Hey everyone

I believe that 50 alliance ranks are not enough and I had an idea back in 2017 on how to add 10 more alliance ranks with meaningful rewards.
The two main reasons to add more ranks & titles:
A. It can provide a new sense of PVP progression, especially for veteran players.
B. Add new rewards for existing ranks and new ranks - this could motivate veteran players & newer players to participate more in Cyrodiil PVP even after reaching Grand Overlord.
The current high ranks should also have better rewards, but below I address the new ranks.
The new ranks:Duke: AR 51/52 (Required 70M AP for rank 1, 78M AP rank 2). Furniture: Noble banner of Authority.
Prince: AR 53/54 (Required 86M AP rank 1, 95M AP rank 2). Furniture: Resource tower+flag.
Grand Prince/Duke: AR 55/56 (Required 105M AP rank 1, 115M AP rank 2). Furniture: Grand Golden Crown, size: 10 meters.
Archduke: AR 57/58 (Required 130M AP rank 1, 145M AP rank 2). Furniture: An ancient colosseum 30 meters on 30 meters.
Legendary Hero: AR 59/60 (Required 165M AP rank 1, 185M AP rank 2). Furniture: Inner Keep+Throne of Legend.
Special mount+Color. 3 skill points.
AR symbol of Legendary Hero will be the alliance symbol with 1 crown each side, left and right.
A skin and/or a costume.
* If the following buff won't be implemented, the max rank will be obtained at 110M-120M AP.
* Optional - Instead of the below power buff, the Legendary Hero can have a boost to Rewards of the Worthy mail, rewards from turning in cyrodiil AVA quests and end of campaign rewards.
* Optional - The addition of new ranks can be implemented with some tweaks in how AP gains are calculated so there will be less zerging.
***OPTIONAL Buff(May or may not be implemented, if the developers believe it is OP and/or unfair.):
Legendary Hero will have an alliance war skill line, similar to Emperor but less powerful:
Minor Domination: Increases your Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery in combat by 50% while in your campaign.
Minor Authority: Increases your Ultimate generation by 50% while in your campaign.
Tactician: Increases your damage done with Siege Weapons to keeps and other Siege Weapons by 50% while in your campaign.
Hero: Increases your healing received by 25% while in your campaign.
Noble: Increases your Max Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 30% while in your campaign.
*If the Legendary Hero becomes emperor or wields a Daedric Artifact, his normal stats won't count, only emperor/Daedric Artifact stats.
*The buff can be even minor compared to above numbers(like 2-10%), but it needs to make a difference, especially when a grind for a 165M AP rank may take a lot... of time and much effort. *As for balance, in order to achieve Legendary Hero rank 1, you will need to farm 165 million alliance points, so there will be very few players with this rank.
My original comment suggestion back from 2017:
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/4427280#Comment_4427280In addition to my post I wanted to add an idea for better rewards for existing top rank Grand Overlord:
Optional: *Your chance to obtain an Arena Gladiator's Proof from a second quest within 20 hours is doubled.
*Grand Hat of Authority - The hat will have the alliance symbol in all sides with a description: "Awarded to Esteemed Generals of Aldmeri Dominion/ Ebonheart Pact/Daggerfall Covenant".
*In addition to normal end of campaign rewards, if you participated in the alliance war(earned any alliance points) you shall receive 1 random gold jewelry in the end of the campaign.
In addition to my post I wanted to add an idea for better rewards for existing high rank, Grand Warlord:
*50% bonus to gold amount in Rewards of the Worthy mail(not end of campaign rewards, this applies only to the reward received every 20K ap).
*10% discount when buying items from the siege merchants & items from the War researcher, such as motifs.
*Optional Passive: You're allowed to teleport to one of your Alliance controlled Keep or Outpost once every 2 hours.
This works similar to Keep Recall Stones:
You cannot recall to a structure that is under attack (shown on the UI as a starburst icon).
You cannot recall to a structure while standing inside the region of a Keep, Resource, Outpost or Town.
You cannot use a Recall Stone while actively in combat.
Recall Stones can be used while in Caves of Cyrodiil, but not in the Imperial City.
Recall Stones are account bound, so they can be banked but not traded to other players.
You cannot use a Recall Stone while carrying an Elder Scroll.
In addition to my post I wanted to add an idea for better rewards for existing rank, Warlord:
*Skin - "Ebony-Ruby-Red Skin of the Warlord".
Optional: *Mount - "Elite Alliance War Lion".
Similar to "Alliance War Horse" but it is an heavily armored Lion with unique appearance(cosmetic, doesn't influence effectiveness).
The lion will bear the relevant Alliance symbol AD/EP/DC.
Please share your thoughts
@ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RobGarrett @ZOS_GinaBruno
Some videos I recorded for fun:
Main character:
PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
Started playing ESO in beta & early access
User_ID: Daedric_Prince