I feel like a Khajiit thief is more honorable and has atleast some form of morals while a Argonian thief is more likely to stick a knife in you in an attempt to get your coin purse
I don't think thieves (or killers of innocents) can be honorable. When my characters commit crimes, I always have bad feeling, but I need that loot When they steal, wealthy manors and poor shacks do not make any difference for them - everything there will be looted and owners will be killed if there is need...
My khajiit and argonians are both very likely to do it - no morals when there is tasty loot; and NPCs fortunately can't be actually upset cause they are not real players We can only imagine that NPCs are upset as part of roleplaying, but I don't do it and just look at them as loot source - they were made killable for this very reason, and they respawn and happily walk through their own corpses without a clue
I won't want to upset real player though; for example if I see enemy player trying to open treasure chest in PvP zone, I will not try to kill them, cause it could ruin the mood of actual real person. But when I see bandit NPC tyring to "open" treasure chest" in PvE zone (like those events in Hew's Bane for example), even though NPC cries "My pick! You broke my pick!.." I might have some uncomfortable feeling from RP perspective, but at least I know it's just NPC
Actually, I finally leveled Shadow Rider on my warden dragon a week ago (all by doing Dark Brotherhood dailies whole day), and he was almost never caught even though he was not wearing any stealthy sets and was in 7 pieces of light armor. I sometimes even forgot that it was not my khajiit main They both felt like equally natural killers... The only noticeable difference is that this khajiit is level 12 in Dark Brotherhood, and this argonian - even though very evil looking - will never be higher level that 7 in their ranks. He got his passive, so he has no need to slay more innocents.
My templar healer is khajiit, and even though she is rather peaceful, she also had no mercy when she had to level Dark Brotherhood. Poor NPCs didn't expect anything bad from cute cat in typical white healer's robe It's something that had to be done, not for fun.
If I had extremely strong morals even for video game (I saw people who don't even enter Gold Coast zone with characters who are peaceful in their RP story), my characters would have to suffer without nice loot and without one of the best passives.
Few days ago I went to collect treasure map in Cyrodiil, in place where there are lot of enemy NPCs. When I arrived I saw enemy player running to me; he behaved aggressively and tried to engage in fight and attacked me few times. I didn't dismount and started to jump and ride very close to NPCs on my mount hidden in shadows thanks to Dark Brotherhood, and the player followed me but aggroed all NPCs on his way In the end he gave up and run away from them and away to some more interesting place, so I peacefully collected my treasure Thanks to all the innocent NPC blood spilled in the name of Brotherhood, me and other player were saved from ourselves