Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

What did you use your tokens on?

  • zaria
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    It's so funny, people race change now, ZOS adjusts some racials next week and people will complain.

    Maybe wait some weeks before considering a race change.
    OP Omes'Raht race with Elsweyr. It will be nerfed on next dungeon DLC down to 10 dps below Dunmer level.
    We lack one major feature with Elsweyr, Omes'Raht is an re skinned Bosmer with an tail.

    Dev comment: We might see other Khajiit types in Elsweyr.
    This was after showing the Alfiq outfits :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Leeched
    Vaerth wrote: »
    Leeched wrote: »
    Turned my Stamden Khajiit into a Nord

    A Nord? Looks like an Altmer with the wrong banner in the background lol

    That was my intention. I don't like the flabby face most Nords have. Took me a while but I managed to make his face less pudgy :lol:
    (DC) Grimsley - MagSorc || Denderan - StamPlar || Phaedon - StamBlade || Oberon - MagPlar || Leontes - StamSorc || Saroush - MagDk || Culan - StamDen || Dullahan - StamDk
    Ruvik - MagBlade || Tivil - MagDen || Juval - MagNecro || Gargrave - StamNecro
    (EP) Vicio - MagBlade || Clavigo - MagPlar || Peritas - MagDen || Fedrak - MagSorc
    (AD) Maledicto - MagBlade || Voriak - StamBlade

    PC EU || Currently CP 1500+
    Azura's Star Sotha Sil
    I serve bombs ღ - retired
  • kargen27
    I would like to auction mine off. I'm guessing I won't be able to do that?
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • LordGavus
    I'll be using one to change my main healer, I've been wanting to change for a while but was a tight ass and didnt want to pay.

    The others I'll hold on to for now.
  • Wildberryjack
    I changed one EU char because I was tired of the race, no other reason, left his name as I like it. I changed one NA character for the same reason as above, but changed the name too. Renamed one NA character but left the race.

    The rest of the tokens I'm sitting on because as of right now I'm happy with my other characters races and names.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • FrancisCrawford
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    It's so funny, people race change now, ZOS adjusts some racials next week and people will complain.

    Maybe wait some weeks before considering a race change.

    On the whole, I agree.

    But I think the TG/DB event will start LONG before Bosmer thieves are fixed, if indeed they ever are.
  • Uryel
    Nothing. I don't plan to use them.

    My Bosmer thief will make do until ZOS comes to their senses (I am a VERY patient person). That's the only change that has a major impact on my gameplay, so nothing to do with them.

    Maybe tweak a character's appearance a bit or whatever, but so far, I don't think I will use them at all.
  • Uryel
    Vaerth wrote: »
    A Nord? Looks like an Altmer with the wrong banner in the background lol

    You're definetely not a Bosmer. You'd have a much better eyesight after this patch !
  • Tannus15
    Altmer magsorc to Berton magsorc.

    I originally rolled him as Breton and race changed him about a year ago for MOAR DEEEEPS
    I'm really happy to change him back.
  • Itzmichi
    I don't need them at the moment, so I hold onto them. Changes might happen and they will be needed in feature.. Äh future, but to be honest I never had a problem with starting a new character if needed.. 🤔
    Edited by Itzmichi on February 27, 2019 1:18AM
    Here, have a chill pill 💊!
  • klowdy1
    I changed my main to dunmer to be able to go back and forth from stam to mag. He is just my OW/story/crafting/completionist guy, but I like to have options as a templar. It's fun to be able to swap back and forth from DW to 2h stamplar, and now I'm adding magplar into the mix.
  • Katahdin
    Not changing any of my characters
    Beta tester November 2013
  • kmcaj
    Nothing unless there is change that gives choice of more than two races without having to purchase an upgrade.
  • LinearParadox
    Not sure yet, most of the characters I was considering swapping I can't access :) They just crash on load.
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • Arato
    I can't bring myself to use them yet, I worry that ZOS is going to turn around and make more changes but this time not offer free rerolls.. that and as pissed as I am about having 1/3 of my passives be useless on 2 50's, and my 3rd 50 having the race change to the point where it's no longer beneficial for his role at all I'm too attached to the characters I've spent years playing to just change them overnight... everytime I think "well I made the bosmer for 2 things.. stealth gameplay for heists and sacraments.. and werewolf, and I have 2 bosmer.. maybe 1 can be the werewolf and the other can reroll Khajiit for stealth.. but then I can't do it because I like bosmer and HATE furries
  • Lylith
    don't see any reason to rush into anything, just yet.

    gonna keep em for a while.
  • SydneyGrey
    I changed a High Elf healer into a Breton healer. They took away High Elves' magic regen, and replaced it with nothing. Breton has magic regen AND resistance to spells.
    Altmer are still ok for DPS, but not for healing any longer.
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Nothing yet. Haven't decided to change anything. So far all my characters are working well.
  • NoMoreChillies
    changed my Argonian Warden to Imperial.
    Love it
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • kypranb14_ESO
    I changed my Magblade from Agronian to Dumner. Saving the other 2 tokens in case there are future changes made, and I need to change again.
  • fgoron2000
    since i had empty slots over on EU and none on NA where I normally play, I had messed around with making a couple characters for visual purposes only and not for any build reasons, and i got one that i liked over there, and will prolly move it over to NA when we get the additional slot. For me necro is more an afterthought, but i'd be curious. so i'll use the token to first document the settings on EU without spending the token, and then manually recreate it over on NA. other than that, i don't currently have any need for any other tokens and will just hang onto them for the time being.

  • AzraelKrieg
    I used one of the name change tokens to change the name of my templar healer to Naps-During-Trials.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Orc Magicka Sorcerer Tank to Imperial
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer to Breton
    Argonian Magicka Nightblade to Dunmer Stamina (race and stat swap)
    Khajiit Stamina Nightblade to Khajiit Magicka (no race change, just stat swap)
    Imperial Magicka Dragon Knight Tank to Orc Stamina (race and stat swap)

    The Orc and Imperial are purely a swap to try something different, all my tanks are Magicka, with the new race changes I want to go down a Stamina route with the Dragon Knight and went with Orc instead of Imperial as it seems to edge out better in that regards.

  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    kmcaj wrote: »
    Nothing unless there is change that gives choice of more than two races without having to purchase an upgrade.
    Stop making EVERY topic about this all about you, cause the entire world sure doesn’t revolve around you.
  • Michae
    kmcaj wrote: »
    Nothing unless there is change that gives choice of more than two races without having to purchase an upgrade.
    Stop making EVERY topic about this all about you, cause the entire world sure doesn’t revolve around you.

    Yeah, salt is strong with this one.

    Anyway I used two tokens on one character because the editor is a filthy liar. ;)

    I don't chase the meta, I have 4 characters with 3 of them are brand new. I used a name change and a race change token (only for appearance) to tweak my main (you know, remove tats and such since they are now in adornments) which I had since 2016 but I made a mistake and accidentally gave her a monster booty, I couldn't see that in the editor, guess I should've used with a costume on. That thing was so big I couldn't see anything on screen, so it had to go. The second token helped me with that. So I'm sitting on two name changes and one race change thinking "Well now what?".

    EDIT: Some spelling errors.
    Edited by Michae on February 27, 2019 8:08AM
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • IndorilArwynLlethran
    Saving them for the future. My chars are surprisingly fine.
  • Hiruda
    Changed my high elf stamblade to a Dark elf, and changed the name, because i actually wanted to change it to that race and name for a while, so i was happy
    and i changed my dumner dk tank to a an imperial and changed name.. TWICE, because im too dumb and wasted 2 tokens on the same character
  • Valldez
    my stam sorc.. bosmer -> imperial..
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    Currently I have no need for the tokens, but who knows, perhaps they might come in handy some day?

    Back in 2015, I created characters with many scars/tattoos/adornments, but after I acquired the hair/beauty packs, I created 'plain' characters and added scars etc. depending on what happened to them in-game. I might use one of the race change tokens to 'plainify' one character who started out with pretty much everything, but as I don't play her very often, I really don't know yet.
    There's another char who I thought might want a similar makeover, but she's only level 6, so I will in all probability delete and recreate her as a necro when the time has come.
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Race changed one Bosmer to the shortest possible Dunmer. Put a bag over his head so it doesn't show, except for his toes. Pretending he's caught Azura's curse by eating too many Dunmer enemies. You are what you eat, after all.
    PC EU
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