kicking people from group needs to be removed from the game.
if you dont like the group or anyone in it then leave and make a new group.
stop insulting people by KICK its Rude.
Definitely takes its toll, had a group fall apart after a wipe on +2. Couldn’t get people to stay which sucked. Live and learn I suppose.
Definitely takes its toll, had a group fall apart after a wipe on +2. Couldn’t get people to stay which sucked. Live and learn I suppose.
Definitely takes its toll, had a group fall apart after a wipe on +2. Couldn’t get people to stay which sucked. Live and learn I suppose.
kicking people from group needs to be removed from the game.
if you dont like the group or anyone in it then leave and make a new group.
stop insulting people by KICK its Rude.
Alright so after reading all the posts I’ll go ahead and give my thoughts.
To begin let me say that I definitely feel like some of the blame falls on me. I should have ensured crown made its way back to me, regardless of if I had mic on, it was my group and this the decision should have fallen on me.
The other half I believe was just an honest mistake. I should have remembered his role but at the same time it can get difficult when you are whispering multiple people and you have the chat log filling up quick.
I guess if anything I will use this experience as a learning opportunity on how to organize and lead groups better. Thanks for the opinions everyone.
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »wait...u need more than 1 tank in ncr0? O_O
SaucyMcSauceface wrote: »When this sort of thing has happened to our groups, multiple people in the group are checking the roles before we even start the trial. Don't go in unless the roles are correct. If the roles are showing 9 dps, a group chat message asking whether that is intended allows people time to fix their role if it is a mistake.
It's a judgement call as leader. There's no wrong or right. You had to make a decision.
kicking people from group needs to be removed from the game.
if you dont like the group or anyone in it then leave and make a new group.
stop insulting people by KICK its Rude.
wishlist14 wrote: »Fristly, I'm going to give you the answer you want to hear :"No you are not in the wrong, you obviously did not do it on purpose and you are still a good person."
Secondly, I want to point out that regardless of what you did or did not do. That player did communicate with you and let you know they would be going on their dps. They must be feeling hurt or upset that after waiting and letting you know their role they got kicked. Let's be totally honest here, it's not nice to get kicked from a group when you did nothing wrong. So he has a right to be upset. Allow him that and move on.
Thirdly, there is a lot of pressure on group leaders etc to get it right and do it as quick as possible with the minimum of fuss and lets face it, we don't have the right tools to do that. Sure some people are great at getting it all right first go but for the majority that is not always the case. People are going off to change characters and roles and you are there waiting while some impatient players start to get antsy etc so yea it's not easy organising large groups on the fly without some hiccups,
Personally I think you did your best at the time.