Siohwenoeht wrote: »Well mmo=grind.
The skill points are a part of the progression of a character. If they were available to every character after your first, you'd have way too many options for skills/passives at lvl 1 compared to a brand new player at lvl 1. They are completely different than achievements, not the same at all. Now if you only wanted the "skyshard Hunter" achievement be account wide, or the locations revealed on the map, ok. You should still need to go to them to get the bonus skill points.
Now you may say "but CP gives way more advantage than skill points at a low level" and you'd be correct. I'd rather that CP stays account wide but only unlocks at level 50.
Zos thought of this for pvp though, and that's why CP is disabled in the under 50 campaigns. They know that against other players without CP, a max CP level 10 could wreck them. This is also a reason why some skill points are locked behind the skyshards. If a player wants to twink in under 50 cyro they at least have to put in a little effort to get those skill points.
The fact that I can craft gold armor, weapons and jewelry for my new level 10 and know a little bit about ESO pvp already puts me in a position to dominate a completely new player to pvp.
Now you might say, "but what about pve players, I hate cyro, would never set foot there!" but the fact is ESO doesn't separate skills, sets or hardly anything beyond battlespirit, between pvp and pve.
We all know what happens to one happens to the other.
The tl:dr version; it would adversely effect brand new players in both pvp and pve therefore shouldn't happen.
There is no accomplishment whatsoever in modern-day MMOs. Nothing that sets you apart from me. You know who does stand out in a crowd? Those with 60/60/60 mounts. Those with r10 mages guild. Those who beat the 'fishing game'.
While it doesn't take skill, it does require dedication to get those unlocked. And you want to have this account-wide?? The precious few real 'feats' being trivialized in what's already a very trivial game/genre?
If you can't dedicate yourself to something, that's your problem, don't ask devs to adjust their game to your needs. The genre thrived on 'bloat' and 'grind'. Now bloat is removed so everyone and everyone's mother finds it easily accessible. Grind can be circumvented through store items.
The less of these 'grinds', the faster you'll chew through the game. The faster you'll move on to the next. Only to consume it and move on again. Like locusts.
There is no accomplishment whatsoever in modern-day MMOs. Nothing that sets you apart from me. You know who does stand out in a crowd? Those with 60/60/60 mounts. Those with r10 mages guild. Those who beat the 'fishing game'.
While it doesn't take skill, it does require dedication to get those unlocked. And you want to have this account-wide?? The precious few real 'feats' being trivialized in what's already a very trivial game/genre?
If you can't dedicate yourself to something, that's your problem, don't ask devs to adjust their game to your needs. The genre thrived on 'bloat' and 'grind'. Now bloat is removed so everyone and everyone's mother finds it easily accessible. Grind can be circumvented through store items.
The less of these 'grinds', the faster you'll chew through the game. The faster you'll move on to the next. Only to consume it and move on again. Like locusts.
NoMoreChillies wrote: »can we just get a toggle?
I am still bewildered why some people dont want account bound achievements for others when it has zero effect on themselves.
Crixus8000 wrote: »
Then mount training, guilds and skyshars ect could just unlock at 50, making you have no advantage over newer players but not forcing people to grind for something they have already worked for.
I don't enjoy pve on this game. I play it for the pvp, so being forced to grind something I hate just to be able to play the thing I actually want is quite annoying. After you have done the grind once I just think it should be optional to skip it...
I understand your frustration, but why should someone who's only here for the PvP be able to change the way PvE operates? How you would feel about it if I as a PvEer started demanding gameplay changes in order to dumb down PvP?
The problem is, there are two groups of people. The first group would like to see some stuff made less monotonous like sky shards, mount lessons. Because for us the goal is endgame. We want to go have fun in PvP or PvE at the higher levels and we don’t want to spend wasted hours grinding everything when we want to adapt a new class for endgame content. The other crowd enjoys the grind, reading every story line, gathering every lorebook many times over. Many are probably not too big into endgame stuff. But the problem with this crowd is they think it’s “lazy” to not want to spend your time repeating the same material over and over (although what could be physically lazier than sitting in front of a computer doing the same activity again and again?) And these people are vehemently against anyone else having to grind less. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because they attribute some sort of self worth from completing the same thing on ten different alts. But come in here and try to get the grind reduced so you can go enjoy your endgame more and these people will come out of the woodworks to yell at you, tell you your lazy and spit on you for wanting to skip the “challenge.” Also ZOS makes money from things like mount lessons so they won’t change it.
The problem is, there are two groups of people. The first group would like to see some stuff made less monotonous like sky shards, mount lessons. Because for us the goal is endgame. We want to go have fun in PvP or PvE at the higher levels and we don’t want to spend wasted hours grinding everything when we want to adapt a new class for endgame content. The other crowd enjoys the grind, reading every story line, gathering every lorebook many times over. Many are probably not too big into endgame stuff. But the problem with this crowd is they think it’s “lazy” to not want to spend your time repeating the same material over and over (although what could be physically lazier than sitting in front of a computer doing the same activity again and again?) And these people are vehemently against anyone else having to grind less. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because they attribute some sort of self worth from completing the same thing on ten different alts. But come in here and try to get the grind reduced so you can go enjoy your endgame more and these people will come out of the woodworks to yell at you, tell you your lazy and spit on you for wanting to skip the “challenge.” Also ZOS makes money from things like mount lessons so they won’t change it.
jainiadral wrote: »You're not so lucky if you're on console. TBH, I think I'd be more aggravated than some of the posters I've read on this forum if I had to do this stuff without add-ons.
this is the best explanation I have seen in single post about everything in this thread1
and this is sad how in these 2 groups which we have - pvp and end game players who just get really bored after grinding their new char just to get it in playabe state for their content so this grining for new toon is just taking away more from this game to finalli stop playing as its not fun to grind every this new char while playing single character also is jsut burning out this player after long time
and we - those players for harder content than just grinding every new alt we have many suggestions and arguments and compromises how ZOS could improwe our QoL to keep us in game for much longer so giving us more fun of playing this game while not breaking playability or immersion those who prefer this grind more - as our basic suggestion is just toggle option so we would be happy and grinders would be happy as they still can grind what they want
but unfortunately as I experienced in 95% of posts in thread like this - this 2nd group - so these who like repear grind on every new character because of their immersion - they are more selfish because they dont care about our feeling what we feel about their grind which we dont hate them for that as we understand and thats why we have many compromoses - for which unfortunately this "grinders" group dont even mind for because they dont care for us and our gamplay
PS: and btw who is more toxic then? normal playerd doing veteran endgame and/or pvp trying different solutions to improve their QoL while not breaking casuals/RP's immersions and gameplay or maybe those casuals/RP's which dont care abount anyone else who jsut have different opinion of having fun and also not trying different solutions to make everyone (or most happy) as for them its enough as they are happy so they dont care about rest
And yet some of us do this stuff perfectly happily on PC without a single addon installed.
Yup, those of us who don't want to give handouts are "selfish" don't "care about your feelings" YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR COMPROMISE... you have shared CP, shared bank space, shared dyes, etc... all that have been mentioned. But please, keep ignoring that.
A "toggle" is not a solution. I would be abused, it would still break the game, as multiple people have said and explained. But please, keep ignoring that.
You keep using the word "most" want this... at best it's split 50/50 here in the thread. (And statistics show that you are 20x more likely to report a complaint than being happy with something, so it's actually probably closer to 5% for 95% against) But I'm sure you'll come back and attack and berate me for this post, just like you do everybody else.
well when I write "most" as for group of people I mean most of those who just dont care for your thing, maybe I wrote this badly? idk so I explained this
and about cp sharad ahahaha xD
may I quote you how mainly you are defending everything to stay character bound as it is bug if we got to CP which all I would have no problem as playing mainly 1 character because of game work for alts...I proposed CP to be character bound as troll and yer here I got you and just you cried how you dont want cp character bound xD as someone else named this "irony" which it is
shared bank space is basic for almost every "online" game, not only as mmo.
and dyes, motifs to outfit etc also in many games is account unlocked
and how toggle option wold be abused? we have explained many more times with many different arguments how it could work to not break even anything in this game but you always comming with always only and same even not changed argument which is bad argument on background of our many different arguments/suggestions how it could work
and here you really seem selfish about this as how you care about your character progression while we dont care as our character progression depends on veteran endgame where single exploration of world is enough for us to be able to complete all of this endgem which we have discovered once
and small reminder of your irony how fine you are with everything grindly we have character bound but you are agains CP for this as this is also "character progression" even more breaking game at strat than some more of skillpoins with not to mention as our character which we play is getting these CP and then these CP are used on freshly created character with no any exp and any skills onlocked yet, nor leveld and we have on him cap CP from nowhere...DAT LOGIC!
Please quote me where I "cried" about CP being character bound? You don't even read what I write. I am happy with the current compromise of having CP account (along with bank space, gear etc) but some things that are character (like skill lines, skill points, research, and horse training)
You are the one asking for a change, yet you have provided minimal "support" for you claim, other than gimme gimme!
I understand English isn't your first language, but if you're not going to actually read what I have said, why should I even listen to you?
You said "may I quote you" without actually quoting me... you're rich, thanks for putting words into my mouth! My favorite thing in the world is when people lie about what I say.
Simply put. You are a troll, you are purposefully enraging people by taking what they say out of context, by lying about what they have said, and attacking them when their opinion does not match what yours is. Simply put, you are a bully. There is a reason that no ZoS moderator has commented on any of these threads, because the ideas are non-starters; they (along with dozens who have said the same thing, know that it would impact the game in a negative way). In all the time you spend bitching here on the forums about this, you could have actually collected some skill points on your characters, and this whole thing would be a moot point.
But carry on. You do you. Chances are you'll "quit" the game again, it won't miss you. I'm not going to bother anymore. I have trials to clear on my fully leveled, fully geared alt characters.
Fleshreaper wrote: »oooh boy! more logical fallacies and incoherent statements!
For those who don't understand, this is a troll thread, because their ideas in several other threads were roundly dismissed and disproved by literally hundreds of different people. So they are making the "opposite" argument in such an absurd way as to try and show that the other side is wrong/masochistic/etc...
Well, HAHAHAHA. "Roundly dismissed and disproved" That's a joke, right? Oh, you're serious? Well, hate to tell you, your opinion is not fact, it is just that, YOUR opinion. You say things should be based solely on character completion and then you turn right around and say, no, to character bound CP because it's too hard. So, in fact you think if something is okay for you to grind then everyone else should be okay with it. So, who is really the hypocrite?
Man...I swear everytime I see that profile pic I already know it's "that person" again...why do you complain so much? I swear everyday there's like a new thread of yours whining about something.I could swear you were the same woman who thought her dungeon group kicked her for being female a few weeks ago. If you dislike the game so much why do you keep playing it and trying to drag others down your hate hole as well? Let it go already.
AishavariStarling wrote: »
I havent talked here much at all and I'm usually fairly clear minded. I don't ever have issues with groups either so, I dont know what you're on about. This is a very obscure and far fetched post I didnt expect to receive much if any attention for.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
AishavariStarling wrote: »
Pfft, true..just when theres no quote and no idea whats going on in my post and I'm the OP I just assume most anything can and will be directed at me.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
Yeah, I know how it works. But hey - let's assume it's NOT you, and Happy Holidays, okay?
The problem is, there are two groups of people. The first group would like to see some stuff made less monotonous like sky shards, mount lessons. Because for us the goal is endgame. We want to go have fun in PvP or PvE at the higher levels and we don’t want to spend wasted hours grinding everything when we want to adapt a new class for endgame content. The other crowd enjoys the grind, reading every story line, gathering every lorebook many times over. Many are probably not too big into endgame stuff. But the problem with this crowd is they think it’s “lazy” to not want to spend your time repeating the same material over and over (although what could be physically lazier than sitting in front of a computer doing the same activity again and again?) And these people are vehemently against anyone else having to grind less. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because they attribute some sort of self worth from completing the same thing on ten different alts. But come in here and try to get the grind reduced so you can go enjoy your endgame more and these people will come out of the woodworks to yell at you, tell you your lazy and spit on you for wanting to skip the “challenge.” Also ZOS makes money from things like mount lessons so they won’t change it.
MythrialDrow wrote: »Yes, I’m sick of trying to get skill points for my new characters. That’s why I don’t buy anymore character slots. I’m not spending weeks/months just to get my skills up for each additional character. I’ve spent 3 years getting all skill points apart from pvp cyrodiil. I’m certainly not doing it for everyone.
Crixus8000 wrote: »
That's why I said make it optional, or something. I mean I'm ok playing my char, I have fun with the game when it's not lagging too bad, but it would be nice to be able to play other characters. I just don't think being able to skip some skyshards and guilds would be a big deal, especially since I have already grinded it all on my main char.