/Ambrosia bonus and event bonus with training gear, group of two and ESO plus for max effect. Crazy XP.
The town quest givers will give out 50 quick & easy to do PvE MISSIONS per day.
There are 5 towns and each town has 2 quest givers that give out 5 missions each per day.
The town quests completes very quickly and needs no PvP skill if you can avoid other PvP players.
Completing all the Town (Settlement) missions will earn you the "Hero of Cyrodiil" title
There might be some PvP grievers ganking the "Cyrodiil Tourists" because they struggle to compete in actual PvP
NOTE: The HERO OF CYRODIIL title requirers you to do all 50 Town Quests. Try to complete all 10 before moving on as they are in an order and if you leave you might start anywhere in that order.
I have Tamriel Hero, but no Hero of Cyrodiil title. I am sure that I did all the town quests. I also did not see this title in the achievements list. Are you sure about this?
I have Tamriel Hero, but no Hero of Cyrodiil title. I am sure that I did all the town quests. I also did not see this title in the achievements list. Are you sure about this?