Sylvermynx wrote: »*shrug* I never expected to have "snakefolk Akaviri".
I have a hard time with stuff like this.
What's so hard about taking a Lamia, cutting it in half and putting the upper half of an Imperial onto the lower half of a Lamia?
Sylvermynx wrote: »*shrug* I never expected to have "snakefolk Akaviri". So I'm neither upset nor surprised. As far as the entire Akaviri premise, I'd prefer it wasn't even there. After all, "where the Akiviri army met its bloody end" is already in game and long past now. So we're supposed to buy into "peaceful" Akaviri in Rimmen?
I have a hard time with stuff like this.
There is definitely some information that needs to be cleared up here.
1. The term Akaviri is a general term that refers to anyone from Akavir.
2. The Tsaesci being snake like beings is not confirmed anywhere and the voracity of the claim is questioned even within the lore and in fact Oblivion offers direct proof that at the very least not all Tsaesci are snake people since the ghosts and skeletons of Tsaesci soldiers in the Pale Pass garrison are clearly human.
3. Even if there were actual Tsaesci snake people there were none left in Tamriel by the end of the first era.
4. The 2nd era Akaviri invasion that was the impetus for the Ebonheart Pact was not lead by the Tsaesci.
The Tsaesci once invaded Tamriel in 1E 2703, but were driven back by the forces of Emperor Reman I. Surviving Tsaesci in Cyrodiil served as mercenaries and personal guards of nobles They left many influences on Imperial institutions and culture, including the doctrines and equipment of the Imperial Legion, the creation of the Blades and Fighters Guild, a reverence among the Imperial aristocracy for all things Akaviri, and the adoption of the dragon as a symbol of the Empire. A number of Tsaesci even served the Second Empire as Potentates, among them Sidri-Ashak, Versidue-Shaie, and Savirien-Chorak. The latter two ruled the Second Empire outright during the first half of the Second Era, a period known as the Akaviri Potentate that was brought on by the demise of the Reman Dynasty.
My thoughts on what snakefolk Akaviri would look like is a humanoid bipedal creature that have scaly snake-like skin that have fangs and a thin parted snake like tongue and small black snakelike eyes.
something like this except the face would be more Imperial/Human looking and there skin would be normal skin colors
I would say, by this time of the Second Era, there are probably no Tsaesci left in Tameriel, or if there are, it would be such a small number, it would be near impossible to locate them.
It's okay, I wasn't attacking you killer. No need to get defensive, just pointing out that the Tsaesci were in the 2nd era (Bolded), and made a comment that if there are, they would be very few (if they stayed) and quite probably near impossible to find on Tameriel.
I said snake people, there is no actual evidence that the Akaviri Potentates were snake people.
This is pure speculation but maybe the Tsaesci are snake people in the same way khajiit are cat people: some of them look exactly like snakes, some are humanoid snakes and some are indistinguishable from humans (or elves in the case of khajiit).
As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed to this several months before and forgotten about it. One combatant was the Potentate's son, Savirien-Chorak, a glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The other was the Emperor's son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.
The Potentate Versidue-Shaie and his son Savirien-Chorak slithered into the room, both bedecked in the headdress and jewelry of the Tsaesci. There was no smile on their golden face, but there seldom was one. The Emperor still greeted his trusted advisor with enthusiasm.
Wrong. In this era at any rate.Nemesis7884 wrote: »Akaviri are mostly normal - asian - looking humans... but there are demi human races tigers, monkeys, snakes and yetis there as well
Exactly, "akaviri" are four races - snakepeople Tsaesci, monkeypeople Tang Mo, tigerpeople Ka Po'tun, and "snow demons" Kamal (which noone is really sure what that actually means, so the developers could do whatever. From yeti to bearmen to reptiles that hibernate in the cold...)1. The term Akaviri is a general term that refers to anyone from Akavir.
IS confirmed.2. The Tsaesci being snake like beings is not confirmed anywhere...
...until the akaviri invasion a decade before ESO, which may or may not have had some along.3. Even if there were actual Tsaesci snake people there were none left in Tamriel by the end of the first era.
...but by the Kamal.4. The 2nd era Akaviri invasion that was the impetus for the Ebonheart Pact was not lead by the Tsaesci.
There is info the potentates were. or at the very least... some of them.I said snake people, there is no actual evidence that the Akaviri Potentates were snake people.
Darios_Heliodromos wrote: »
Neither did I. Pretty much all of the already existing lore concerning Tsaesci elude to them being humans who are culturally (and probably also physically) similar to East Asians. Everything about scales and snake-like characteristics probably refer to their armor, fighting styles, maybe even religious devotion. You go deep enough in the past and they are probably distantly related to Bretons, Nords, Imperials, and Redguards.
Also, we need to keep in mind that the term "Akaviri" is analogous to "Tamrielic" so it is best to refer to the people as Tsaesci.
psychotrip wrote: »This is such a boring cop-out...yet again Zenimax chooses the most mundane interpretation of the lore whenever they can get away with it. And just like that, the world of Nirn is a little less interesting. Not enough to matter, but enough to notice.
My thoughts on what snakefolk Akaviri would look like is a humanoid bipedal creature that have scaly snake-like skin that have fangs and a thin parted snake like tongue and small black snakelike eyes.
something like this except the face would be more Imperial/Human looking and there skin would be normal skin colors