BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »The bear is just smoking ruins now. Frankly the Warden Class Rep(s) didn't do us any favors there that resulted in the huge nerf to the bear. Currently it has to be easily the worst Ulti in the game by a wide margin and don't even start with the ancillary issues in PvP.
As a none Ulti, I think the Reps and Designers look at the bear as a DPS supplement and a rather mediocre "finisher". A very far cry from the original vision. As it is now regulated to an awkward DPS "buff" I doubt it will ever be a "pocket" tank for a solo Warden running PVE content.
Starlight_Knight wrote: »Its dreadfull - The warden bear to me feels like a casual RP thing and a cash grab.
It needs to have a taunt, and it needs to have a teleport to target effect when you cast the ulti to make it effective and reliable in pvp.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We reduced the damage of bear so we could buff the base damage of Wardens; the overall DPS should be within 1-2% of what it was before due to the buff of Advanced Species. This means anyone who doesn't use the bear will see less of a DPS loss.
BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »The bear is just smoking ruins now. Frankly the Warden Class Rep(s) didn't do us any favors there that resulted in the huge nerf to the bear. Currently it has to be easily the worst Ulti in the game by a wide margin and don't even start with the ancillary issues in PvP.
As a none Ulti, I think the Reps and Designers look at the bear as a DPS supplement and a rather mediocre "finisher". A very far cry from the original vision. As it is now regulated to an awkward DPS "buff" I doubt it will ever be a "pocket" tank for a solo Warden running PVE content.
I like it. I use master architect so the low ult cost suits me fine. I dun get what you guys are complaining about.
Moonsorrow wrote: »
Teleporting bear with a taunt huh?
Why don`t we give it Cloak, Incap and Wings too, for a perfect ninja bear. /s
Bear would be fine if it took just 1 bar slot.. Still, i think the bear should be a regular skill and not ultimate and Shalks should be ultimate instead of it, because Shalks are hitting as hard as a regular skill as other classes ultimates, so they should switch them around and adjust damages and functionality accordingly. Just imo.
Yes, would nerf shalk-trains at cyrodiil a bit, i know.. *cloaks away*
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
Ehhh, the worst ultimates in my opinion are Bat Swarm(Clouding Swarm Speficially), Rend and Bolstering Darkness (Veil Of Blades Specifically) i'd say. also they didn't hint or ask for a bear nerf. I'm pretty sure the pain point we reported was similar to "we want to use other ultimates than the bear" this was a hint to buff other ultimates like Northern Storm for PvE, but this was a couple of months ago and ZOS interprets things how they want. stop making the Reps a scapegoat.
Bolstering Darkness is not a bad ulti... in fact it can be useful for a Tank or a healer in PvE.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
Its a bit expensive for its effects. And i specifically said veil of blades. It isn't as good as the other morph. It's just really underwhelming. Its not completely horrible. But most ultimates are fine so im drawing water from a shallow pool. Damage isn't really an effect it needs.
VoB is quite good in PvP, especially if you are doing tower farming. Is highly appreciated in PvP groups since it allows extra ulti regen through the heal, not to mention the major protection buff.
It has a lot of uses but it need to be used in groups
I hate to say this but if zos doesn't want to make the bear more like how animals are in wow then the bear will not work at all.. I hate to say that because i am not a wow fan but i think this is true
- The best war machine/master architect ultimate, working from any range
I’ve been thinking for a while that the magic bear should have a frost AoE that lasts X seconds when you activate it.
And the stamina should have a claw swipe that applies a long dot to enemies in a cone.
That is true: MagDens are decent MA DPSers and they are perfectly viable for endgame content. But even in that role, they are completely overshadowed by MagBlades due to them having higher DPS. I'm pretty sure that the majority of raid leaders prefer a MagBlade instead.
The Bear also took quite a nerf (30% Damage nerf), bringing MagDens down even further. This one made no sense at all really...
And lastly, the Bear also is the only Ultimate in the game that requires both Ulti slots, which limits the Warden in both PvE and PvP. No Destro Ulti, no defensive Ulti,...(Personally I think that the Bear should be an exception due to being an Ultimate, and ZOS should allow us to single bar it)
Well, Wardens complained they had to use the bear to be useful at all in PvE, and thats why ZoS nerfed the bear and buff warden without it...