Lots of players already buy character slots in order to play those characters fully, including getting achievements on them without which those players would have less incentive to run multiple characters.
Whenever this comes up there's s a split between those who play a main plus alts, and for whom account-wide achievements are preferred, and those who play multiple characters who are all equal and individual, and for whom character-specific achievements are preferred. ZOS strikes a good balance between these two approaches by having some things like champion points, collections and dye unlocks account-wide and other things like most achievements character-specific.
I've nothing against a separate achievement display accessed from the character selection screen showing all the achievements across the account and which character first earned them, and there could be additional achievements recognising when they have been completed across the account, but with all characters still having to complete an achievement in order to benefit from its reward.
AishavariStarling wrote: »I would like to see developer responses if you know anywhere they've replied. I've been looking at this forever too, if you don't want to see it just read something else. If you have an actual opinion on this, then you should respond.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »A response to each:
1. If the in-game banks are too far to walk/ride to deposit things, there is a banker offered in the crown store.
2. Collecting skyshards equals gaining skill points. Skill points are aptly named due to the fact they purchase usuable skills. Having all the points from skyshards for a new character on an established account would put brand new players on brand new accounts at a disadvantage because they have not collected all of them.
3. Banking upgrades are already account wide. Bag and mount training upgrades serve as gold sinks which along with other gold sinks (skill Respec, CP Respec, etc.) helps to stabilize the in-game economy.
In conclusion, making these things account wide will not improve the game in any way; infact quite the opposite. As an alternative, there are many p2w MMOs that have everything that is being requested in the op.
AishavariStarling wrote: »Account Wide
1. Currencies, crown store/daily gifts collected per character need to be consolidated and accessible with every other character like the event tickets. I mean soul gems and experience scrolls too, or maybe let those go in craftbag.
2. Skyshards collected need to be accessible to all other characters just like champion points. No one, I mean no one, wants to go through collecting those ever again.
3. Upgrades, all of them. Riding, backpack, outfits, etc.
I would like to note that I think no one should "have" to go through anything in this game twice. If you beat the game, the level and upgrades should follow to any character you want, the exception being if you WANT a character that starts from the beginning. In your hearts you know this. We can skip intros. I feel like theres a great many people wanting to try all types of races and classes, this would solve the issue of having to grind. for. years. I want to also note that skill progresses need to be carried over as well. No more having a crafter/cooker/etc, unless you want to do specific characters for specific jobs, you can just switch anyway for RP and/or OCD. Like I would.
This sounds like it would make alts pretty pointless.
Maybe they could offer an item in the crown store for people who want to skip actually playing their new character to copy progress over from an existing one, but forcing it on everyone would disappoint a lot of people I think.
AishavariStarling wrote: »Account Wide
1. Currencies, crown store/daily gifts collected per character need to be consolidated and accessible with every other character like the event tickets. I mean soul gems and experience scrolls too, or maybe let those go in craftbag.
2. Skyshards collected need to be accessible to all other characters just like champion points. No one, I mean no one, wants to go through collecting those ever again.
3. Upgrades, all of them. Riding, backpack, outfits, etc.
I say yes.
I'm tired of collecting things I've done plenty of times. It discourages me from even making alts.
New guys will always be behind those that have more time in game.
AishavariStarling wrote: »Account Wide
1. Currencies, crown store/daily gifts collected per character need to be consolidated and accessible with every other character like the event tickets. I mean soul gems and experience scrolls too, or maybe let those go in craftbag.
2. Skyshards collected need to be accessible to all other characters just like champion points. No one, I mean no one, wants to go through collecting those ever again.
3. Upgrades, all of them. Riding, backpack, outfits, etc.
I would like to note that I think no one should "have" to go through anything in this game twice. If you beat the game, the level and upgrades should follow to any character you want, the exception being if you WANT a character that starts from the beginning. In your hearts you know this. We can skip intros. I feel like theres a great many people wanting to try all types of races and classes, this would solve the issue of having to grind. for. years. I want to also note that skill progresses need to be carried over as well. No more having a crafter/cooker/etc, unless you want to do specific characters for specific jobs, you can just switch anyway for RP and/or OCD. Like I would.
AishavariStarling wrote: »Account Wide
You can put ALL of those in your shared bank. ALL of the above.AishavariStarling wrote: »1. Currencies, crown store/daily gifts collected per character need to be consolidated and accessible with every other character like the event tickets. I mean soul gems and experience scrolls too, or maybe let those go in craftbag.
Then those who don't feel like collecting them again will just have to do without all those skill points on their alts. Simple.AishavariStarling wrote: »2. Skyshards collected need to be accessible to all other characters just like champion points. No one, I mean no one, wants to go through collecting those ever again.
Not gonna happen.AishavariStarling wrote: »3. Upgrades, all of them. Riding, backpack, outfits, etc.
You don't -have- to. Noone is pointing a gun to your head and "forcing" you to make a second character. Its entirely up to YOU if you think it worth the effort, or not.AishavariStarling wrote: »I would like to note that I think no one should "have" to go through anything in this game twice.
...which would not benefit ZOS at all.AishavariStarling wrote: »If you beat the game, the level and upgrades should follow to any character you want...