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ESO not very single player friendy

  • SeaGtGruff
    @twilightwarrick, I'm 60. I play solo most of the time. I didn't see whether you mentioned your platform and server, but if it's PC or Mac then I've got characters on both the NA and EU servers, and belong to a guild or two or both. Feel free to look me up on the PC/Mac servers (I'm SeaGtGruff, same as here) and I'll invite you to a guild if you want.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • SoLooney
    I sympathize with you but this isnt skyrim.

    Eso is a multiplayer game where a lot of content is focused on interacting with other players whether it is pve or pvp. Besides maelstrom and quests, tackling dungeons, trials, bgs, and group play in cyrodiil is playing with other players

    I suggest joining a casual guild that does content that interests or you really want to consider playing a different game, it is a mmorpg
  • Zacuel
    I guess the point I was trying to make is if someone feels penalized by the game because they are so put off by having to interact with other people you are really only penalizing yourself.

    If you're fine with that more power to you and enjoy.
  • Jayman1000
    It's still ten times more single player friendly than most other mmo's. At least here you can actually do dungeons by yourself if you really want to, it will just take longer time than using the dungeon finder to find a group. and when you do it yourself you can take all the time in the world.

    Other mmo's you usually cant do any dungeons by yourself.
    Edited by Jayman1000 on April 5, 2019 9:25PM
  • FrancisCrawford
    Turelus wrote: »
    I would recommend finding a casual social guild you can work with, there are plenty out there which focus on just letting folks do their thing but offering the chance to group for group based content.

    If you're not playing the group content in the game then there isn't a massive need for most of the higher power items from group based content. If you're just after Monster helms/shoulders you could also check Cyrodiil every weekend where some of them are sold for gold at a vendor. They will have a PvP trait on them but you could transmute them.

    Good advice, but the bolded sentence is off.
    • The helmets you can buy for gold are Infused, which is an outstanding trait for PvE. Ditto the shoulders, for which Infused is a tolerable trait but not the best.
    • What stones is he going to transmute them with?
  • Beardimus
    I'm old. Like over 40 old. I just dont do that ***.

    im 54 what don't you do, undaunted, and yes to Happylittletree I know its a MMO but perhaps they could have an option
    or missions that give you better gear for people, that don't know many players, and struggle to find groups,
    to do the missions they want to do.

    Have you got Orsinium? Maelstrom is a mega solo mission. Normal first then vet when you feeling brave.

    I hear you re overland, its too easy. But honnestly try to find a small chilled guild to hang with and find your way.

    I never set out to join guilds of none IRL folks but over time i have and learnt / gained so much
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • bearbelly

    Check out the guild Lone Wolf Help.

    Very friendly, low-pressure, solo-friendly guild, with scheduled weekly various group-content play sessions.

    I play mostly solo, myself, as do many of the people who are members. There is no pressure to take part in the multiplayer sessions, but if you're wanting to run certain group areas (such as Undaunted missions), all it takes is asking people in guild chat if they want to join you. It's rare to see such an ask go without a response, in my experience since I joined.
  • LordTareq
    ESO is the most solo-friendly MMO I've ever played to be honest, although GW2 comes close.
  • Linaleah
    kathandira wrote: »
    Everyone saying “it’s an MMO” keeps forgetting the fact that this is marketed as an Elder Scrolls game, which are mostly single player regardless

    Warcraft was a single player RTS. And World of Warcraft became one of the most important games in MMO history.

    Just because a game originated as a singe player experience, doesn't mean the online multiplayer counter part needs to be single player oriented.

    weeeeeellll... one of the reasons WoW became so popular was becasue it was the first MMO on a market to be solo friendly. prior to that you pretty much needed a group for everything. with WoW, you only needed a group for some things and everything else could be done solo, so grouping became something you chose to do, not something you were forced to do.

    well that and the who part of the marketing for this specific game DID revolve around it being solo friendly and welcoming to people who originally came form ES solo games :P

    so... there is that. (/wave from MMo champ :D )

    but seriously - crafting. crafting is solo player's absolute best friend. even for group focused players, crafting is something you do at least to some degree, because its the only way to upgrade your gear to gold. can't rely on those leader board rewards. and crafting in ESO is 100% solo friendly, unlike current iteration of WoW.
    Edited by Linaleah on April 5, 2019 10:13PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • ArchMikem
    I'm old. Like over 40 old. I just dont do that ***.

    im 54 what don't you do, undaunted, and yes to Happylittletree I know its a MMO but perhaps they could have an option
    or missions that give you better gear for people, that don't know many players, and struggle to find groups,
    to do the missions they want to do.

    Theres good gear that you can craft, and theres good gear sets that drop from overland zones. The stuff that drops from dungeons and trials arent the only things available.

    Ive been playing more or less by myself for 3+ years now and im in proper end game.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Lumenn
    Having played original EQ from launch plus 10 years or so ESO is the most solo friendly online game I've played. Do I agree with the "iT's An MmO sO yOu MuSt GrOuP oR yOu SuXoRs!" Crowd nope. Mmo just means you all share the same world, some solo content, some you will never be strong enough to solo. ESO gives me content(i mostly solo) I can do when either time/family/work/ or even my mood make a group undesirable unlike EQ USED to be back in the day before they lost everyone to wow. There are guilds and groups, or make your own. My only gripes are nerfs that make all classes the same, and crafting could be more rewarding. But solo content is good.
  • Gracous
    Him mm yes well I'm a bit fed up, as an older player, I don't really know many people playing and the few I do are usually offline, lately,
    been trying to do a couple of undaunted missions to get some monster gear sets, well its almost impossible on my own,
    and thinking about it most things in this game seen geared towards group play ,Alliance wars , Battlegrounds, dungeons undaunted.
    really the only thing you can do as a single player are basic story missions, and the rewards are crap, I don't know,
    I can join a group finder , but its usually not the missions I want to do, and if I post , nobody seems to do my quests, feel like its just a waste of time lately.
    any advice would be welcome as how to solo some of these missions, I'm cp 290 night blade thanks

    This is our guild recruitment page.
    You are more than welcome to join our guild.
    We have a lots of people in our guild over 40 (me being one of them).
    There are usually people on at all times of the day.
    Our peak times are from 5 to about 11p.m. EST
    Come and check us out.
  • Casdha
    FYI Im not sure how old you are but I hit 49 this year and a player Ive been friends with since before launch hits, I think, 75 this year. Might even be 76. Age is only what you make it in this game.
    Edited by Casdha on April 5, 2019 10:48PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • EllieBlue
    I am sorry to hear that you are a little "stuck" in-game. The best option will be to find a guild with like-minded people. There are quite a few guilds advertised in the Guild Recruitment section. I have seen several that caters only to the mature players eg. 30+ or 40+ yrs old players only and they play casually and "at your own pace" type playstyle. Check them out and you might just find the right fit with one of them and when you do, quite often it will change your game-life for the better. All the best!
    Nirn Traders GM (est 2015)
    PC EU
    Semi-retired. Playing games for fun. Super casual.
  • witchdoctor
    If you are only going to play solo, as noted already, crafting is the answer.

    Julianos/Seducer as magicka; Hundings/NMG as stamina, is absolutely all you need if you will only play solo.
  • Sylvermynx
    I solo.... I'm 71, and while my reflexes are damn good..... my internet is satellite (euphemism for SUCKS) so my ping is WAY high.

    Lots of stuff I can't do. Any "mini-boss" in a quest line? Nope. Soloing delves? Probably not (well, pet classes yes, anything else no). Dungeons? Get out. Still, I have fun....
  • AngelFires333
  • wishlist14
    I have a few suggestions;

    Most ppl suggested joining a social guild which is an obvious idea but if you don't feel comfortable being in a guild then you can try out these ideas...

    Start your own group and ask in zone chat for ppl to join your group to do specific missions...there may be players interested in joining you.

    When you pug a dungeon you need to ask the group members if they mind pasing you the piece of gear you are after. Some players are very can arrange to swap gear item you need for one they need.

    Another idea is to start your own guild ...just hear me out. Specify that it is catered to players that prefer to play solo most of the time but who may need a bit of help now and then to do group missions or activities where it's not possible to complete the content solo. If you advertise your guild here on these forums you can be very specific about how you want this 'solo players based' guild to work. Maybe something similar already exists idk.

    My last suggestion is save lots of gold and wait till your monster helmet is sold at the gold vendor. They are random so you just have to keep eye out every second week they have shoulders and helms.

  • Sleep
    it's an mmo game. but it's also not very mmo friendly.
  • Jamdarius
    Everyone saying “it’s an MMO” keeps forgetting the fact that this is marketed as an Elder Scrolls game, which are mostly single player regardless

    It was never marketed as an Elder Scrolls game, it was marketed as an ONLINE game in The Elder Scrolls World.
  • RebornV3x
    its just seems this isn't your game OP this game is very solo friendly with the right gear and CP you can probably solo 90% of the games content. dungeons and trials arn't really meant for solo play but the games an MMO so I don't know what you were expecting.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • zaria
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    its just seems this isn't your game OP this game is very solo friendly with the right gear and CP you can probably solo 90% of the games content. dungeons and trials arn't really meant for solo play but the games an MMO so I don't know what you were expecting.
    You don't need that for questing who is +75% of the content story vise.

    You can always do dungeon on normal and drop quest if it was not an good experience.
    Done that multiple times.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
    I solo a lot of things. I wouldn't if I didn't enjoy it. Since you need to be the DPS,Tank and Healer. You need to build for it for some things.
  • TheShadowScout
    Huyen wrote: »
    Tabris93 wrote: »
    I play solo 99% of the time and have played on and off since launch...
    Yeah, my playstyle is more like...
    (...and the rest of those Solo Play comix!)
    Tabris93 wrote: »
    I have to say, I don't agree with ESO not being solo-friendly as I am greatly enjoying myself.
    Sure, the group content... most of that I leave be, unless I somehow manage to stumble into a group taking me along on a dungeon run which happened exactly -once- in all the time I played.
    But that aside... there is great enjoyment to be had with the rest of the game!
    Yeah, I might miss out on the monster helm and dungeon set farming... wish those were changed to BoE so people could start trading them (which also would make for far less vexation when someone is looking for a -specific- weapon), but... eh, I can do without and still have fun!

    This comic is so me, when I'm playing. I love TES games, but since I got social anxiety, playing with others or even being in a guild is loke trying to climb a mountain for me...
    Same here!

  • moonsugar66
    Was someone in here calling us old timers carebearish with our soloing ways. I'l show you carebear:


    I'm 53 and I'm a Lone Wanderer 90% of the time.

    This may be an MMO but I don't subscribe to the narrow minded view that I have to be grouped up all the time. MMO means its just a bunch people playing an online game and at any givem moment they might join up and do something together. Enough said.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Its one of the most single player friendly mmo
  • YstradClud
    More single player friendly then any of the other mmo at the moment.
  • Agenericname
    I'm old. Like over 40 old. I just dont do that ***.

    im 54 what don't you do, undaunted, and yes to Happylittletree I know its a MMO but perhaps they could have an option
    or missions that give you better gear for people, that don't know many players, and struggle to find groups,
    to do the missions they want to do.

    Is the issue that you have a difficult time finding a group or that you do not want to group?

    If the issue is finding a group, they're out there. On PC/NA I can think of at least 3 guilds that I personally know of that are tailored around the older players. I've seen others but haven't interacted with them. It may vary by platform.

    If the issue is not wanting to, then you may have to bite the bullet on a few things. Time your runs with the pledges for your monster helms. You can solo many of the dungeons on normal for the rep and keys but you may want help for the monster set. The alternative would be the golden vendor as others have mentioned.

    If you're on PC/NA feel free to give me a shout, same name. Monster sets aren't terribly hard to acquire.

  • Bomber293
    Him mm yes well I'm a bit fed up, as an older player, I don't really know many people playing and the few I do are usually offline, lately,
    been trying to do a couple of undaunted missions to get some monster gear sets, well its almost impossible on my own,
    and thinking about it most things in this game seen geared towards group play ,Alliance wars , Battlegrounds, dungeons undaunted.
    really the only thing you can do as a single player are basic story missions, and the rewards are crap, I don't know,
    I can join a group finder , but its usually not the missions I want to do, and if I post , nobody seems to do my quests, feel like its just a waste of time lately.
    any advice would be welcome as how to solo some of these missions, I'm cp 290 night blade thanks

    I'm going to be honest i didn't read a word of what you wrote... I played on PC since in got 1 time pay and started playing on PS4 1.5 years ago always solo.
    Nobody i know plays it most tried but nobody sticked to it and i didnt have a single problem with this game not being "single player friendly" There is nothing you can't do solo or with PuGs!
  • Gretzel
    Him mm yes well I'm a bit fed up, as an older player, I don't really know many people playing and the few I do are usually offline, lately,
    been trying to do a couple of undaunted missions to get some monster gear sets, well its almost impossible on my own,
    and thinking about it most things in this game seen geared towards group play ,Alliance wars , Battlegrounds, dungeons undaunted.
    really the only thing you can do as a single player are basic story missions, and the rewards are crap, I don't know,
    I can join a group finder , but its usually not the missions I want to do, and if I post , nobody seems to do my quests, feel like its just a waste of time lately.
    any advice would be welcome as how to solo some of these missions, I'm cp 290 night blade thanks

    It is an mmo. Im not really older, only 27 so I dont know what that's like, but you should expect group play in an mmo. It isnt a singleplayer game. WoW is where you can solo near everything.
    Edited by Gretzel on April 7, 2019 7:24PM
    Sorc dps / DK tank / Templar healer - Xbox NA - Black Marsh Legion - cp 270
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