Typical_T_ReX wrote: »Even if there's only one person who plays stam sorc, they deserve more attention than this class is currently getting. We're the afterthought of the magicka sorcerer it seems. Forgotten and neglected, please send help.
ZOS definitely needs to consider the current state of stam sorc, especially since they are receiving a direct change (unsure if i feel this is a nerf or buff) with implosion and indirect dual wield nerfs with this next patch.
Since there's like 8 of us left in this game we're scared to say anything for fear of an actual straight up nerf.
Since there's like 8 of us left in this game we're scared to say anything for fear of an actual straight up nerf.
I would say we are more exhausted than scared of providing feedback. There have been some major pushes with extremely lengthy threads about stam sorc, but they seemed to fall on deaf ears.
Changed my Khajiit magsorc since preorder to stamina after murkmire.Outside of it's easy ability to solo stuff (in pve) there's nothing any other class can do better/bring more to the table than us. Only reason to play a stam sorc is if you just like the class. Play a Warden instead, its utility base is amazing.
I'm not great at pvp but every class is better. A bow/bow magicka nord DK is probably better than us. I guess we pull NBs out of stealth a little better than anyone else. Zergy ball group in BGs is where they can shine but a Warden is seriously better there too. Again, you're only playing stam sorc cuz you like the looks of the class.
You can look on the bright side though. Since we are the red headed step children of ZOS, they ignore us. Minus a 3rd bar nerf, they never ever nerf stam sorcs directly. We get 'passively' buffed every patch due to mechanic changes (but never making us better than anyone else). We just exist, a memory of something that ZOS wishes it could go back and erase so they wouldn't even have to think about us. For now they just ignore us. Since there's like 8 of us left in this game we're scared to say anything for fear of an actual straight up nerf.
I main stamsorc in pve for 2 years and to this day I am confused about the class.
Our class has pets, but we dont (ignoring shock damage dealing atro).
Our class has shield, but we dont.
Our class has execute, but we dont.
Our class has skill with group synergy, but we dont.
Our class has actually a lot of stuff to deal damage with, but somehow we dont?
And then there are other classes?
Like somehow we dont have own Major Fracture or Berserker, but we arent getting something else instead
Somehow we have less sustain, but we arent getting something else instead.
And somehow our class buff (minor prophecy) is not useful for us, but also is not even available to give to others.
You think only stamsorcs are mad because of nerfs?
You think you are alone?
This nerf-cancer is everywhere, every class is affected.
Get over it, like rest of us, and stop whining
Marshall1289 wrote: »Pretty good turn out.
I'm fine with dps, I just want more flexibility, versatility and synergy for the class. I want options. I want streak to feel powerful to use and less costly to stack. I want dark deal to be less of a crutch for pvp sustain.
I want an active class ability. DoT, Spammable, Execute, AoE, anything that can mix up the way people choose their abilities.
I want to provide something to the group, can't even reliably give out minor prophecy to group mates because nothing in the dark magic tree besides dark deal is even remotely useful.
We're a selfish class. 1 that lacks vision and has been forgotten about, the passives are strong, but there is simple changes that could provide a whole lot more to the class to make them more interesting to play without buffing them dps wise.
Stam isn't the only problem, healers and tanks are behind too. Widely due to bar space. Tank requires 2 slots for 8% max hp and 35% tank heal and healers require 2 slots for their "breath of life".
5/6 of the ultimates are magicka dmg based. What does healer/tank/stam DD get?
Every new update I'm hopeful for something interesting, yet every patch it's a numbers game. Implosion while RNG based and argueably worse than Amplitude, was an interesting mechanic to say the least. Amplitude is another number passive in the vast number based passives we have further cementing the walking weapon skill line class people mock us of. I always thought a burning light esque passive would of been more interesting.
Why is clanfear so close to being a stam scaling skill with cp scaling on the physical dmg, yet costs magicka therefore scales the tooltip on max magicka making it extremely weak for mag dd and sta dd at the same time, it's a tank heal ability that requires 2 slots to use, I understand it's not for dps, but even that feels like a stupid mechanic and a waste of a morph. At least providing proper scaling on the tool tip could give a bow/bow stam sorc something useful to use at range.
Every other class has at least 1 ability they can use at range. A bow/bow stam sorc is extremely powerful at just using snipe spamming to the point where it is brain dead to play, but does more dps than my DW melee range stam sorc on pts. That's sad. I'm dissapointed in how easy it is. Why should a bow build spamming 1 ability do more dps when they can fight completely from range. It's not what I wanted despite being happy that bow/bow builds are finally viable after so long.. They could easily be more interesting with a clanfear by their side.
Funny to see "pets" for Necromancer with the same idea I've been asking for years on sorcs. Change pets to be duration based instant cast abilities instead of the permanent double slotting nature they currently have. It would prevent towns from being over-run by these annoying permanent pets blocking npcs and make pet sorcs more interesting to play, yet less punishing if their pets die due to that annoying cast time.
Enough said about overload... You will be missed.