Why should content creators stick to ESO?

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Why should any content creator stick to ESO?
No1 wants to watch a streamer doing the same PVE content over and over again,
Pepole likes to watch PVP, and right now PVP is literally dead - Still not a single address from ZOS related to this game breaking issues.
So what option does ESO's content creators has? Stream a fashion content? A guide "how to design your char"?

Shoutout to Kristofer_ESO for this awsome video,
Edited by amir412 on March 13, 2019 1:39PM
PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • Odovacar
    I enjoy Ninja and a few others...when you're into a game anything related can spark and retain others interest...I love that Alcast still plays others games here and there too (Souls series geek here :)
  • Turelus
    Well, a lot of them seem to be doing okay.

    I don't see many of their dedicated content creators struggling to get views or have things to talk about. They have new content to explore/talk about every three months.

    I don't think lack of support for content creators is a great argument for why PvP needs love or should be improved.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • amir412
    Turelus wrote: »
    Well, a lot of them seem to be doing okay.

    I don't see many of their dedicated content creators struggling to get views or have things to talk about. They have new content to explore/talk about every three months.

    I don't think lack of support for content creators is a great argument for why PvP needs love or should be improved.

    You do realise that those which are doing "ok", does not have real viewers but gain viewers by iFrames from websites?
    That is one reason, and a good one from a company prespective of why PVP should get more love, beyond the obivous ones coming from the players side.
    Edited by amir412 on March 13, 2019 1:51PM
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • TheBonesXXX
    Take a hard look at the company from the top down. If ESO isn't getting the hardware and software development it needs, maybe Altman and Weaver are the problem.

    Altman.. Altmer. Heh.
  • Turelus
    amir412 wrote: »

    You do realise that those which are doing "ok", does not have real viewers but gain viewers by iFrames from websites?
    That is one reason, and a good one from a company prespective of why PVP should get more love, beyond the obivous ones coming from the players side.
    You have some evidence of that?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Peekachu99
    Turelus wrote: »
    You have some evidence of that?

    Paranoid conspiracy theories need none of this flimsy “evidence” stuff. Pfft.
  • Myrkgrav
    Why should a content creator stick to anything? I'd rather watch a content creator talk about a game they truly enjoy than watch the Streamer du jour play the latest battle royale iteration until the next one comes out.
    Morty | ♂ | @morti_macabre | PC NA | EST
    Member of Knights of the Sanguine, Sheogorath's Mortals & Sword Coast Traders
  • ArchMikem
    I don't care? I never watch streamers, they annoy me frankly. The only ESO youtuber i watch is Kevduit.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Raammzzaa
    Fake news.
  • icecb16_ESO
    ESO sets itself apart from other MMO's in that it doesn't overly push PvP content, and thats why a lot of people love it.
  • Acrolas
    I have a lot more issues with the platforms than the people using them. Google has let YouTube persist into an identity crisis, and I constantly get the feeling that Amazon has no real long-term strategy for Twitch. The only advantage either site has is that nobody wants to spend a lot of money to create a competitor that has all the same fundamental problems but only has a fraction of the traffic.

    So have fun with it, do what you normally enjoy, but don't forget to pack the parachute, either. Independent contractors generally don't get severance pay because you were never classified as an employee to begin with.
    signing off
  • Universe
    Turelus wrote: »
    Well, a lot of them seem to be doing okay.

    I don't see many of their dedicated content creators struggling to get views or have things to talk about. They have new content to explore/talk about every three months.

    I don't think lack of support for content creators is a great argument for why PvP needs love or should be improved.

    Unless they are extremely motivated in promoting themselves, either by paid promotion and/or using their own websites, no one can find them.
    It is quite common for ESO Youtube videos to get lost without any regard to the quality of the videos.
    I know it very well :)
    Edited by Universe on March 13, 2019 4:11PM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • nafensoriel
    Wait when did the world actually start caring about what "content creators" did or did not do?

    The only use for twitch/etc is letting some other poor sap demo a game with their money instead of yours.
  • LiquidPony
    amir412 wrote: »

    You do realise that those which are doing "ok", does not have real viewers but gain viewers by iFrames from websites?
    That is one reason, and a good one from a company prespective of why PVP should get more love, beyond the obivous ones coming from the players side.

    FYI Alcast is being featured on the Twitch front page every Thursday this month. He had 10k+ live viewers at one point last Thursday.
  • JaZ2091
    Game is dead everyone, send your gold and crowns. Convert AP to Motifs as well. End of times.
  • HowlKimchi
    amir412 wrote: »
    Pepole likes to watch PVP, and right now PVP is literally dead

    Literally? Really? Do you *actually* pvp or are you spouting nonsense?
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • Gilvoth
    amir412 wrote: »
    right now PVP is literally dead - Still not a single address from ZOS related to this game breaking issues.

    eso is doing great in both PvP and PvE, right now we have more people playing eso than ever in its history and there really is no problems, other than as small group that keeps making threads asking for changes that only "they" want, and when the devs dont do those changes then there are complaints that eso is dead, broken, and flooded with problems and breaking issues, when none of those things are happening.
    eso PvP is not dead, it is better now than ever before, and with MORE people now than ever in eso history.
    there is no "breaking issues" in eso as you mentioned, all it is, is that devs simply dont agree with some of the views people currently have.
    and I myself along with 90% of eso community agree with the devs.

    Edited by Gilvoth on March 13, 2019 4:54PM
  • Gilvoth
    Wait when did the world actually start caring about what "content creators" did or did not do?

    The only use for twitch/etc is letting some other poor sap demo a game with their money instead of yours.

    complete truth.
    well said, you are correct.
    the rest of us are playing the game, not watching others. we are having fun in eso, asside from the lagg and high ping the game is awesome, it is just a small group asking for changes.

    Edited by Gilvoth on March 13, 2019 4:57PM
  • Vandril
    The streamer culture could die tomorrow and it wouldn't inconvenience me at all. I'd feel bad for the streamers who made it their livelihood, but that's about it. I genuinely don't understand why people religiously watch specific others play video games.
  • Gnozo
    Most of my friends and me feel like him. Why should i play a game wich simply doesnt work when i want to play it?

    I work fulltime, so i can start playing at 6pm, when ESO pvp lags the Most. In the last 2 weeks i just log on, logg off after 2 minutes cause there ist nothing to do except laggy pvp and play a different Game.

    Its just the time i invested in this game wich pulls me back but its getting less and less.... And all of my friends feel like this. Many of them already left due to horrifying Performance in cyro.... So sad...
  • Sanctum74
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    eso is doing great in both PvP and PvE, right now we have more people playing eso than ever in its history and there really is no problems, other than as small group that keeps making threads asking for changes that only "they" want, and when the devs dont do those changes then there are complaints that eso is dead, broken, and flooded with problems and breaking issues, when none of those things are happening.
    eso PvP is not dead, it is better now than ever before, and with MORE people now than ever in eso history.
    there is no "breaking issues" in eso as you mentioned, all it is, is that devs simply dont agree with some of the views people currently have.
    and I myself along with 90% of eso community agree with the devs.

    Can't tell if this is sarcasm, paid promotion, or you are just playing a completely different game then the rest of us.

    Copies sold does not mean more players. Pvp and major pve areas have no where near the population that they used to have and there's plenty of videos and threads showing all of the performance problems.

    We complain because we care about the game and just want the basic mechanics to work. White knighting and ignoring these issues does nothing to help the population and longevity of the game.

  • NyassaV
    As true as all this is most of us enjoy it and the game. Plus now that a certain someone is gone we can have more hope the game will get better
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Universe
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    eso is doing great in both PvP and PvE, right now we have more people playing eso than ever in its history and there really is no problems, other than as small group that keeps making threads asking for changes that only "they" want, and when the devs dont do those changes then there are complaints that eso is dead, broken, and flooded with problems and breaking issues, when none of those things are happening.
    eso PvP is not dead, it is better now than ever before, and with MORE people now than ever in eso history.
    there is no "breaking issues" in eso as you mentioned, all it is, is that devs simply dont agree with some of the views people currently have.
    and I myself along with 90% of eso community agree with the devs.

    Doing great ?
    It is obvious that since Murkmire/Nerfmire Update the player base got smaller, both in PVP and PVE(though in PVP it is easier to notice).
    Yeah... Right :D ...
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Kiralyn2000
    Why should "content creators" (/eyeroll) matter at all? Especially as a gauge of whether a game is worthwhile or not?
  • LiquidPony
    Sanctum74 wrote: »

    Can't tell if this is sarcasm, paid promotion, or you are just playing a completely different game then the rest of us.

    Copies sold does not mean more players. Pvp and major pve areas have no where near the population that they used to have and there's plenty of videos and threads showing all of the performance problems.

    We complain because we care about the game and just want the basic mechanics to work. White knighting and ignoring these issues does nothing to help the population and longevity of the game.


    The trend-line is obviously going up. That's just Steam. If you look more closely at the stats, you tend to see jumps when big updates release (particularly the Chapters), and then a decline shortly thereafter, but the trend-line keeps pointing up.

    Have you considered that the population density of certain zones/instances has gone down because there are more zones/instances now? Yeah, sure, maybe there aren't as many people in Rawk'kha or Elden Root as there used to be, but what about all of the people in Alinor or Lilmoth or Vivec City or the Brass Fortress? And perhaps there aren't as many people in Cyrodiil because a lot of them are playing BGs (a much easier way to get the PvP fix in, IMO).

    Obviously there's no way to know how many people are playing on XB1/PS4/non-Steam PC. But as a proxy for game popularity, look at /r/elderscrollsonline:


    Who knows. I certainly haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that the population is *decreasing*.

    Also, as far as content creators go, here's some info on the two most popular (Fengrush and Alcast, as far as I know):

    Fengrush Twitch livestream views over time:

    Alcast Twitch livestream views over time:

    Alcast YouTube subs over time:

    It just looks to me like all of the stats are trending up.
    Edited by LiquidPony on March 13, 2019 6:38PM
  • amir412
    HaruKamui wrote: »

    Literally? Really? Do you *actually* pvp or are you spouting nonsense?

    I used to PVP, when the game didnt lagged to death on prime time.
    Last year or more, i dont PVP, as i have a job and prime time is my only time to play, and it is a torture to play Cyrodill at it's current state.
    Edited by amir412 on March 13, 2019 7:35PM
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • zaria
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    I don't care? I never watch streamers, they annoy me frankly. The only ESO youtuber i watch is Kevduit.
    Agree mostly, follow Xynode for his dungeon guides and watch some preview stuff. But outside of learning mechanics and getting previews i prefer playing games over seeing other play it unless they are differently geared :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Universe
    LiquidPony wrote: »


    The trend-line is obviously going up. That's just Steam. If you look more closely at the stats, you tend to see jumps when big updates release (particularly the Chapters), and then a decline shortly thereafter, but the trend-line keeps pointing up.

    Have you considered that the population density of certain zones/instances has gone down because there are more zones/instances now? Yeah, sure, maybe there aren't as many people in Rawk'kha or Elden Root as there used to be, but what about all of the people in Alinor or Lilmoth or Vivec City or the Brass Fortress? And perhaps there aren't as many people in Cyrodiil because a lot of them are playing BGs (a much easier way to get the PvP fix in, IMO).

    Obviously there's no way to know how many people are playing on XB1/PS4/non-Steam PC. But as a proxy for game popularity, look at /r/elderscrollsonline:


    Who knows. I certainly haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that the population is *decreasing*.

    Also, as far as content creators go, here's some info on the two most popular (Fengrush and Alcast, as far as I know):

    Fengrush Twitch livestream views over time:

    Alcast Twitch livestream views over time:

    Alcast YouTube subs over time:

    It just looks to me like all of the stats are trending up.

    Steam is not a reliable indicator for checking how large the ESO player base is, far from it.
    Most ESO players don't use Steam to play ESO.
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Bouldercleave
    People actually watch other mutts play the game???

    I prefer to be my own mutt. If I get brutally stuck on something I MAY google it, but to sit and watch a streamer play the game ? No thank you.
  • LiquidPony
    Universe wrote: »

    Steam is not a reliable indicator for checking how large the ESO player base is, far from it.
    Most ESO players don't use Steam to play ESO.

    No, really? It's almost like I addressed that exact point in my comment.

    Show me some data that says that the ESO playerbase is declining.

    I'll wait.
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