Upcoming Racial Balance Changes for Update 21

  • Eiagra
    I was curious what changes would be upcoming, and will admit to some fears that this could be mishandled. As a player, I don't have access to the tools you use to numberically balance, all I can do is state how some of these changes "feel".

    I play orcs. I only ever actively play orcs. My main is an Orc Magicka Templar. I have one of each other classes, whose builds tend to be more flexible, but I tend to stick with Magicka Templar because I want to be able to cast effective healing. This all means I will have a slight bias towards the sexiest race in the game: Orcs.

    My observations will largely be focused there, though I will make a few other observations after.

    Flavor Passive: 10% Inspiration Gain.
    This is probably one of the most logical, but least useful, flavor passives in terms of constant utility.

    Altmer are always gaining experience points.
    Argonians with Rapids cut through water like a hot knife through butter and it's pretty amazing.
    Gravity is always a thing, the 10% fall damage reduction Bosmer get always has that potential for use.
    AP gain is only useful for PvP, but at least it is constantly active.
    50% reduced lava damage... I mean, if a Dunmer falls into a volcano, that's pretty clumsy, but at least it's constantly active.
    1% gold gain is pretty weak since, even if it rounds up, that's maybe 1 coin off of a mob. But at least it's constantly active.
    5% pickpocket is constantly active, and useful for Khajiit with grabby hands.
    15 minutes on drink buffs for Nords and 15 minutes on food buffs for Redguard is always always useful.

    And orcs? The instant you've maxed out your craft skills, the passive is rendered utterly useless. It is literally the only passive amongst the races that can be turned off over time.

    It's great that this flavor passive fits the lore, but not so great that it grants no benefit to those who have achieved mastery. I actually had zero benefit the entire time until Summerset, as when flavor passives came out I already had a maxed crafter, and once Jewelrycrafting was released that was the only exercise it got -- for a brief period until that skill hit 50.

    Could use a little love. Ask the question: What crafting related benefit could be granted that will always be active? (Refine/deconstruct bonuses? Chance to use fewer resources when crafting/improving?)

    Brawny: Max Health and Stamina +500. This is the weakest resource passive of all of the races. Dunmer get 1250 for their split Stamina/Magicka. Single boosts are either 2000, or 1000-1500 with auxillary (often powerful) extras. Double boosts are a flat 1250. Triple are 750. Orcs are getting the short end of the stick here. Could use a lot more love. Or a better explaination why.

    Unflinching: Healing Received +4% (down 1%), regain 380 Health and Stamina every 4 seconds with a weapon ability. Do Light/Heavy attacks count? I'm thinking it doesn't, since Altmer have a class ability resource regain. Also, Altmer get whichever is higher. And more of it (though with a longer cooldown). This strikes me as pretty inflexible. Imperial has the right idea with activating a passive through Direct Damage -- DD or DoT seem like they would have more broad applications. Same with Instant or Cast/Channel.

    Swift Warrior: Weapon Damage +258. Sprint Cost -12% and Sprint Speed +10%. More of a personal gripe. This change reduces flexibility even further -- Melee may have seemed niche, but aren't there Magicka Melee abilities like Jabs? That at least gave some benefit. I understand wanting something applicable more broadly, but plenty of stereotypes will be happy with the change, I guess. Maybe I wouldn't be so critical of this change if the more "universally applicable" passives weren't so limpid. Can Direct-Damage/DOT/Instant-Attack/Cast-or-Channel be utilized here (and Altmer's Spellcharge)?

    Overall, I'm left feeling that orcs aren't getting anywhere near the love they deserve. How is it Orc's Brawny is so flaccid compared to Dunmer's Dynamic when both have a similar function to raise attributes? Why do only Weapon Abilities activate Unflinching (I could make the same complaint about Class Abilities and Spellcharge, but I'm waving an Orsimer banner here). And why in all that's holy do we have a flavor passive that is turned OFF at endgame instead of providing a constant benefit -- even if that benefit is marginal?

    Is it because of the sexy? Did all the sexy orcs possess consume all the numbers in whatever algorhythm you're using? Because while sexy is universally applicable and very powerful, it's not exactly game-breaking.

    Either way, I'm failing to see how these balances are on par with the other races.

    Random side observations: Khajiit Robustness is laughably miniscule since it's only 100/75/75 every 2 seconds. Argonian's Resourceful is still overpowered since it's still basically half a Tri-potion for free by quaffing any garbage you can find in the street.

    I could probably nit-pick further, but this will suffice for stage one. The main take-away here is ORCS NEED LOVE.
          In verity.
  • Sevalaricgirl
    So is this a big FU to redguard sorcerers? So now your saying any class that doesn't have a magic bonus has no business being a magic user or sorcerer class?

    Really, the passives are so bad does it really matter. I have two khajiit magicka users before this change went into effect, one that I am training up as a mag templar for our dungeon group. Play your Redguard sorc just find a dungeon group that won't have a problem with that or build one yourself.
  • John_Falstaff
    @Masel , suppose we'll wait for PTS to roll out. I want to believe, I very much do, just as yourself. But seeing redguard buffs (even max stats turned out to be a buff for most builds, not counting 100-150 regen compared to live), dunmer, orc, wood elf... As a stamina DD (without any crit buffs, too), I see 75 regen and 750 max stamina as a hefty slap in the face when other races bolt way ahead of me. Again.
  • JobooAGS
    @Masel , suppose we'll wait for PTS to roll out. I want to believe, I very much do, just as yourself. But seeing redguard buffs (even max stats turned out to be a buff for most builds, not counting 100-150 regen compared to live), dunmer, orc, wood elf... As a stamina DD (without any crit buffs, too), I see 75 regen and 750 max stamina as a hefty slap in the face when other races bolt way ahead of me. Again.

    Unless you have minimal cp in mooncalf AND you wear no medium armor AND/OR you dont use a stam potion, 75 regen is a buff for khajiit.

    Some math

    Old base khajiit
    512(1 + .2 5 med armor + .2 potion + .12 cp + .1 khajiit) = 829

    New base khajiit
    (512 + 75 khajiit) (1 + .2 5 med armor + .2 potion + .12 cp) = 892

    Old khajiit with dubious
    (512 + 318 dubious) (1 + .2 5 med armor + .2 potion + .12 cp + .1 khajiit) = 1345

    New khajiit with dubious
    (512 + 318 dubious + 75 khajiit ) (1 + .2 5 med armor + .2 potion + .12 cp) = 1376
  • John_Falstaff
    @JobooAGS , I know, the equlibrium point is around 1270, I was bringing same numbers earlier, a few pages before in this thread. My point is, yes, khajiit got a tiny buff in regen, a tiny buff in max stats. For comparison: redguard got a buff in max stats (small, but still a buff, as long as you're below ~35k max stamina, which is most of the time), and a hefty 100-150 more stamina regen. Meta becomes stronger. Underdogs are at the back of the bus where they were.
    Edited by John_Falstaff on January 19, 2019 4:20PM
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    @JobooAGS , I know, the equlibrium point is around 1270, I was bringing same numbers earlier, a few pages before in this thread. My point is, yes, khajiit got a tiny buff in regen, a tiny buff in max stats. For comparison: redguard got a buff in max stats (small, but still a buff, as long as you're below ~35k max stamina, which is most of the time), and a hefty 100-150 more stamina regen. Meta becomes stronger. Underdogs are at the back of the bus where they were.

    I think that is ignoring the 750 base stam Khajits gained. If Khajit were close to Redguard with worse sustain, when it was 8%crit to 10% stam, then 8% crit + 750 stam should be better than 2k stam. With worse sustain of course.

    I'm not sure how that will play out functionally, but I think Khajits are being written off too soon.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • JobooAGS
    @JobooAGS , I know, the equlibrium point is around 1270, I was bringing same numbers earlier, a few pages before in this thread. My point is, yes, khajiit got a tiny buff in regen, a tiny buff in max stats. For comparison: redguard got a buff in max stats (small, but still a buff, as long as you're below ~35k max stamina, which is most of the time), and a hefty 100-150 more stamina regen. Meta becomes stronger. Underdogs are at the back of the bus where they were.

    8% crit damage is better than 2k extra stam and arguably better than 258 weapon damage and stam. In pvp, you have a point due to inpen being prevalent. Maybe a passive that ignores some crit resistance?
  • John_Falstaff
    @Toc de Malsvi , I think that someone calculated in neighboring thread that at 31k max stamina, redguard's up by ~191 stamina - so in relative terms, khajiit's up by ~560 stamina total; no doubt, it's a bit smaller gap than before. But again, it wouldn't mean a lot if khajiits will be forced to run Dubious/Witchmother's (losing all max stat advantage) where redguards/bretons/altmers will be able to sustain blue food. I suppose PTS will show.

    @JobooAGS , mm-m, in PvP, true, that would be a disadvantage on top of less regen in high-regen builds. (Edit: just noticed I've misread. So yes, crit resistance is interesting, but I think too narrow to be included into racials.) Another thing I wonder about is viability of khajiit healer - I don't think spell crit plays a huge role there (is it better to get reliable base heals with spell damage?), but then I may be mistaken.

    I usually don't think up some specific ideas, not my thing - hey, even reps don't get to propose anything concrete to devs - but in my mind's eye, when intentions were first announcements, I imagined something like... say, having tier I racial giving 75 stamina and magicka regen, but tier II racial giving either 150 stamina or 150 magicka regen, by choice; and same with max stat. But since there's no precedent with other races, I don't think anything like that has a chance to be implemented.
    Edited by John_Falstaff on January 19, 2019 5:27PM
  • Ri_Khan
    The one thing that really stands out with these proposed changes is the Bosmer losing their stealth bonus. Is the detection bonus as good? That's subjective but I sure as hell don't think so, especially considering the increased bonus for Khajiit. If there are multiple races that excel as warriors and mages, why would the thief only get one? I thought the reason behind these changes was to increase play-style viability. Instead I'm seeing an unnecessary nerf to a race that I've already overlooked.

    Before assuming I'm biased because "muh woodelfs", I don't even play a Bosmer and my main's a Khajiit stamblade. I should be bitching about losing the stealth attack bonus that I've fully taken advantage of since the beginning, no?
  • CaptSausage
    Soul Shriven
    Why did you nerf my Wood Elf Thief? I don't want to play a Khajiit just to have a decent sneak thief. Give me back my reduced detection radius.
  • MotokoHutt
    Wow Zos, way to destroy Orc's ever being a race that anyone plays ever again, thanks for the huge nerf that was unpresedented. I mean I know we are the oucast praiah race but damn, even the developers hate us not just the denizens of Tamriel. I mean you said yourself in the current game "The delta between some races is noticeably high, leaving some races feeling left behind" yet you want to make it worse? To quote you, you wanted to "Equalize the overall power that each race provides" yet you litteraly threw some races under the bus, case and point Orc's.

    You claim that you want to "Achieve the above goals while still obeying our rich and structured lore and storytelling." yet your telling me that a Khajiit, Redguards, Imperial OR Dunmer are more physically Robost and better warriors then an Orc? lets do a side by side comparison for you to outline what I am getting at.

    Brawny: Increases your Max Health and Stamina by 500.
    Unflinching: Increases your Healing Received by 4%. When you deal damage with a weapon ability you restore 380 Health and Stamina. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.
    Swift Warrior: Increases your Weapon Damage by 258. Reduces the cost of your Sprint ability by 12% and increases your Movement Speed while Sprinting by 10%.

    Dynamic: Increases your Max Stamina and Magicka by 1250.
    Resist Flame: Increases your Max Health by 600 and your Flame Resistance by 2310. You are immune to the Burning status effect.
    Ruination: Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 258.

    So lets see, Dunmer 1250 magicka and stamina, 600 health. Orc? 500 max health and stamina.
    Dunmer, 258 weapon and spell damage. Orc? 258 weapon damage only.
    Dunmer, complete imunity to burning status effect and a huge resistance to fire damage aka the most prominant damage type in the entire game. Orcs? A pointless sprint speed buff that makes no lore sense and a wannabe Adrenaline rush thats healing is so pointless it might aswell not exhist ESPECIALLY in pvp.

    I mean enough said Zos, what was going through your mind when you thought these where in anyway balanced and fair. Fookin throw me a bone here Zos, cus frankly if these stats go live, you litterally killed the Orc race, cheers. x
    PC EU
  • Feralmyst
    weedgenius wrote: »
    Stealthy: Reduce detection radius by 3m and Increase damage from Stealth by 10% → Lunar Blessings: Increases your Max Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 750.

    Overall some very interesting and pleasant stuff but this one is bizarre. Just... what? I think removing the Khajiit stealth bonus is lame enough, but the replacement passive is just "If you play a Khajiit you get 750 extra in your stats." I dunno, just strikes me as off.

    Also bummed about Dunmer losing the passive bonus to flame damage. That was a really fun racial bonus that seemed to fit well, although I understand your reasoning based on the problem that was outlined.

    Read on with the Khajiit, they get a 5m reduction to their detection radius in the next passive. So they end up with better stealth than they had before (by 2m). However, they do lose the 10% bonus to damage from stealth. Pity the Bosmer who lose stealth and damage from stealth to get a better detection range (which is useless outside of Cyrodil) and a replication of a Bow skill tree passive.

    Bosmer effectively have one fewer racial passive than every other race.

    Generally appreciate the thoughtfulness, thoroughness and initial efforts on the racial changes, but this Bosmer change on the stealth really makes cats class the only real stealth class for PvP especially
    12XX CP

  • Azramel
    They really should just add morphs to racial passives so people can decide (theres that freedom of choice they want) what strengths of a race they wish to focus on rather than ZOS just spoon feeding us specific selections for the builds we want to play. There's no room for "personal preference" when they try to squeeze the most broad aspects of a race into 3 passives. This isn't balanced and it's not "expanding the horizon of choice". This is just another meta shift and feels like another cash grab.
  • MotokoHutt
    Oh just a short little extra tid bit, common ZOS. For ages we have been eagerly awaiting these famed and highly hyped race changes and you gave us what? A rebalance of the racial passive that could have been done in a single arfternoon and shoved in some nameless incromental patch? FFS ZOS where are the racial active skills? why is there effectivly only 3 racial passive, why not 4 or 5 like plenty of other skill tree's?

    Also Why do passives have to essentially effect stats all together? why can't they be flavour of how your race interacts with the world around them? Like maybe earning NPC discounts, having extra dialogue options? making certain enemies naturally passive? the list go's on for ways you can apply racial benefits on a fundemental gameplay level rather then just "Oooooo High elves are wizards so we gunna make them have good spell stats dooiiiii", no offence ment like, just the current racial system seems like a shallow and ultimatly fruitless system for nit picking META number crunchers to gripe over.
    Edited by MotokoHutt on January 19, 2019 7:56PM
    PC EU
  • Tholian1
    Could you please change the passive for Imperial that “Reduces the cost of your Block and Bash abilities by 5%.”, to reducing the cost of break free. As a non-tank Imperial, reducing the cost of Block and Bash isn’t very useful. @ZOS_Gilliam
    PS4 Pro NA
  • Faulgor
    Eiagra wrote: »
    Could use a little love. Ask the question: What crafting related benefit could be granted that will always be active? (Refine/deconstruct bonuses? Chance to use fewer resources when crafting/improving?)

    Maybe slower item degradation / lower repair cost?

    Something that always confused me is that Nords and Orcs are for some reason flipped in ESO. Historically in past games and in TES lore, Nords are stronger and more offensive than Orcs, who are more defensively oriented.
    Taking a look at bonuses from Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim:

    Skills: Armorer, Block, Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Axe
    Atttributes: Endurance 50, WIllpower 50, Strength 45
    Trait: Resist Magic 25%

    Skills: Armorer, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Hand to Hand
    Atttributes: Endurance 50, WIllpower 50, Strength 45
    Trait: Resist Magic 25%

    Skills: Heavy Armor, Block, Enchanting, One-Handed, Smithing, Two-Handed

    Even in ESO, Orcs level heavy armor faster than any other race - yet, with this update, they become more squishy than Dunmer and Khajiit.
    Orcs should be a sturdy race that stands its ground, and when conditions are met, can go into an offensive berserker rage. I don't see this reflected in ESO that well. And while I appreciate the faster sprint speed, it never made any sense for Orcs to have that, as historically they have been the slowest race of all. Bosmer, Dunmer, and Argonians are the fastest.

    I hesitate to make suggestions, as they would probably change too much what Orcs are in ESO. But I don't think it's fair to nerf Orcs' capabilities as tanks so much, and it doesn't make any sense lore-wise.
    Edited by Faulgor on January 19, 2019 8:48PM
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • KhajiitWarlord
    I would like to point out that the poison/diseased opted racial passives are entirely backwards as far as lore is concerned.

    It would make more sense to me to have argonians opted to poison immunity instead of disease due to the fact Black Marsh is more likely to kill you with poisonous toxins than diseases, so it makes more sense that they'd have built up a genetic immunity to poison rather than disease, if only one of the two. On top of that is the fact they have customs in some parts to purposely poison their young in small amounts to boost that immunity at an individual level. While disease should be included as well to a lesser extent, I'll ignore it for balancing purposes, as these changes are intended for.

    It would also make more sense to me for bosmer to be opted to disease immunity instead of poison immunity. The Green Pact renders nature tamed toward the bosmer people, and thus makes regular poisoning unlikely in their circumstance, at least during the 2nd era. However, due to the cannibalistic customs of bosmer ancestry, often eating the dead of their enemies after war (with no real indication of cooking the meat in their histirical writings), the carrion nature of this custom is likely to impart an immunity to disease over time, especially if the dead were ill before their deaths. Their meat only diet should also somewhat contribute to this to at least a small degree by genetically reducing the threshold of sustainance required to keep the immune system optimal over several centuries. At least theoretically. Practically, probably not. But it still makes more sense than poison immunity.

    Lore-wise, that's just my take on it.

    Otherwise, I'm quite excited for these changes myself. I've been waiting for a long time to get some racial balancing done, so a revamp is something I'd like to give a try. Some of the changes look a bit iffy on paper, but practical testing is the only reliable method to judge them, so I'll hold out until that comes around.

    Nothing really stands out too much on the balance tipping end of the situation for me. Writing all the effects down on paper has revealed a few potential counters to the obvious nerfs and buffs that everyone has been pointing out in the responses.

    As a whole, this seems to effect min/max players negatively and more casual players positively by bringing the ceiling down a bit and bringing the floor up a bit. While I personally think the CP system needs to be reworked to narrow this gap most effectively, at least this is some measure of balance between the worst and the best.

    Again, just my take on these changes as they are written on paper. Only practical testing will prove the differences, so I'm reserving judgement for the moment.
  • Nolic1
    "Martial Training: Reduces the cost of your Weapon abilities by 8%."

    This applies to destruction staff and restoration staff, too, doesn't it?

    Yes it does according to what I have heard.
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

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  • Olupajmibanan
    How is Imperial block cost reduction going to interact with Sturdy and other block cost reductions? I am asking about the placement in block cost formula to determine if this racial passive is significant or another meh-whatever.
  • sneakymitchell
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Eiagra wrote: »
    Could use a little love. Ask the question: What crafting related benefit could be granted that will always be active? (Refine/deconstruct bonuses? Chance to use fewer resources when crafting/improving?)

    Maybe slower item degradation / lower repair cost?

    Something that always confused me is that Nords and Orcs are for some reason flipped in ESO. Historically in past games and in TES lore, Nords are stronger and more offensive than Orcs, who are more defensively oriented.
    Taking a look at bonuses from Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim:

    Skills: Armorer, Block, Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Axe
    Atttributes: Endurance 50, WIllpower 50, Strength 45
    Trait: Resist Magic 25%

    Skills: Armorer, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Hand to Hand
    Atttributes: Endurance 50, WIllpower 50, Strength 45
    Trait: Resist Magic 25%

    Skills: Heavy Armor, Block, Enchanting, One-Handed, Smithing, Two-Handed

    Even in ESO, Orcs level heavy armor faster than any other race - yet, with this update, they become more squishy than Dunmer and Khajiit.
    Orcs should be a sturdy race that stands its ground, and when conditions are met, can go into an offensive berserker rage. I don't see this reflected in ESO that well. And while I appreciate the faster sprint speed, it never made any sense for Orcs to have that, as historically they have been the slowest race of all. Bosmer, Dunmer, and Argonians are the fastest.

    I hesitate to make suggestions, as they would probably change too much what Orcs are in ESO. But I don't think it's fair to nerf Orcs' capabilities as tanks so much, and it doesn't make any sense lore-wise.

    Just add 500 or 750 more health and extra stam. Orc players will be happy with that.
    NA-Xbox one- Ebonheart Pact- Nord Tank DK
    PC-NA Ebonheart Pact Nord Stam Templar
  • Faulgor
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Eiagra wrote: »
    Could use a little love. Ask the question: What crafting related benefit could be granted that will always be active? (Refine/deconstruct bonuses? Chance to use fewer resources when crafting/improving?)

    Maybe slower item degradation / lower repair cost?

    Something that always confused me is that Nords and Orcs are for some reason flipped in ESO. Historically in past games and in TES lore, Nords are stronger and more offensive than Orcs, who are more defensively oriented.
    Taking a look at bonuses from Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim:

    Skills: Armorer, Block, Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Axe
    Atttributes: Endurance 50, WIllpower 50, Strength 45
    Trait: Resist Magic 25%

    Skills: Armorer, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Hand to Hand
    Atttributes: Endurance 50, WIllpower 50, Strength 45
    Trait: Resist Magic 25%

    Skills: Heavy Armor, Block, Enchanting, One-Handed, Smithing, Two-Handed

    Even in ESO, Orcs level heavy armor faster than any other race - yet, with this update, they become more squishy than Dunmer and Khajiit.
    Orcs should be a sturdy race that stands its ground, and when conditions are met, can go into an offensive berserker rage. I don't see this reflected in ESO that well. And while I appreciate the faster sprint speed, it never made any sense for Orcs to have that, as historically they have been the slowest race of all. Bosmer, Dunmer, and Argonians are the fastest.

    I hesitate to make suggestions, as they would probably change too much what Orcs are in ESO. But I don't think it's fair to nerf Orcs' capabilities as tanks so much, and it doesn't make any sense lore-wise.

    Just add 500 or 750 more health and extra stam. Orc players will be happy with that.

    I certainly would be. Regardless, I think Orcs deserve another look from the devs, to give them a more concise theme.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • redroguegambit
    Soul Shriven
    Hello all!

    First time posting in the forums, glad to be here :smile: I have a question about the free race change token. If I already have a race change token on my account that I bought from the crown store, will the free one be added to my account? so I'll have 2? or will the free one be temporary (so time sensitive), or not provided? Thank you!
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Hello all!

    First time posting in the forums, glad to be here :smile: I have a question about the free race change token. If I already have a race change token on my account that I bought from the crown store, will the free one be added to my account? so I'll have 2? or will the free one be temporary (so time sensitive), or not provided? Thank you!

    You will have two after getting the free one. They are not time-sensitive.
  • redroguegambit
    Soul Shriven
    Hello all!

    First time posting in the forums, glad to be here :smile: I have a question about the free race change token. If I already have a race change token on my account that I bought from the crown store, will the free one be added to my account? so I'll have 2? or will the free one be temporary (so time sensitive), or not provided? Thank you!

    You will have two after getting the free one. They are not time-sensitive.

    Thank you very much for the quick reply :smiley:
  • dovakiin5574
    YES THANK YOU!!! But I would say for those of us with 10+ CP characters.... Plz more race change tokens
    PAPSMEAR - Positively Against Paws SMEAR campaign - Say YES to crown crates
  • Moonsorrow
    Masel wrote: »

    To @Moonsorrow, the scenarios you mentioned are very specific, 3960 resistance mitigates all damage but bleeds, and if you value that more than a universally useful passive, then you are basics cherrypicking that one scenario where you might feel nerfed, but neglect that 3960 resistance does not suffer from diminishing returns in mitigation as the 6% damage taken does and mitigates everything else a lot better than the other passive.

    To the khajiit statement I can repeat that one to one. In the context of troll king you might feel nerfed, but in exchange for the 20% health recovery you got magicka recovery and retain a value of health recovery that is higher in any scenario where troll king is not active. Magicka recovery is a very important thing in PvP, even on stamina builds.

    As i said, it is nice you finally ADMIT my builds ARE getting NERFED. And will be even more than you think, because as said, it is more than just Troll King. And i do not neglect that 3960 resistance, already was at max resistance so in that case the flat 6% was better and you know how much bleeds are on right now?

    While small mag recovery can be nice, it does NOT make up for all my pvp characters builds getting nerfed that used % modifiers to the extreme benefits. What these changes sadly do, nerf those who used them. Remember the no-cp as i keep saying.

    So of course i am unhappy. And cannot sugarcoat these nerfs to me by trying to say that "hey, but you did get X in return.." while not even need that and been playing differently for years, than apparently you trying to force me to play now.

    CONFIRMED: My characters ARE nerfed by these.


    Also one question more for you @Masel how did the race changes increase the freedom to pick race in your eyes? I mean there are now clear "bis" race for all roles again, actually even more than before.

    So racial changes that changed nothing in the end, except nerfs to many playstyles? What was the point?

    Could have just adjusted argonian potion passive down a bit (every argonian knew it was op at pvp), and buffed couple races that needed small amount of love. Or stam and magicka morphs of the passives. And everyone been happy. Why is it so hard to make changes that get people excited and happy?

    Like when Swift needed adjustment, then ALL sources of speed were destroyed with a nuclear bomb and now pvp is crawling super slow in endless snares and immobilizations. No one is happy about that.

    So why? Why cannot just do small adjustments to the actual problems but have to change everything that even do not need changing?

    This game been near perfect occasionally, but then big changes just make it worse. So much potential, to be the best mmo of its kind, but lack of vision and understanding of reality keeps eating up itself like some weird cannibalistic masochist. What makes things hard of course is it having both pve and pvp and cp & no-cp, so balancing is fine tuning. But, first rule if has a clear vision should always be: do not fix something that is not broken.

  • Othniel327
    I'd like to see branching passives so you can go stamina vs magicka. Or pile on more health. And a race change token for each character.
  • Cillion3117
    Dont know why everyone is worrying about the khajiit. Cant take them seriously with that furry tail wagging when they run.
  • Othniel327
    Dont know why everyone is worrying about the khajiit. Cant take them seriously with that furry tail wagging when they run.

    They're adorable though! <3
  • jpl7340
    One free race change per account? That is severely tone deaf and ridiculously inadequate. I have 12 lvl 50 characters that I’ve been working on for over a year. I meticulously chose each of their races based on what I felt would be best for what I wanted to do with them. Now you’re making huge changes to each race and your answer is 1 race change? Yep, that should be enough for me to cancel my subscription.
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