Siohwenoeht wrote: »A response to each:
1. If the in-game banks are too far to walk/ride to deposit things, there is a banker offered in the crown store.
2. Collecting skyshards equals gaining skill points. Skill points are aptly named due to the fact they purchase usuable skills. Having all the points from skyshards for a new character on an established account would put brand new players on brand new accounts at a disadvantage because they have not collected all of them.
3. Banking upgrades are already account wide. Bag and mount training upgrades serve as gold sinks which along with other gold sinks (skill Respec, CP Respec, etc.) helps to stabilize the in-game economy.
In conclusion, making these things account wide will not improve the game in any way; infact quite the opposite. As an alternative, there are many p2w MMOs that have everything that is being requested in the op.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »A response to each:
1. If the in-game banks are too far to walk/ride to deposit things, there is a banker offered in the crown store.
2. Collecting skyshards equals gaining skill points. Skill points are aptly named due to the fact they purchase usuable skills. Having all the points from skyshards for a new character on an established account would put brand new players on brand new accounts at a disadvantage because they have not collected all of them.
3. Banking upgrades are already account wide. Bag and mount training upgrades serve as gold sinks which along with other gold sinks (skill Respec, CP Respec, etc.) helps to stabilize the in-game economy.
In conclusion, making these things account wide will not improve the game in any way; infact quite the opposite. As an alternative, there are many p2w MMOs that have everything that is being requested in the op.
Delete Skyshards from the game.
Move those 113 skill points to character progression where they belong.
Improving characters should require playing the characters. Deleting Skyshards will remove the soul-searing angst of having to walk around the map instead of playing a character.
Delete Skyshards from the game.
edit: spelling error
Why remove something that promotes exploration? Skyshards are fun, repeating the process is not.
Get a skill point for completely exploring a zone.
Skyshards are completely unnecessary and seem to promote soul-searing angst. Thus, delete from game and move the skill points to character progression.
Silver_Strider wrote: »1) Don't care about XP scrolls, pots, lockpicks, etc. If they were shared, it wouldn't affect me at all.
2) To all the people complaining that making Skyshards collected account wide, arguing that they would make a new character grossly overpowered, you fail to consider that you will NEVER be using all those points immediately. You still need to level up skill lines, meaning collecting Lorebooks for Mages Guild, doing Dungeons for Undaunted, and actually leveling up every other skill line you intend to use. at most, you will unlock the 1st skill of all your skill lines and have a completed skill bar at level 1 as opposed to level 5, which is hardly much of a difference since just doing the tutorial is enough to get you 3-4 skill points from leveling and as the quest reward for Summerset/Morrowind that you'll have a full skill bar almost immediately anyways. Sure, you might have a handful of passives unlocked but realistically, you won't be any more grossly overpowered than what CP is already giving you. The argument is flawed, all I'm saying.
3) Mount speed is all I care about to be shared. Bag upgrade I could take or leave it.
Delete Skyshards from the game.
Move those 113 skill points to character progression where they belong.
Improving characters should require playing the characters. Deleting Skyshards will remove the soul-searing angst of having to walk around the map instead of playing a character.
Delete Skyshards from the game.
edit: spelling error
Nah.Delete Skyshards from the game.
Move those 113 skill points to character progression where they belong.
Not so, that is just an excuse those lazy jer... persons use to try and argue themselves some "gimme" stuff.Skyshards are completely unnecessary and seem to promote soul-searing angst.
Exactly!This "nerf" is only for people who are so lazy to level up that they AFK on the Alik'r Dolmen train to get from 3-50, and they want to be able to jump into end-game content immediately upon completion.
Yeah. ESO already has more account wide stuff then any of the other MMORPGs I ever played with bank, mail, guilds, outfit (dye and style) and the complete frigging champion system! But people see that as an opportunity to ask for more, more more... and if they were to get it, I reckon they would leave the game after a month because there "was nothing left to play for" and moved on to the next new thing.But I guess people will always ask for more... "give them an inch, and they'll ask for a mile"
Fu... fofget add-ons. Those are for the WEAK!For those of you on console... I'm really, really sorry you don't have add-ons for things like Lorebooks and Skyshards. The base game should have it set up so that once you "discover" a skyshard or lorebook on a character, it puts the icon on your map so that you can find it on an alt account, so you can find it on your other characters. but that is as far as I'll go.
Betty_Booms wrote: »I wouldnt say quality of life change. Some people arent stuck in their parents basement playing the game 12 hours a day. Their time is limited. Hence priority takes over and grinding skyshards on a second character is at the bottom of that list. Forget time metrics, people that hate doing it wont do it.
Imo those that wish to acquire them should get a suitable reward. But they should not be linked to skill points or base functionality being the time waster they are when you already go through leveling.
Its the same old concept. End game becomes the start when you have gone through the start process and questing phase enough. So yes people want to get to end game to try out their new class/race and builds in its complete aspect.
The only real point eminating here is "I had to do it, so should you".
Congrats to those who have the excess time to burn on the game. With a full contigent of crafting characters etc etc.
Unfortunately the world of eso does not only revolve around you...
No, maybe we are sitting in the attic apartment, playing the game a couple hours on the weekend days when others go get drunk in the pub, and maybe half an hour in the evening on the other days to do some daily login and riding training stuff.Betty_Booms wrote: »Some people arent stuck in their parents basement playing the game 12 hours a day...
NoMoreChillies wrote: »can we just get a toggle?
I am still bewildered why some people dont want account bound achievements for others when it has zero effect on themselves.
AishavariStarling wrote: »Account Wide
1. Currencies, crown store/daily gifts collected per character need to be consolidated and accessible with every other character like the event tickets. I mean soul gems and experience scrolls too, or maybe let those go in craftbag.
2. Skyshards collected need to be accessible to all other characters just like champion points. No one, I mean no one, wants to go through collecting those ever again.
3. Upgrades, all of them. Riding, backpack, outfits, etc.
I would like to note that I think no one should "have" to go through anything in this game twice. If you beat the game, the level and upgrades should follow to any character you want, the exception being if you WANT a character that starts from the beginning. In your hearts you know this. We can skip intros. I feel like theres a great many people wanting to try all types of races and classes, this would solve the issue of having to grind. for. years. I want to also note that skill progresses need to be carried over as well. No more having a crafter/cooker/etc, unless you want to do specific characters for specific jobs, you can just switch anyway for RP and/or OCD. Like I would.
This is an MMO. It survives by players repeating content. If there is no incentive to repeat content the game is very short lived. You might not like that skyshards are character bound and not account wide but having things like this character bound is good for long term health of the game. Dungeon gear is bound and is random for the same reason. Good for the long term.
I doubt if anyone creates an alt just so they can repeat the same story line and quests over again. In fact: I see most people who create alts grumbling over having to repeat it.
I like to think they do it because they want to try out a different class or a different play style. And you can offer players that reasonable request without having alts. Just give them access to different classes, appearances, and builds on a single character.
And for those who do like to repeat the same quests over and over, this game certainly has it's fair share of daily quests to indulge on. So one does not need to create an alt to repeat content.
Yes they grumble, but they do repeat. That is the point. I get that players want to try different classes but if they could do it all on one finished character their interest in the game would quickly wain.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
Well they're asking for the skill points from skyshards as well. Not going to re-hash why that is a bad idea. Certain achievements would be ok, at least the ones that aren't linked to titles. For example, some folks use "Grand Master Crafter" to advertise crafting services. Skyshards, motifs, skins etc should stay per character.
Well mmo=grind.Crixus8000 wrote: »
Same thing though. It could be an option when you first make a character to either have it sharing your guilds and skyshards or whatever or to just be how it is now. Many people hate the grind. I don't see how having it as an option would affect anyone else.