In PvE they parse 15-20% higher than everybody else. In PvP they hit consistently for 6k+ even if you're wearing impreg or brass they hit you for 10k+ at times. Cloak costs only like 3.5k so even stam NBs can use it 3-4 times in a fight taking regen into account. Needless to mention they always reach 1m dmg done bgs while next higher is usually around 600k.
There is a massive gap between nightblades and the rest of the classes. How can you possibly keep ignoring it? Any other team of devs would have addressed this a long time ago. This is not acceptable.
Pretty sad when people cry about a dps doing it's job. This is purely a PVE prespective.
once again that is a subjective opinion. you say broken i say great.
i'm not trying to ruin classes in the name of social justice
further more i'm tired of seeing pve changes effect my pvp play so get out of here with that
once again that is a subjective opinion. you say broken i say great.
i'm not trying to ruin classes in the name of social justice
further more i'm tired of seeing pve changes effect my pvp play so get out of here with that
but if it’s PvP changes affecting PvE play, that’s okay right?
Then also nerf DK tanks and Templar healers since they perform their respective roles way better than other classes.
Yeah, exactly. DPS this, DPS that... omg some one did 2 - 3 % more DPS ! ! NEERRRFFF ! !Pretty sad when people cry about a dps doing it's job. This is purely a PVE perspective.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »they speak about nightblade nerfs here ...
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »they speak about nightblade nerfs here ...
Finnaly, NBs see how annoying it is when people create bunch of nerf thread about the same issue.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »they speak about nightblade nerfs here ...
Finnaly, NBs see how annoying it is when people create bunch of nerf thread about the same issue.
In PvE they parse 15-20% higher than everybody else. In PvP they hit consistently for 6k+ even if you're wearing impreg or brass they hit you for 10k+ at times. Cloak costs only like 3.5k so even stam NBs can use it 3-4 times in a fight taking regen into account. Needless to mention they always reach 1m dmg done bgs while next higher is usually around 600k.
There is a massive gap between nightblades and the rest of the classes. How can you possibly keep ignoring it? Any other team of devs would have addressed this a long time ago. This is not acceptable.
I own all classes and i can see a massive bias leaning towards Nighblades.. Honestly i'm all for sacrificing my two magblades to see the other classes get a leg up to NB levels..
Honestly the sorc nerfs will wipe sorc from the game, wardens will be even worse off and still be non existent bar a few diehard sadists..
Templars are in a slightly better spot now, DK just got shafted nastily for no reason at all..
The nerfs to NB are nothing compared to the wardens and sorc nerfs, why destroy two classes and make customers time and effort they've spent months and years on pointless?
Get gud? L2P no people will just leave when you invalidate everything they've been doing for years, and i'm not even a sorc main, i just know when you ruin something people leave.
In PvE they parse 15-20% higher than everybody else. In PvP they hit consistently for 6k+ even if you're wearing impreg or brass they hit you for 10k+ at times. Cloak costs only like 3.5k so even stam NBs can use it 3-4 times in a fight taking regen into account. Needless to mention they always reach 1m dmg done bgs while next higher is usually around 600k.
There is a massive gap between nightblades and the rest of the classes. How can you possibly keep ignoring it? Any other team of devs would have addressed this a long time ago. This is not acceptable.