Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 16:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Attitude of players - Patch?

  • xeNNNNN
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • Schattenfluegel
    Well those good old days are gone because of One Tamriel and his Charchanges. The Bosses were never adapted to the Powercreep on the CP System. Vmol was build for CP300 at his release, VSO HM is on CP160 maybe, and its mechanics got nerfed hardly. Yeah it has Mechanics except Dodgerolling, but you'll take not much Dmg. You dont even notice the Mechanicdmg from VSO HM actually - and i dont mean the Meteor :)

    The Trialbosses, except VCR maybe, arent scaled on the current CP Level.
    Edited by Schattenfluegel on October 23, 2018 8:12PM
    Love my Stamsorc
  • Shantu
    What a condescending, steaming pile of tripe. If you don't like the responses to your idiotic game changes, don't read the forums mister high-minded, developer-in-disguise. Some of us have thousands of hours invested in this game. When ill-conceived, cornball changes get released that fundamentally change the way we play the game, yes, it pisses people off. It pisses people off because they care. When people stop caring, you'll be out of a job.
  • Monsieur
    Would love to roll dodge or block to avoid mechanics, but you know, no stamina, because of those continual nerfs to sustain.

    But it’s okay, because I got a 10 extra CP to put in the green tree to reduce my roll dodge cost by 0.5%...


  • Schattenfluegel
    Monsieur wrote: »
    Would love to roll dodge or block to avoid mechanics, but you know, no stamina, because of those continual nerfs to sustain.

    But it’s okay, because I got a 10 extra CP to put in the green tree to reduce my roll dodge cost by 0.5%...


    You actually had to dodgeroll in VSO HM, and it works with Magicka too. I am talking about the old totemmechanics.
    Love my Stamsorc
  • Juju_beans
    I just roll with the changes and see how I can adapt.
    If it ever got to the point where the game wasn't fun anymore I'd just leave and look for a new game.
    That's what I did with wow after so many changes and ended up here.

    Game is still fun for me and the changes aren't that drastic IMHO.
  • bearbelly
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    Well i feel the same about all the annoying "nerf" posts.
    Can't enjoy reading the forum when 9 out of 10 posts are such rageposts.

    Therefore ... let me join the funsies !

    They are closing the complaint threads, but apparently it's fine for a supposed years-long lurker to suddenly decide to create a forum account with the sole intent to burst onto the scene to snidely deride people as a self-appointed forum constable?

    How is your attitude any better than that of the people to whom you are condescending?

    It's not.
  • OrdoHermetica
    Actually... yes. Yes, I do give my ISP crap if they're consistently breaking things. Because they regularly do. And I pay them for a service, so when they're not delivering on that service, that's on them, not me.

    Acting like an adult is not exclusive of being critical of problems. You can do both at once. In fact, I think it's essential that you do both.
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on October 23, 2018 9:06PM
  • sevomd69
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    Behave like grown ups....

    Too much wurdz...and No...I will act like a child if I want...
  • mongoLC
    *** mechanics and *** this patch. I unsubbed as many others have.
  • karekiz
    TLDR - OP is either StamSomething or MagBlade.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
  • TheValar85
    the Mood of the sorc players are realy bad now.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • Thrasher91604
  • BigBadVolk
    the problem with shield changes and other changes is that middle people will suffer the most while the best will just skip mechanics while waiting for a challengin content, and the main problem is that they should adjust CP and Endgame not classes, imo (in pve at least)
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • WrathOfInnos
    That is a very narrow and condescending viewpoint about shield use. I would love to see some achievements linked if end game content is too easy. Did shielding and standing in red make Tick Tock Tormentor a walk in the park?

    There are many mechanics in trials and even some dungeons that cannot be blocked, dodged or avoided. These were clearly not considered when making sweeping changes to abilities that were overperforming in other content. Unavoidable RNG deaths are not fun, do not reward skill, and are just frustrating. That is why there has been so much negative feedback about the shield changes. It’s not that we’re all incompetent whiners who want to avoid doing mechanics.
    Edited by WrathOfInnos on October 23, 2018 10:37PM
  • Lisutaris
    That is a very narrow and condescending viewpoint about shield use. I would love to see some achievements linked if end game content is too easy. Did shielding and standing in red make Tick Tock Tormentor a walk in the park?

    There are many mechanics in trials and even some dungeons that cannot be blocked, dodged or avoided. These were clearly not considered when making sweeping changes to abilities that were overperforming in other content. Unavoidable RNG deaths are not fun, do not reward skill, and are just frustrating. That is why there has been so much negative feedback about the shield changes. It’s not that we’re all incompetent whiners who want to avoid doing mechanics.

    unavoidable RNG death... that's avoidable with a stronger shield... i am listening ? :smile:
    Some examples please. And no... bad luck with getting a debuff/spawn does NOT count... More Hp/resistance would also be a solution for that.
    Shield changes are not sorc only... so the ideal case would be a neutral example.

  • Vahrokh
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD

    What do the wise teach in EvE Online and in real life?

    "If you want to achieve or just defend something you have got, you got to fight for it. Else it'll be taken away from you".

    I am fighting against moronic developers since 2001, when a "successful" MMO consisted of 40k players.
    I've learned across close to 2 decades how the whole MMO "mechanism" works.

    I'll tell you a secret: it does not work out of kindness. It's a fight:

    - against clueless "second generation" game designers, who cost much less and usually replace the original designers who had a vision.
    - against developers who are always oppressed by deadlines and publishers and who try to get stuff done with a "80 / 20" approach: achieve 80% doing 20%. Too bad, quality is usually included in the 20% that is cut off.
    - against ever angry, opposite faction / class / race / spec players.

    Who succeeds at this is not who begs nicely.

    Those who beg nicely are still waiting multiclass dragons in Istaria (after 17 years). Are still waiting for their heavy armor class to fullfill its "classic" purpose (WoW) while others achieved what they wanted after 1.5 years with me as their leader.
    They are still waiting for NGE to be reversed (game shut down well before that).
    They are still waiting for their EvE features to be implemented, while others (with 5 leaders including me) achieved "$1000 jeans" game designer approach to be trashed.
    They are still waiting for their feature to be implemented in ToA while we "others" nasty guys had our race get 90% of priority.

    And so on.

    Who wants to succed has to be brutal, merciless, organize forum riots, social manipulation, server crashes, mass mail bombing, organized gaming review websites / social media / Youtube "approach" and much more. That's what you learn in all those years of fighting for your beloved class to not be forgotten and trashed. Nothing is kindly handed to you.

    Because who you have against are busy (devs) and / or dumb and / or competing people (i.e. PvP) who can't care the less about you, about the thousands dollars and hours you poured into their product. Then there are publishers whose only purpose in life is to make beancounters happy and - if they have to cut corners and screw up players - go ahead and do it. The latter is why I supported Star Citizen, that is freedom from publishers dictatorship.

    So, keep asking nicely for DK or Warden changes, by 2090 you'll have a breadcrumb. In the meanwhile we are getting several nerfs reduced and undone to bearable levels. And announced bugfix at next mini-patch.
    Edited by Vahrokh on October 23, 2018 11:03PM
  • Lisutaris
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD

    What do the wise teach in EvE Online and in real life?

    "If you want to achieve or just defend something you have got, you got to fight for it. Else it'll be taken away from you".

    I am fighting against moronic developers since 2001, when a "successful" MMO consisted of 40k players.
    I've learned across close to 2 decades how the whole MMO "mechanism" works.

    I'll tell you a secret: it does not work out of kindness. It's a fight:

    - against clueless "second generation" game designers, who cost much less and usually replace the original designers who had a vision.
    - against developers who are always oppressed by deadlines and publishers and who try to get stuff done with a "80 / 20" approach: achieve 80% doing 20%. Too bad, quality is usually included in the 20% that is cut off.
    - against ever angry, opposite faction / class / race / spec players.

    Who succeeds at this is not who begs nicely.

    Those who beg nicely are still waiting multiclass dragons in Istaria (after 17 years). Are still waiting for their heavy armor class to fullfill its "classic" purpose (WoW) while others achieved what they wanted after 1.5 years with me as their leader.
    They are still waiting for NGE to be reversed (game shut down well before that).
    They are still waiting for their EvE features to be implemented, while others (with 5 leaders including me) achieved "$1000 jeans" game designer approach to be trashed.
    They are still waiting for their feature to be implemented in ToA while we "others" nasty guys had our race get 90% of priority.

    And so on.

    Who wants to succed has to be brutal, merciless, organize forum riots, social manipulation, server crashes, mass mail bombing, organized gaming review websites "approach" and much more. That's what you learn in all those years of fighting for your beloved class to not be forgotten and trashed.

    Because who you have against are busy and / or dumb and / or coward people who can't care the less about you, about the thousands dollars and hours you poured into their product. Then there are publishers whose only purpose in life is to make beancounters happy and - if you have to cut corners and screw up players - go ahead and do it. The latter is why I supported Star Citizen, that is freedom from publishers dictatorship.

    So, keep asking nicely for DK or Warden changes, by 2090 you'll have a breadcrumb. In the meanwhile we are getting several nerfs reduced and undone to bearable levels. And announced bugfix at next mini-patch.

    I am simply amazed ... that is a wall of text that is a rival to mine :smile:
    Yea... some points are not only true, history has proved it already.

    BUT ... and here is the huge BUT .... we are talking about a game ...
    Next would be flipping cars in front of the headquarters ? xD
    (need a meme here .... "YOU NERFED MY BUILD NOW! I NERF YOUR CAR!)
    Nah, will stick to be friendly and ... nice guy white knight mentality :smile:
    Edited by Lisutaris on October 23, 2018 11:03PM
  • Ertosi
    bearbelly wrote: »
    They are closing the complaint threads

    Good for them. I wish they'd do it with a much firmer hand. Send a message to those that choose to always be discontented.

    Doesn't matter what they do, change, or add, seems like it just gets soiled on by the masses. I'm quite surprised they still work hard bringing us more stuff. And yes, I'm aware it gives them a paycheck, but seriously why bother when that attitude assaults them at every turn.
    PC NA @Ertosi
    ♠♦ My Team ♥♣
    GoanJabsplar [Grand Master Crafter, Master Angler, Tamriel Hero, Explorer]
    FigsStamblade Sneakthief [Master Thief]
    Sir PriceStamblade Bow Ganker [Daedric Lord Slayer]
    MayaStamblade Speedster
    AhmedMagblade Bomber
    BalzarStamSorc Blitzer
    WinniePetSorc Thunder Mage
    TanksStamDK Tank
    MonaMagDK Fire Mage
    BearlyStamden Tank
    IvanaMagden Ice Mage

    CP 950+
    ♌ DC Loyalist ♌
    ✄ Grand Master Crafter
    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features"
    https://i.imgur.com/TPscgS9.jpg to see major features of the last few years compared.
    https://i.imgur.com/X8qY0gP.jpg to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s.
    https://i.imgur.com/4z71cK8.jpg to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined.
    https://i.imgur.com/jrHe5h8.jpg to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • Skraticus
    Lisutaris wrote: »

    For some people it looks like the game or character is their whole life, comfort zone and if there are some changes it's terrible, horrible and worst case scenario ever :dizzy:

    Well when you have to actually work for a living and don't get to sit at home all day leveling a new toon every time ZOS messes up a class, you tend to be a little upset when the one thing you had time to put into gets wrecked.
  • Vahrokh
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD

    What do the wise teach in EvE Online and in real life?

    "If you want to achieve or just defend something you have got, you got to fight for it. Else it'll be taken away from you".

    I am fighting against moronic developers since 2001, when a "successful" MMO consisted of 40k players.
    I've learned across close to 2 decades how the whole MMO "mechanism" works.

    I'll tell you a secret: it does not work out of kindness. It's a fight:

    - against clueless "second generation" game designers, who cost much less and usually replace the original designers who had a vision.
    - against developers who are always oppressed by deadlines and publishers and who try to get stuff done with a "80 / 20" approach: achieve 80% doing 20%. Too bad, quality is usually included in the 20% that is cut off.
    - against ever angry, opposite faction / class / race / spec players.

    Who succeeds at this is not who begs nicely.

    Those who beg nicely are still waiting multiclass dragons in Istaria (after 17 years). Are still waiting for their heavy armor class to fullfill its "classic" purpose (WoW) while others achieved what they wanted after 1.5 years with me as their leader.
    They are still waiting for NGE to be reversed (game shut down well before that).
    They are still waiting for their EvE features to be implemented, while others (with 5 leaders including me) achieved "$1000 jeans" game designer approach to be trashed.
    They are still waiting for their feature to be implemented in ToA while we "others" nasty guys had our race get 90% of priority.

    And so on.

    Who wants to succed has to be brutal, merciless, organize forum riots, social manipulation, server crashes, mass mail bombing, organized gaming review websites "approach" and much more. That's what you learn in all those years of fighting for your beloved class to not be forgotten and trashed.

    Because who you have against are busy and / or dumb and / or coward people who can't care the less about you, about the thousands dollars and hours you poured into their product. Then there are publishers whose only purpose in life is to make beancounters happy and - if you have to cut corners and screw up players - go ahead and do it. The latter is why I supported Star Citizen, that is freedom from publishers dictatorship.

    So, keep asking nicely for DK or Warden changes, by 2090 you'll have a breadcrumb. In the meanwhile we are getting several nerfs reduced and undone to bearable levels. And announced bugfix at next mini-patch.

    I am simply amazed ... that is a wall of text that is a rival to mine :smile:
    Yea... some points are not only true, history has proved it already.

    BUT ... and here is the huge BUT .... we are talking about a game ...
    Next would be flipping cars in front of the headquarters ? xD
    (need a meme here .... "YOU NERFED MY BUILD NOW! I NERF YOUR CAR!)
    Nah, will stick to be friendly and ... nice guy white knight mentality :smile:

    I have created 4 companies, have gone to live and work overseas, have grinded from living below a bridge to living in a nice home on a tropical island.
    It did not come easily, nor quickly, I had to carve a living out of nothingness. This certainly did not help making me a sweet guy.

    Alas, as wise Ripley teached me: "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure".
  • TheValar85
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD

    What do the wise teach in EvE Online and in real life?

    "If you want to achieve or just defend something you have got, you got to fight for it. Else it'll be taken away from you".

    I am fighting against moronic developers since 2001, when a "successful" MMO consisted of 40k players.
    I've learned across close to 2 decades how the whole MMO "mechanism" works.

    I'll tell you a secret: it does not work out of kindness. It's a fight:

    - against clueless "second generation" game designers, who cost much less and usually replace the original designers who had a vision.
    - against developers who are always oppressed by deadlines and publishers and who try to get stuff done with a "80 / 20" approach: achieve 80% doing 20%. Too bad, quality is usually included in the 20% that is cut off.
    - against ever angry, opposite faction / class / race / spec players.

    Who succeeds at this is not who begs nicely.

    Those who beg nicely are still waiting multiclass dragons in Istaria (after 17 years). Are still waiting for their heavy armor class to fullfill its "classic" purpose (WoW) while others achieved what they wanted after 1.5 years with me as their leader.
    They are still waiting for NGE to be reversed (game shut down well before that).
    They are still waiting for their EvE features to be implemented, while others (with 5 leaders including me) achieved "$1000 jeans" game designer approach to be trashed.
    They are still waiting for their feature to be implemented in ToA while we "others" nasty guys had our race get 90% of priority.

    And so on.

    Who wants to succed has to be brutal, merciless, organize forum riots, social manipulation, server crashes, mass mail bombing, organized gaming review websites "approach" and much more. That's what you learn in all those years of fighting for your beloved class to not be forgotten and trashed.

    Because who you have against are busy and / or dumb and / or coward people who can't care the less about you, about the thousands dollars and hours you poured into their product. Then there are publishers whose only purpose in life is to make beancounters happy and - if you have to cut corners and screw up players - go ahead and do it. The latter is why I supported Star Citizen, that is freedom from publishers dictatorship.

    So, keep asking nicely for DK or Warden changes, by 2090 you'll have a breadcrumb. In the meanwhile we are getting several nerfs reduced and undone to bearable levels. And announced bugfix at next mini-patch.

    I am simply amazed ... that is a wall of text that is a rival to mine :smile:
    Yea... some points are not only true, history has proved it already.

    BUT ... and here is the huge BUT .... we are talking about a game ...
    Next would be flipping cars in front of the headquarters ? xD
    (need a meme here .... "YOU NERFED MY BUILD NOW! I NERF YOUR CAR!)
    Nah, will stick to be friendly and ... nice guy white knight mentality :smile:

    I have created 4 companies, have gone to live and work overseas, have grinded from living below a bridge to living in a nice home on a tropical island.
    It did not come easily, nor quickly, I had to carve a living out of nothingness. This certainly did not help making me a sweet guy.

    Alas, as wise Ripley teached me: "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure".

    I am so agree with you i just want to add one more thing if we are quoting Ripley when it comes for sorcerers so ZOS this is for you when it comes for sorc nerfs:


    (OFC nothign personal and dont take it in the wrong side okay? :)
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • An_An
    I’m curious to know what % of all ESO players identify as OP “End-game-players” , presumably because of whom this nerf was implemented.

    Personally I’ve never managed to complete vMA even with shields. I could do vet dungeons just fine (including hard mode and achievements) but could barely scrape by in vet trials. I had sustain issues on my magblade before this patch and now I can barely keep up rotations.

    This patch has just made the game a lot more difficult for non end game casual players. But who cares about plebs am I right?
    Edited by An_An on October 23, 2018 11:37PM
  • TheValar85
    An_An wrote: »
    I’m curious to know what % of all ESO players identify as OP “End-game-players” , presumably because of whom this nerf was implemented.

    Personally I’ve never managed to complete vMA even with shields. I could do vet dungeons just fine (including hard mode and achievements) but could barely scrape by in vet trials. I had sustain issues on my magblade before this patch and now I can barely keep up rotations.

    This patch has just made the game a lot more difficult for non end game casual players. But who cares about plebs am I right?

    I do care for the so called plebs, in fact i have helped alot in Pc EU and i am still trying my best to do so even after this patch. It is way harder now.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • DanteYoda
    Hows No sound.. They literally ruined classes and we are suppose to take it like good sheep.. No.
  • TheValar85
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Hows No sound.. They literally ruined classes and we are suppose to take it like good sheep.. No.

    No ofc no.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • NupidStoob
    When was the last time sorc was actually top DPS? Is this just a meme at this point? Petsorcs before Morrowind or not? Right now DPS wise it's only ahead of magden and has to deal with terrible sustain on top of that. It's been like that for a while as well
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD

    Right, because DKs didn't complain when they were nerfed :P

    I so hate these type of comments. DK mains experienced how bad it feels and one would think they could relate. Instead of standing together with other classes that go through the same stuff you come into the threads to add insult to injury. What a prime example of our community.
  • WrathOfInnos
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    That is a very narrow and condescending viewpoint about shield use. I would love to see some achievements linked if end game content is too easy. Did shielding and standing in red make Tick Tock Tormentor a walk in the park?

    There are many mechanics in trials and even some dungeons that cannot be blocked, dodged or avoided. These were clearly not considered when making sweeping changes to abilities that were overperforming in other content. Unavoidable RNG deaths are not fun, do not reward skill, and are just frustrating. That is why there has been so much negative feedback about the shield changes. It’s not that we’re all incompetent whiners who want to avoid doing mechanics.

    unavoidable RNG death... that's avoidable with a stronger shield... i am listening ? :smile:
    Some examples please. And no... bad luck with getting a debuff/spawn does NOT count... More Hp/resistance would also be a solution for that.
    Shield changes are not sorc only... so the ideal case would be a neutral example.


    vAS+2, Olms is jumping, 4 players are stacked on entrance, one of them gets targeted by a Llothis cone, then Felms throws a double manifest wrath on entrance. Spamming 25k shields while blocking might save you, 7-8k shields will not.

    vCR+3, you pick up Hoarfrost, flare targets you, 2-3 spheres hit you randomly and you’re now fighting multiple stacks of Dark Drain, maybe a Yaghra spewer spawns and hits you with a 7k Attack, while the flare triggers and you are trying to drop the Frost.

    These types of stacking unavoidable mechanics happen all the time, and shields were the only chance of survival. That’s the main reason why Magicka was preferred over stamina for the newer trials. Nobody likes to die to luck. Instead of fixing mechanics to not ruin your run, or giving stamina appropriate tools to survive, everyone was brought down to equally squishy.

    I do agree that this is not only a Sorc problem. Magblades were actually hit harder, since they lost good shields, refreshing path, and funnel health, as well as a sustain nerf.
    Edited by WrathOfInnos on October 24, 2018 12:22AM
  • Lisutaris
    TheValar85 wrote: »
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    You're asking too much. The sorc mains are already calling for a riot.

    Meanwhile those of us who play a lot of DK are just like...."? - so you got nerfed huh? meh, its not like we ever get nerfed"

    We just move on and take the nerfs in our stride xD

    What do the wise teach in EvE Online and in real life?

    "If you want to achieve or just defend something you have got, you got to fight for it. Else it'll be taken away from you".

    I am fighting against moronic developers since 2001, when a "successful" MMO consisted of 40k players.
    I've learned across close to 2 decades how the whole MMO "mechanism" works.

    I'll tell you a secret: it does not work out of kindness. It's a fight:

    - against clueless "second generation" game designers, who cost much less and usually replace the original designers who had a vision.
    - against developers who are always oppressed by deadlines and publishers and who try to get stuff done with a "80 / 20" approach: achieve 80% doing 20%. Too bad, quality is usually included in the 20% that is cut off.
    - against ever angry, opposite faction / class / race / spec players.

    Who succeeds at this is not who begs nicely.

    Those who beg nicely are still waiting multiclass dragons in Istaria (after 17 years). Are still waiting for their heavy armor class to fullfill its "classic" purpose (WoW) while others achieved what they wanted after 1.5 years with me as their leader.
    They are still waiting for NGE to be reversed (game shut down well before that).
    They are still waiting for their EvE features to be implemented, while others (with 5 leaders including me) achieved "$1000 jeans" game designer approach to be trashed.
    They are still waiting for their feature to be implemented in ToA while we "others" nasty guys had our race get 90% of priority.

    And so on.

    Who wants to succed has to be brutal, merciless, organize forum riots, social manipulation, server crashes, mass mail bombing, organized gaming review websites "approach" and much more. That's what you learn in all those years of fighting for your beloved class to not be forgotten and trashed.

    Because who you have against are busy and / or dumb and / or coward people who can't care the less about you, about the thousands dollars and hours you poured into their product. Then there are publishers whose only purpose in life is to make beancounters happy and - if you have to cut corners and screw up players - go ahead and do it. The latter is why I supported Star Citizen, that is freedom from publishers dictatorship.

    So, keep asking nicely for DK or Warden changes, by 2090 you'll have a breadcrumb. In the meanwhile we are getting several nerfs reduced and undone to bearable levels. And announced bugfix at next mini-patch.

    I am simply amazed ... that is a wall of text that is a rival to mine :smile:
    Yea... some points are not only true, history has proved it already.

    BUT ... and here is the huge BUT .... we are talking about a game ...
    Next would be flipping cars in front of the headquarters ? xD
    (need a meme here .... "YOU NERFED MY BUILD NOW! I NERF YOUR CAR!)
    Nah, will stick to be friendly and ... nice guy white knight mentality :smile:

    I have created 4 companies, have gone to live and work overseas, have grinded from living below a bridge to living in a nice home on a tropical island.
    It did not come easily, nor quickly, I had to carve a living out of nothingness. This certainly did not help making me a sweet guy.

    Alas, as wise Ripley teached me: "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure".

    I am so agree with you i just want to add one more thing if we are quoting Ripley when it comes for sorcerers so ZOS this is for you when it comes for sorc nerfs:


    (OFC nothign personal and dont take it in the wrong side okay? :)

    Still as unnecessary as all the ranting but ok :smile:

    I don't think they will listen to you ... or to Vahrokh. Maybe if some of your posts wouldn't be as aggressive as they are xD.

    Btw, you did realise ...
    .... the new spell power set (one of the new BIS if not #1) which is also easy to get ? Casual gaming!?
    .... changes to minor buffs ( more dmg)
    .... some little tweaks (more dmg)
    .... easy major evasion (-25% aoe dmg for everyone)

    If i look at all this .... and the cp increase .... some respeccing to more regen or hp or even resistances sounds not to bad :wink:

    Also ... the pet survival rate is not how it was intended ... and they are going to fix it. Look at some console players and how long they are waiting for a hotfix for the ww in the ww dlc ... :wink:

    As for the example about my question --> "unavoidable RNG death"
    Yeah i can say its alot of huge dmg income BUT it's not a unavoidable rng death by defintion and also no one shot mechanic (like vBC I ... its not one shot ... you can survive with some resistances and ~20k hp even without block and shields(barrier) ...)

    You picked up Hoarfrost ... (yes someone has to do it but you are taking the risk, maybe there would be a better choice than a dd made out of glass in light armor with quite low resistances)
    2-3 spheres are hitting you... positioning...reaction...
    You get fire mechanic ... ok thats bad luck :hushed: Same as getting it and moving down through the portal :D Or mazzatun hm as a healer and getting the debuff exactly at the last phase.... bad luck or still no big problem if the Tank/DD in your grp equip some self/assist heal. --> again we are talking about the difficult stuff that should be more difficult.

    BUT bad luck alone isnt killing you. Most of the new dungeons/trials are NOT a dps race. Same with wgt, icp, mazzatun, cos before...
    Last trial content + most difficult option should be hard as hell.... thats the point ...

    --> AND ITS FUNNY how everyone is NOT raging about those ~2% of the playerbase content :smile: on the contrary ... we are talking about vet without hm and norm trial ppl. But everytime an example is posted ... its the really hard stuff :error:

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