A truly interesting idea
Though it could be open to abuse and griefing.
What ZOS can take from this idea is the no AP from kills for Grand Overlord if they implement my new ranks, then the all claim "They got to Legendary Hero because they zerg" will disappear.
A way to implement the no AP:
So the grand overlord can toggle an option to play for "Legendary Hero" ON or OFF.
If the setting is ON, the AP from kills will be turned OFF and if the setting is OFF then the AP from kills will be turned ON but the Grand Overlord won't progress any further in alliance rank until he turns the setting ON again.
A bit weird way to deal with AP gained from zerging, but this may work xD.
In order to progress to Elite ranks over AR50, there will be need to do extra work!
starkerealm wrote: »
I'm thinking, if you had a GO right now, you might bust yourself down. Specifically all of the ranks around specific roles, and then camping there.
So, you have your Legionaries and Enlisted that are focused on combat other players and supporting Officers. You Officers who are focused on buffing your enlisted, and directing them. (Offering bonus AP for behaviors like assaulting keeps and outposts), and then your Flag Officers who focus on high level strategy. Without adding more ranks to the system. Possibly a volunteer/recruit tier that focuses on repairs and other supporting activities.
Again, if the idea is to overhaul the system, simply slapping more on top isn't going to fix the existing problems. However, changing to a system that changes the rank structure to reflect how Cyrodiil plays might be a part of that solution. Particularly, encouraging zerging, but directing it towards officers and flag officers.
And, yeah, to be clear, the entire idea behind being a GO would be to paint a huge target on your back to draw both friends and foes to you. It'd also make that achievement for waxing one make a little more sense.
Could also be that only GOs would be eligible for Emperor. Want to make a name for yourself? You need to step up and lead the troops to victory.
Of course, every PvP game has the problem to implement a scoring/rewarding system without abuseability. That's why I haven't suggested anything because I have no clue.
Thank you for the feedback
I wouldn't mind if ZOS will adjust the AP gain to better reflect skill.
Though no scoring system will be immune from abuse.
I do consider PvP raiding through guilds a bit too powerful and many already expressed their opinion that pvp guilds who wish to raid need their own campaigns, i.e competitive organized PVP, CP enabled and no CP.
The extra Passive for hero rank are way to much back in the day former emperors had a passive that gave like 2% stats and that was to much for ppl so 50% wouldn't fly I do think we need more skins outfits put into the alliance rank unlocks it is very bland atm you dont get much out for the grind to grand overlord other than a few dyes and a scroll to place in a house that alot of pvp players don't spend enough time in house to even care about it
As I posted earlier, the buff numbers are a suggestion.
It can be much lesser with even less benefits.
You can consider my suggestion as a prototype to build on.
Players who grind deserve to be rewarded
Just like players who grinded cp for months in cracked wood cave originally deserved to be rewarded? And became gods in cyrodiil. NO THANKS!
And for those that didn't play back then, a little video showcasing a cp 1200 or so (if I remember correct) fighting cp 10-300 guys:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEjhVhSLKN4
Obviously a big NO to any sort of buff that increases power/ability but the overall premise the OP makes is an important one which hopefully ZoS will take on board.
Capping progression completely dead in games like this is always a very bad idea both gameplay-wise and business-wise.
I'm not sure increasing Rankings is the answer but a better progression/bonus/reward system than currently exists would definitely create more motivation, enjoyment and reason to keep playing and would be a very healthy thing all round
Thanks for the feedback @Dashmatt, @Blinkin8r
Note: It would have been nice to receive an answer from the developers
enzoisadog wrote: »ugh
No offense, you have some cool ideas here. But if they reply I'll eat my hat.
ZOS_RikardD wrote: »Greetings,
We have had to remove or edit several comments for either baiting or insulting commentary or naming and shaming.
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Thank you for your understanding.
Yes lets give a buff to people that cannot be removed. Even a small buff would be unfair as it would be permanent.
To be clear, I'm not eating my hat for this one.
Aelakhaii_De_Mythos wrote: »Considering they actually doubled the ap gains like two years ago i gthink they wont focus on this tbh.
But sure, as long as it contributes to the overall pvp health, why not.
@Universe I love this idea. There is no reason players who put the time and commitment into one character shouldn't be rewarded just because other players haven't. There are various rewards along the ranking system as it is and adding more for those who worked their way up, shouldn't be an issue for anyone. Players can choose which character or characters to excel in the game and there are other benefits players with multiple characters get that those who play only one or two do not as it is. If not, everyone would choose to focus on just one at a time.