First let every class natively have access to major expedition without having to slot specific weapons, then we can even begin to have this conversation. Speed pots promote build variety and have a trade off in the opportunity cost of using other powerful potions.
It’s funny you say there is 0 cost when they actually have the most obvious cost of all...they are expensive. Speed pots are the number one gold sink in the game for many end game pvpers, and I highly doubt zos is just gonna remove that. If anything, the only change that needs to happen is the introduction of magicka speed immov potions.
First let every class natively have access to major expedition without having to slot specific weapons, then we can even begin to have this conversation. Speed pots promote build variety and have a trade off in the opportunity cost of using other powerful potions.
It’s funny you say there is 0 cost when they actually have the most obvious cost of all...they are expensive. Speed pots are the number one gold sink in the game for many end game pvpers, and I highly doubt zos is just gonna remove that. If anything, the only change that needs to happen is the introduction of magicka speed immov potions.
PickleRick wrote: »First let every class natively have access to major expedition without having to slot specific weapons, then we can even begin to have this conversation. Speed pots promote build variety and have a trade off in the opportunity cost of using other powerful potions.
It’s funny you say there is 0 cost when they actually have the most obvious cost of all...they are expensive. Speed pots are the number one gold sink in the game for many end game pvpers, and I highly doubt zos is just gonna remove that. If anything, the only change that needs to happen is the introduction of magicka speed immov potions.
You also lose out on other potion options.
Its not as if Vitality+Lingering pots don't exist and work about as well as a defensive ultimate for keeping you alive. You also sacrifice Crit buffs, which is a pretty large damage loss or requires a skill slot to replace that buff.
The only adjustment that needs to happen is Speed+Mag+Immov(or crit) potions. Saying they don't have a cost when they've got a large opportunity cost is blatantly false
Not arguing any other points but... Gold sink makes currency disappear from the game. Since pots are bought from other players and not from NPCs they can not be a goldsink.
Not arguing any other points but... Gold sink makes currency disappear from the game. Since pots are bought from other players and not from NPCs they can not be a goldsink.
Well in my view it does not have disappear from the game to be considered a goldsink, just disappear from accounts so that individual player wealth doesn’t stagnate. Between the mats and actual potions themselves, it keeps the in game economy flowing all around. For PvPers, besides occasionally buying gear and upgrade mats, potions are the number one expenditure.
PickleRick wrote: »First let every class natively have access to major expedition without having to slot specific weapons, then we can even begin to have this conversation. Speed pots promote build variety and have a trade off in the opportunity cost of using other powerful potions.
It’s funny you say there is 0 cost when they actually have the most obvious cost of all...they are expensive. Speed pots are the number one gold sink in the game for many end game pvpers, and I highly doubt zos is just gonna remove that. If anything, the only change that needs to happen is the introduction of magicka speed immov potions.
You also lose out on other potion options.
Its not as if Vitality+Lingering pots don't exist and work about as well as a defensive ultimate for keeping you alive. You also sacrifice Crit buffs, which is a pretty large damage loss or requires a skill slot to replace that buff.
The only adjustment that needs to happen is Speed+Mag+Immov(or crit) potions. Saying they don't have a cost when they've got a large opportunity cost is blatantly false
Please learn the difference between explicit cost and opportunity cost. What I wrote is blatantly true, you just didn't read. Opportunity cost is not on the same level as explicit cost. You drink a potion and you only gain, nothing is spent.
Now consider whichever type of "cost" you like when comparing sources of Major Expedition. Nobody can say with a straight face that the costs between something like Hasty Retreat or Quick Cloak versus a Speed Pot are even remotely similar in cost.
I expect to see some of the same names showing up to naysay this thread that did the same for 100% uptime on Vitality potions before those were nerfed. Because I guess people will try to protect whatever broken advantage they are currently abusing.
PickleRick wrote: »@Solariken wait, I think you’re saying that the cost for Hasty retreat is running a bow. But if you run bow just to get Hasty Retreat passive then we’ve gone over into the land of terrible build decisions. You run bow so you can engage from range, proc glyphs from range, or get the masters bow bonus(or snipe spam or some crazy bow build like @DDuke runs). Hasty retreat is just something you get for free when capitalizing on the things bow offers
Speed pots need a nerf becasue you can keep speed up 100%??
Everyone has access to this. This is not class specific, No one person has it over another. This is Alchemy that we all have access to.
You are either playing on a class that has major expedition or you use a pot. There is no need to nerf something we all have access to.
Speed pots need a nerf becasue you can keep speed up 100%??
Everyone has access to this. This is not class specific, No one person has it over another. This is Alchemy that we all have access to.
You are either playing on a class that has major expedition or you use a pot. There is no need to nerf something we all have access to.
Should be adjusted in a way, so that only 3x infused jewelery with „Glyph of Potion Boost“ warrants a 100% uptime after Medicinal Use. This makes Skills/Morphs providing Major Expedition worthwhile again.
KingExecration wrote: »Should be adjusted in a way, so that only 3x infused jewelery with „Glyph of Potion Boost“ warrants a 100% uptime after Medicinal Use. This makes Skills/Morphs providing Major Expedition worthwhile again.
I had to read that a few times because I couldn’t believe it. That’s one of the craziest things I’ve seen on here. All of that for speed uptime. I don’t think you guys understand the strength of vitality compared to expedition. Vitality 100% uptime was busted. Unkillable glass cannons build 1v1 if they cycled vigor right. 100% major expedition uptime? Maybe a guy will make it to a tree faster to live .04 seconds longer from a group, but a nerf? Really?
KingExecration wrote: »Should be adjusted in a way, so that only 3x infused jewelery with „Glyph of Potion Boost“ warrants a 100% uptime after Medicinal Use. This makes Skills/Morphs providing Major Expedition worthwhile again.
I had to read that a few times because I couldn’t believe it. That’s one of the craziest things I’ve seen on here. All of that for speed uptime. I don’t think you guys understand the strength of vitality compared to expedition. Vitality 100% uptime was busted. Unkillable glass cannons build 1v1 if they cycled vigor right. 100% major expedition uptime? Maybe a guy will make it to a tree faster to live .04 seconds longer from a group, but a nerf? Really?
First let every class natively have access to major expedition without having to slot specific weapons, then we can even begin to have this conversation. Speed pots promote build variety and have a trade off in the opportunity cost of using other powerful potions.
It’s funny you say there is 0 cost when they actually have the most obvious cost of all...they are expensive. Speed pots are the number one gold sink in the game for many end game pvpers, and I highly doubt zos is just gonna remove that. If anything, the only change that needs to happen is the introduction of magicka speed immov potions.
KingExecration wrote: »Should be adjusted in a way, so that only 3x infused jewelery with „Glyph of Potion Boost“ warrants a 100% uptime after Medicinal Use. This makes Skills/Morphs providing Major Expedition worthwhile again.
I had to read that a few times because I couldn’t believe it. That’s one of the craziest things I’ve seen on here. All of that for speed uptime. I don’t think you guys understand the strength of vitality compared to expedition. Vitality 100% uptime was busted. Unkillable glass cannons build 1v1 if they cycled vigor right. 100% major expedition uptime? Maybe a guy will make it to a tree faster to live .04 seconds longer from a group, but a nerf? Really?
An experiment for you @KingExecration and others - play a melee build and fight another melee who is running 2-3x Swift with a speed pot running.
When you're done failing at target whack-a-mole and you understand why 100% uptime on Major Expedition without GCD expenditure is a huge problem you should come back and bring me your insightful clicks.
KingExecration wrote: »Should be adjusted in a way, so that only 3x infused jewelery with „Glyph of Potion Boost“ warrants a 100% uptime after Medicinal Use. This makes Skills/Morphs providing Major Expedition worthwhile again.
I had to read that a few times because I couldn’t believe it. That’s one of the craziest things I’ve seen on here. All of that for speed uptime. I don’t think you guys understand the strength of vitality compared to expedition. Vitality 100% uptime was busted. Unkillable glass cannons build 1v1 if they cycled vigor right. 100% major expedition uptime? Maybe a guy will make it to a tree faster to live .04 seconds longer from a group, but a nerf? Really?
An experiment for you @KingExecration and others - play a melee build and fight another melee who is running 2-3x Swift with a speed pot running.
When you're done failing at target whack-a-mole and you understand why 100% uptime on Major Expedition without GCD expenditure is a huge problem you should come back and bring me your insightful clicks.
Major exp isn't really the strongest buff at all, but I agree it shouldn't have a 100% uptime. Should be more like 60-70% uptime instead. The major exp skills should also be buffed (Major exp duration) so people actually slot and use them instead of running speed pots.
Only poisons have diminishing duration if you stack effects. That has never been a feature of potions. I have no idea why you would even bring that up--ignorance of game mechanics?