Noone has to go anywhere near Cropsford or Bruma. One can just enjoy pvp as usual and earn tons of AP and reward boxes (from RFTW mails) while doing so.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »As someone who basically melts in PvP, I have to say again that the Midyear Mayhem and the Imperial City events are both a lot of fun. Sure, you'll get killed. But you never really get killed in this game, just inconvenienced by having to resurrect back at a wayshrine or your home base or whatever. Have fun, go with the flow-- or with the zerg-- and stop being so negative. There's nothing to get traumatized over, just keep a lighthearted attitude about it and enjoy yourself.
marius_buys wrote: »As always there will be some PvP wannabe's trying to gank what they call Cyrodiil Tourists.
marius_buys wrote: »2 - Be a vampire
They can run while invisible
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »
Seriously? Can anyone else vouch for this? My understanding was that they could just move at normal speed (not slowed) while sneaking, if at stage 4 vampirism (with passive). (This is more or less invisible if you are wearing all those detection radius reduction gear sets, although you pop out of sneak and become visible anytime you try to go through a door or harvest something etc, as usual). Anyone trying to SPRINT while invisible automatically pops out of both sneak AND invisibility, and becomes visible. It takes a while to get used to this as a newbie vamp or sneaky character.
Note: Nightblades can also move 30% faster in sneak or invisibility with the magicka morph of Concealed Weapon skill slotted. This is still not as fast as actually SPRINTING, but it's nice and combines well with the detection radius reduction setups.
Warning: Stay clear of Bosmers - they now have a racial passive that gives them an extra 2m detection radius of anyone sneaking nearby.
Also: Since the Crown Store preview for January hinted that we would see the 2020 Midyear Mayhem event this month, my guess is that we will see an announcement on Tuesday, January 21, about the event starting on Thursday, January 23. Most of the special events start on a Thursday, it seems, about ten days after the previous event ended. The event would most likely run until Monday, February 3rd, if it follows the usual pattern.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »As someone who basically melts in PvP, I have to say again that the Midyear Mayhem and the Imperial City events are both a lot of fun. Sure, you'll get killed. But you never really get killed in this game, just inconvenienced by having to resurrect back at a wayshrine or your home base or whatever. Have fun, go with the flow-- or with the zerg-- and stop being so negative. There's nothing to get traumatized over, just keep a lighthearted attitude about it and enjoy yourself.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
SeaGtGruff wrote: »As someone who basically melts in PvP, I have to say again that the Midyear Mayhem and the Imperial City events are both a lot of fun. Sure, you'll get killed. But you never really get killed in this game, just inconvenienced by having to resurrect back at a wayshrine or your home base or whatever. Have fun, go with the flow-- or with the zerg-- and stop being so negative. There's nothing to get traumatized over, just keep a lighthearted attitude about it and enjoy yourself.
We don't know yet. But judging by the fact that we have a "hot-fix" on Monday:When's it start ?
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »Warning: Stay clear of Bosmers - they now have a racial passive that gives them an extra 2m detection radius of anyone sneaking nearby.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »
So the way that I *think* things work is that if someone is in stealth and you crouch, the eye opens a bit, which lets you know that someone is trying to find you (or... something. Basically that there's someone or something nearby), which can help you plan your defense.
As a Bosmer, if you're invisible and there's someone nearby, and if the person crouches/goes into stealth too, they'll be able to see you looking for them two meters sooner, which actually seems like a disadvantage.
Or am I wrong about how this stuff works?
I wasn't aware they announced the dates, or whether event will function the same way as last year, but I guess OP will just edit the post once we have official info?
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »We don't know yet. But judging by the fact that we have a "hot-fix" on Monday:
Undaunted even had a hot-fix patch in Monday & started in Thursday, so I guess that Midyear Mayhem may follow the same pattern and it will start very soon, probably in Thursday, January 23
JumpmanLane wrote: »
That’s the LEAST of your worries. DETECT POTS not to mention skills that’ll bring you out of stealth.
I mean you can hide but I wouldn’t build around hiding like this guide suggests. I mean if they get ANY hint you’re there hiding won’t work so good after. Neither will running due to gap closers, RAT, speed pots whatever. PARTICULARLY if you’re in divines.
This meta, if you build for anything build for tankiness. Run a troll tank build. Folks will maybe hit you with some heavies, get some resources back then leave you alone. You’re alive and can go back to what you were doing.
What I’d do if I had no intention of fighting.
redgreensunset wrote: »
Except a lot of people will be there for tickets and deliberately kept from getting them. That's a bit hard to "enjoy".
Not to mention that Cyrodiil is a confusing mess, impossible to find your way around in when new even in the best case scenario. Which or the record this event won't be.
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »
What would one wear if one were to create a troll tank build?
I just want to say that when the event goes live, some of us will act as Guards for our Faction PvErs, however i'd still appreciate it if players of all factions treated Quest towns as cease fire zones and behaved accordingly.
If you want to PvP, go find a Keep.
JumpmanLane wrote: »
First, you want all impen. Crits KILL...So no divines.
You’re not gonna worry so much about killing so you want defensive ulti s. Like Undo for minor protect. SnB ulti. Etc.
You want high, high, high HIGH mitigation first off because there’s no cap in PvP. By that I mean, if you go over 33k your mitigation minus their pen can still land you at or above 33k.
Probably heavy armor, sword and board sword and board or sword and board ice staff.
Monster sets like Bloodspawn, Troll King, Chudan. Or 1 Chudan, 1 Warden, or 1 Pirate Skeleton.
You want heals and shields.
Sets like the crafted Fortified Brass for example. Shacklebreaker maybe for stats.
Those are broad strokes. For any class. Basically DK, Templar, Necro make great tanks. You can go on YouTube and finds some tanky builds. You can find them online.
Basically, just a tank with no support skills with everything turned to tankiness and self heals. Proc sets that heal and bump up your tankiness. Stuff that says, “when you take damage.” Remember though heals are important because even with high mitigation you’re only mitigating 50% of the damage.
Run immovables and some snare removal skill like wings on a MagDk (50% mitigation on projectiles) or RAT.
If you can stay on your feet and moving you’re good. This patch, NB’s have been hit hard with nerfs. Folks are so tanky that legit 1 shot ganks are rare.
Google Health Recovery Tank for some insights maybe.
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »
Thank you for this, I appreciate the details you put into it. Looks like my necro is gonna be trolling cyro