You could never change in 'active' combat, but used to be able to swap abilities in and out if you hadn't been hit or hit anything for 15s or so - even if you were still in a 'combat' state. Useful if you were in a group where someone else was fighting nearby (rest of group is ahead of you in a dungeon clearing trash, or you were in Cyro inside a keep while other members were outside), or a templar (almost permanently 'in combat').Is that something you could do on PC? As far as I remember, it's always been that way on console.
GaunterODim wrote: »You were able to do that when you didnt get hit or didnt hit anything for quite a while. Dont know why one would want to change that.
It still happens so often that you dont leave combat after a fight in cyrodiil and cant mount because of that and now you cant even swap in rapids for the walk to the next keep.
Terrible change imo. Literally after the first fight I had in this I got bugged in combat in a situation where it wasnt supposed to.
I was solo on the way between keeps from ash upwards, one single guy crossed my way, killed him, Combat for 3 minutes after, walked to aleswell, slowly.
I dont understand why they would change that when all that locked in combat stuff doesnt get adressed.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Yes, Cyrodil is the obvious one, your group is involved in an siege but you stand on the ground inside trying to add siege to your slots.
I am pretty sure all ppl could do it even on console. We do not talk here about switching skills in an active fight but rather being in combat but not damaging or healing something. Meaning you did go away from the fight but are for some reason still in the fight because of teammates or something else. You could just manually get to your skill bar and change out some skills. Really useful if you forget to unslot rapids, need a aoe skill in pve,....
In Wolf hunter patch(aka last patch) you could swap out abilities while active combat and even while being dead. In this patch they fixed so you can no longer do such a beautiful while in combat.Is that something you could do on PC? As far as I remember, it's always been that way on console.
They shouldn't have fixed this until they fixed the "stuck in combat" bug. It's insulting that they "fixed" it so we can't change skills or quickslot items for minutes and minutes after disengaging from a fight, but they can't fix the reason we need to.
Unfortunately it was a bug...but I do admit it was fun.
Maybe someday we will have a feature like it.