Necromancer - what we know so far...

  • Nisekev
    JJBoomer wrote: »
    I am super excited about the Necromancer, although I am surprised that Flesh Atronarchs are not part of any of the skill lines. And I do kinda wish Necromancy came with a different weapon, or at least different visuals. It's gonna seem tacky using a staff and it's just gonna look like a sorc using necromancy.

    I'm gonna have to experiment with all three skill lines

    Would be grand if they added bound weapons (melee weapons that benefit from Magicka instead of Stamina).
  • Michaelkeir
    Aertew wrote: »
    They should have at least 1 permanent pet, if sorcerers can have them. if a warden can have it, so can a necromancer. I mean if you look at WoW alot of classes have pets, mages have the water elemental, Death Knights have a ghoul, Hunters have beasts, Warlocks have demons,

    I think if ESO is going to be more fun. Add in flying mounts and allow classes like necromancer to have permanent pets.

    I agree with the permanent pets(s). If not permanent, then on a long timer. I was hoping for 1 melee pet and 1 ranged pet both on like a 120 sec timer. I say timed pets because they won't have to be double barred.

    Oh and i was hoping for a flesh atronach and bone atronach. I see we can turn into a bone atronach and that's cool but i want to summon a flesh one. Most npc necromancers in the game use them and we even create a small one in that one quest with Tharn.
  • VaxtinTheWolf
    For some reason I can't put my mind off of Necromancer Healing having at least two induction skills. One short with a weak, more spammable ability, and the other slightly longer channel with a much strong effect to match.

    Really, I just can't forget about LOTRO Loremasters and comparing it to what a necromancer, that may have to cast incantations or spells to control the dead.
    || AD - Rah'Jiin Lv50 Khajiit Nightblade (Damage) || EP - Generic Argonian Lv50 Argonian Nightblade (Tank) || DC - Zinkotsu Lv50 Breton Nightblade (Healer) ||
    || DC - Ja'Kiro Feral-Heart Lv50 Khajiit Dragonknight (Damage) || EP - VaxtinTheWolf Lv50 Redguard Templar (Tank) || AD - Velik Iranis Lv50 Dark Elf Sorcerer (Tank ) ||
    || EP - Einvarg The Frozen Lv50 Nord Warden (Tank/Healer) || EP - Keem-Ja Lv4 Argonian Necromancer (Healer/Tank) ||
    PC - North American Server (Champion 1300+)
  • Universe
    I'm not so happy about this new class.
    One more huge factor to consider when trying to balance this game's combat.
    The Developers already have issues balancing the game with 5 classes, adding more to the equation is unnecessary.
    If the game was in a better shape in regard to balance, I would be very happy since I always liked conjuration in the single player Elder Scrolls games.
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Alsaroth
    RogueShark wrote: »
    I'm excited for necro tbh, but it's bittersweet. I've had my sorc forever... so much done on him. And I love to play him because he's not a "conventional" healer archtype. He's a daedra-summoning MAGE, who I get to heal people with. I never liked the "cleric" or "priest" aesthetic for healer. With necro having a whole line dedicated to healing, it's RIGHT up my alley. I can't wait to try it and I wouldn't be surprised if I end up maining a necro healer once it drops.
    Disappointed because I've always been sort of holding out hope that sorc would get some better buffs or adjustments to make them more unique or desired in different roles... but now I really don't see that ever happening because they are giving necro a whole healing line. I just hate to ditch my sorc who's been through so much, but double-barred twilight and basic resto skills versus a number of unique class healing abilities instead? Unless they really drop the ball on necro, the choice is clear to me.

    I feel you. Played my sorc. summoner dd since launch and never dropped the summoner aspect of my mage. I wanted it to work and have invested very much time and effort collecting gear, tweaking, swapping skills and so on and so forth, hoping that someday they would launch a necro skin or something for summoning skills. But now, I'll drop my mage, because necro is.. well... necro. The only thing that puts me off a bit about necro is that (when this is written) the summons för necro aren't permasummons. But that could be ok if there's some "summon-a-lot-of-nasties-at-once"-skill.
  • MornaBaine
    I'm just worried it'll be a complete letdown like Warden was. Mixing up things like bears with netches was just thematically all wrong and was obviously done to make it tie into Morrowind which was completely unnecessary. I REALLY hope they don't make the same mistake with Necromancers and turn it into some weird pseudo-khajiit thing somehow.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    I can't wait to see all the Necros rampaging through the town slaughtering NPC's
  • ccfeeling
    I really wanna know how the Necro tank ultimate works !
  • Medieval3D
    Necromancer class one of my favorite classes for gameplay... for me is to show others upper dominance on the combat field (or battle field in large scales), the foes and the environment it self, is a creepy way to do it, also is like the last resource in all of it's meanings.

    About what is known it will be for now the Necromancer class, I just want to say a few things... Why always forget about zombies?... it's ok about getting skeletons but zombies are nastiest, even might be easiest or at least fastes and least tedious to raise a zombie of a currently corpse with a proper spell than canalize energies to summon a skeleton from Oblivion, the first action is from a necromancer and teh second more as a summoner focused on skeletons, could be really infame and fun in roleplaying raising zombies and make them attack the foes,

    the other thing I think always forget even If is mentioned but do not seems is well implemented in my point of view is the ability to raising the dead, If you are a necromancer and you cannot raise the foes you killed yourself to show living ones who remain what will awaits for them and make those attack them with the corpses of their own dead folks in a way to demoralize them or use the corpses nearby as a resource for raise your on team of zombies or army, then instead of a necromancer there is just a summoner, summoning skeletons from Oblivion... dont know why but it seems the developers made the necromancer class "average" always using skeletons... where are the horrors?, the nasty zombies made of corpses? the flesh undead atronach?...

    For now I dont like what is known for the Necromancer class, it looks as an average skeleton summoner focused on bone skills, with some healing abilities (I hope at least there will be dark effects for healing... would be so dissapointing if for healing uses shinny lights...).

    My opinion about the different class-skill-trees

    The Reaper: "Imbue the dead with frost, fire, and lightning to bring ruin upon your enemies. Raise relentless hordes of the undead and allow your fallen enemies to intensify your unyielding assault."

    Why frost, fire and lighthing... that is so dull, a true necromancer should focus on "dark energies" or quite mysticism but twisted and used for harm, such as something to do with the void, or something related to no life, that thinking phylosophically, or also diseases for make damage as an element that corrupt life. The necromancer in deep is someone who is devote for the opposite of life in all its means. Frost, fire and lighthing looks too classic, common and shy by part of the developers, using those three elements one just got a destruction mage with some different special effects...

    Bone Tyrant: "Bend and break the dead to your will and use their remains to create impenetrable barriers and extend your own life. Control the battlefield with the bones of the departed."

    I like the tank aspect of necromancer, actually I always enjoy playing as a necromancer tank wearing heavy armor, I got so fun surviving and bearing the most I can, and being quite of an overlord of the dead, this one definitely is the skill-tree I will enjoy more, but don't get why must be based on bones... About necromancer collosus transformation, why must transform?.. anyway why not transform into a Lich or something related to Lichdom would be a lot more fun and roleplaying, maybe transforming in an aspect of Lichdom so could increase mana and have a skill of shield mana or something.

    Living Death: "Draw from the power of life and death to replenish and restore your allies. Resurrect your defeated comrades or allies and keep them in the fight."

    Isn't that the description of a healer?... I would prefer more as Rasing Death instead of Living Death, just I hope the spells do not have shinny lights... in my opinion would be more interesting If the necromancer have to heal others must sacrifice himself, like a kind of magic tank for example draining his own health to restore others. I would prefer something more roleplaying instead.

    In conclusion I didn't liked at all the Necromancer class will come, in my opinion looks as a dull class, something average, made in a shy way, something simple, the necromancer class have a lot of potential as a class in any game but it seems the developers focused just on gameplay balancing and forgot about the enjoy of mixing roleplaying with a well made class.

    In abstract I would prefer the Necromancer in ESO have raising NPC abilities, summoning or raising zombies and use of "dark energies" and not focusing all the stuff in bone skills...

    Would be great If devs could consider at least one thing I told, as I myself enjoy a lot necromancer class on any game, even as creatong fan-fiction related to it, writings, roleplaying charcters, stories, etc.
  • R1ckyDaMan
    I really wish the class would work a little bit like the original guild wars necromancer where you could have a small army of undead zombies following you where you have to sacrafice blood or more corpses to maintain the upkeep.
  • Medieval3D
    By the way "so they went with Skeletons to make it easier"... that is the point...
    I think is really cool when devs try harder or make a more well elaborated deep content, or something well made in terms one can say: ah yes that have sense and also seems lorefriendly... but it seems this isn't the case,

    to say an example of a game franchise deteriorate, some specific games, an accurate example are... mmm Diabl... Wrcraft... when the content starting to become simple and more simple on next update, dlc or new content, that was bad sign for the future of the development of the game :/ , at the point every new content becames "casual" instead of something deep, immersive and lorefriendly, when that starts to happen that game company usually became more and more commercial at the point devs works just for orders of the company for create new fast and simple content...
    One can see such sypmptoms on each new content released on the game.

    By the way about the content create developers one thing is the gameplay respect character classes and skill-trees, crafting, game mechanics, etc. and the other one the lore, story, quests, etc., at the currenly point of ESO until to day, it seems the lore, story, quests on the game still being well made, in terms of being well elaborated (despite the repetitive mechanics). I must agree gameplay always have been quite simple but it seems they made effort on try to keep a balance between what is supposed to be a MMORPG and keep things having sense to resemble a TES game, I hope that keep going be that way in terms of gameplay about classes, skill-trees, mechanics, etc., would be bad If they start to downgrade, keeping aspects just about MMO and forget about TES.

    I've always wanted the lost of identity on TES games never happen to Elder Scrolls, ESO is different that other TES games but still have the essence of TES, despite all the cosmetic stuff as shinny glimpy stuff it seems a tendency on MMORPG games... like If an MMORPG don't have such isn't a MMORPG... would be nice If ESO could had been the exception but they just already didn't done it.

    One thing about MMORPG games what are part of a game franchise as TES (Diabl, etc.) is when devs creates and release new content then such content cannot be reversed I mean cannoy be just erased, so is quite risky in a way when an MMORPG releases new content, If is it a fail then gamers must just bare to live with it on gameplay, bad is when such fails increases and after a year of such content then one notice the game looks so twisted in terms of identity, there are a lot of crap content and in the end nothing have sense... I really hope that never happen to ESO or any TES game is the most sad scenary can happen to a game frachise... I know it by my self by Wrcraft and Diabl, I born playing Wrcraft was my first game of all times, I played 1 and 2 when I was like 6 years old, first I played just the demo versions (lol that's oldschool xP), then with time I got the full versions with expansion, at school played Diabl 2 with friends was so cool, I grew up with those games, then Wrcraft 3 was released didnt liked much the graphics of Wrcraft 3 but I enjoyed it anyway, the most I enjoyed was the (the system what find matches against other players automatically), then my heart got broken with Wrld of Wrcraft (W o W), the worst is became worst and worst, it seemed the devs of Warcraft based the content on Marketing polls or social tendencies..., Diabl 3 was a punch in the face and even more the dlc and Diabl Inmortal... no comments about it...

    Good is just when I got so dissapointed with W o W I discovered The Elder Scrolls

    I comment these examples of Wrcraft and Diabl because it can heppens, about a game company starts with a nice, well elaborated base game franchise and ends with an abomination of non sense, mass production and lost of identity, the only thing remains is just the name... and that is the most hated of all in the end... this happens when a game company becames full commercial and don't care at all about the fans, just care about casual mass players (who also they don't care about the game franchise, they just want to have some fun then go)
  • markdeloma
    In this game only DD class can play with comfort and efficiency in solo PVE and PVP, so I think this necro tank will be like frost tank - always live only in dungeons and mostly evade PVP fights and single PVE places like Maelstorm arena. Sad but true.
    Head of Emerald Turtle
  • Chaos2088
    It’s going to be awesome!!!

    Very interested in a Necro healer....

    Bring on more classes please! :)
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
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