Werewolf Savage Strength passive not working.

  • Chrlynsch

    You have a skill line that is being sold in the crown store, and it is broken. The estimated time of fix is over 1.5 months away. This is the featured skill line of the featured dlc. This fix needs to be a priority!
    Edited by Chrlynsch on September 6, 2018 12:23AM
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Qbiken
    Chrlynsch wrote: »

    You have a skill line that is being sold in the crown store, and it is broken. The estimated time of fix is over 1.5 months away. This is the featured skill line of the featured dlc. This fix needs to be a priority!


    Meanwhile, they announce of fast they´ll fix the numerous bugs with the ability altering weapons:
    Update: We're planning to have a fix for these in Monday's incremental patch. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

    I don´t expect to get an answer to this, but how the bug with Savage Strength not consider such a major bug that it can´t be fixed with a weekly maintenance is beyond me......

    Like imagine if it suddenly turned out that "Battle Roar" didn´t gave any resources back when DK´s used an ultimate. I can´t imagine ZOS going 1,5 - 2 months with a bug like that. The extra 10k resistance is a huge deal for werewolfs (especially in PvP).
  • Ertthewolf
    Qbiken wrote: »


    Meanwhile, they announce of fast they´ll fix the numerous bugs with the ability altering weapons:

    I don´t expect to get an answer to this, but how the bug with Savage Strength not consider such a major bug that it can´t be fixed with a weekly maintenance is beyond me......

    Like imagine if it suddenly turned out that "Battle Roar" didn´t gave any resources back when DK´s used an ultimate. I can´t imagine ZOS going 1,5 - 2 months with a bug like that. The extra 10k resistance is a huge deal for werewolfs (especially in PvP).

    Yeah, it's extremely frustrating. My guild did Moon Hunter keep as an all werewolf team (We do this for all dungeons) and almost every time one of us died, it was a one shot that was about 400-1000 damage over our total hp on the recap! If we had the 15% reduction from the 10k bugged Savage Pack we'd be fine...

    We have no evasion, and no shields. It's way too unforgiving to play with those resistance points missing.....I don't wanna wait 2 months to get the skin and personality just because I play only werewolf.
    Edited by Ertthewolf on September 6, 2018 12:11PM
  • todokete
    But Murkmire will bring more bugs
  • Ardicer


    Wow, a real high five from Zos
    In the face
    With a chair

    Please remove Werewolf from the crown store asap, you're selling a broken feature!
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ertthewolf
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    Thank you!!! A lot of us are very passionate about werewolf as its all we play. I personally have no other toons I play nearly as much as my DK wolf.

    We appreciate a fix sooner then Murkmire. Especially something this broken.
  • CrazyWolf712
    If werewolf dies, we out!

    Here’s hoping for a quick fix! My entire guild is dedicated to this skill line!
  • Jake1576
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    Will that patch be for console also before murkmire so we don't have to wait as long either otherwise you guys might as well be saying screw console players they aren't as important as pc players are we shouldn't have to wait until murkmire for a fix either
    Edited by Jake1576 on September 6, 2018 3:40PM
  • Chrlynsch
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    Thank you for trying to expedite this issue!
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Dashmatt
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    Thank you!
  • Skullstachio
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    Good to know, I always appreciate the work the team does, best solution after finding a fix is to do an Incremental Global Hotfix for all "Affected" platforms in regards to this passive bug. possibly before the release of murkmire as it has only been about a week and three days since wolfhunter was released, and that's considering the length of time put into murkmire which could make some gamers impatient for the hotfix. (Not me though.)

    (I only ever noticed this back when I did normal Fungal Grotto I solo after wolfhunter dropped, I was not outputting as much damage as I originally did nor was there any decrease in damage regardless of the 33k hardcap I reached in combination with some of the champion point allocations so you could say it is definitely a bug along with the other comments here.)
    If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...

    If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
  • ccfeeling


    You should arrange an emergency patch , thank you !
  • Fett233
    This needs to be a priority. The only reason I play this game is to be a werewolf and it’s hella broken. If this continues I’m going to drop this game and so will all my guild mates. We are paying customers and you’re giving us a broken product again. I understand that there are difficulties in my a game but this is Ridiculous. First you take infinite werewolf away and then you take both our stuns which is so great(sarcasm). And now our 10 K spell and physical resistance doesn’t even work you’re going to lose a lot of players due to you not wanting to fix the werewolf. Not to mention putting major Berserk on our healing Ability. Are you trying to get rid of all the werewolf players. I’ve been a day one werewolf in this game and an avid player putting probably a couple thousand dollars into this game and you’re making it where I don’t even want to play anymore. This is pretty much the only game I’ve played repeatedly and for this amount of time. Please fix this issue and every other issue that is wrong with the werewolf. The werewolf needs it stun back. I solely play werewolf that’s it All eight of my characters are where a wife so I know the mechanics of the werewolf and it’s broken right now.
  • Mr_Wolfe
    Fett233 wrote: »
    This needs to be a priority. The only reason I play this game is to be a werewolf and it’s hella broken. If this continues I’m going to drop this game and so will all my guild mates. We are paying customers and you’re giving us a broken product again. I understand that there are difficulties in my a game but this is Ridiculous. First you take infinite werewolf away and then you take both our stuns which is so great(sarcasm). And now our 10 K spell and physical resistance doesn’t even work you’re going to lose a lot of players due to you not wanting to fix the werewolf. Not to mention putting major Berserk on our healing Ability. Are you trying to get rid of all the werewolf players. I’ve been a day one werewolf in this game and an avid player putting probably a couple thousand dollars into this game and you’re making it where I don’t even want to play anymore. This is pretty much the only game I’ve played repeatedly and for this amount of time. Please fix this issue and every other issue that is wrong with the werewolf. The werewolf needs it stun back. I solely play werewolf that’s it All eight of my characters are where a wife so I know the mechanics of the werewolf and it’s broken right now.

    Hircine's Rage gives Major Brutality (+20 weapon damage), if it gave Major Berserk (+25% all damage) the change wouldn't have been such a kick in the teeth.

    We didn't just lose our stuns and resistances, we lost 10-20% of our dps: The 10% that we used to get from Hircine's Rage, and the 10% from the Exploiter Passive--now that only one morph of roar causes off balance and it doesn't work on bosses.

    But yeah, it really does seem like the devs have something against werewolves. Guess they have something against making money too, because this BS is going to cost them a lot of customers.
  • Chrlynsch
    Mr_Wolfe wrote: »

    Hircine's Rage gives Major Brutality (+20 weapon damage), if it gave Major Berserk (+25% all damage) the change wouldn't have been such a kick in the teeth.

    We didn't just lose our stuns and resistances, we lost 10-20% of our dps: The 10% that we used to get from Hircine's Rage, and the 10% from the Exploiter Passive--now that only one morph of roar causes off balance and it doesn't work on bosses.

    But yeah, it really does seem like the devs have something against werewolves. Guess they have something against making money too, because this BS is going to cost them a lot of customers.

    The fear never set bosses off balance, so saying we lost the exploiter passive is not true. The loss of 10% weapon damage from Hircine's rage does not equal 10% loss in damage, as weapon damage is only part of the equation. With the intoduction of a werewolf specific dps set boosted our damage by roughly 20-25% and the changes to pack leader is an additional 5-10%. To give them major Berserk would have been completely broken in both pve and pvp.

    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Ertthewolf
    Chrlynsch wrote: »

    The fear never set bosses off balance, so saying we lost the exploiter passive is not true. The loss of 10% weapon damage from Hircine's rage does not equal 10% loss in damage, as weapon damage is only part of the equation. With the intoduction of a werewolf specific dps set boosted our damage by roughly 20-25% and the changes to pack leader is an additional 5-10%. To give them major Berserk would have been completely broken in both pve and pvp.

    Yep. Plus @Mr_Wolfe the 10% from the old Hircines Rage calculates off base weapon damage. So even tho with Major Brutality, Savage Strength and Dual Wield passives up, before Wolf Hunter, I had 3540 weapon damage. It only went down to 3314. Thats only a loss of 226 weapon damage vs what should've been 354. On dps test I lost about 4% damage lol

    Exploiter still works on bosses if you run trials or dungeons with a class that can off balance bosses. The fear doesn't, and never has worked on fear immune enemies. This includes target dummies. We got Unchained back, access to synergies, reduced cost of Howl of Agony+Despair, dps sets that let werewolf be competitive in top level end game content. So damage will be much higher in group runs. So great utility now!

    We have noticed in our Ebony Wolf Pack Skin Run Saturdays massive improvement to pve content success for our Werewolf members. In PvP me and @CrazyWolf712 can 2vx like never before (she gets 18k+heals now vs 6k).

    With the armor fix werewolves will fit very nicely into the game. Everything before was too weird and cheesy feeling to get good results.

  • ccfeeling
    Huge nerf to werewolf, good job Zos, u ruined this game.
  • Jake1576
    So i'm guessing the patch that is scheduled for pc tomorrow will fix it for them while we will have to wait until murkmire on console what a load of *** man
  • sneakymitchell
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    I’m sure it can’t be that hard over a passive being bounced. But I guess you guys change the number remember it was 9996 now it’s 10k.
    NA-Xbox one- Ebonheart Pact- Nord Tank DK
    PC-NA Ebonheart Pact Nord Stam Templar
  • dooderek
    Soul Shriven
    bump, any fix on this?
  • Ertthewolf
    dooderek wrote: »
    bump, any fix on this?

    Not yet @dooderek

    Hopefully we can get an update soon. Murkmire is way to long to wait. They fixed the broken arena weapons from last week right away.
  • Ertthewolf
    We literally can't do hardmode March of Sacrifices because the bug. Our core dps run wolves, and are just too squishy to survive the hunt mechanic. Even my heavy armor wolf can't take much since my resistance sits at 19000 vs what should be 29000 in wolf.

    The feeling of being stronger as a werewolf just isn't there until they fix this.
  • dooderek
    Soul Shriven
    bump, the world must know
  • TheMystid
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    Funny, I started to play ESO again after 1 year because of WW (mini)rework, and yet here we are as always begging for bug fixes. Your team is so bad Gina! :'(:'(
    PC EU

    Nostalgic StamDk
  • Dashmatt
    This is making Battlegrounds really, really miserable. My WW build is sturdier than most, and I am just getting absolutely lit up in no-CP. I feel like I should run Mighty Chudan for a while, but I heard that was possibly bugged too? Been playing for about 2 years and this really feels like the low point.
  • Cuthceol
    Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.

    No actually you don't.
  • Ertthewolf
    @ZOS_GinaBruno, any update as to if it can fit into an incremental patch? Wolf Hunter is a werewolf patch, yet I don't feel inclined to try the skill line to it's max potential with this bug.....
    Edited by Ertthewolf on September 14, 2018 8:51PM
  • Mr_Wolfe
    They took the Xbox NA servers down in the middle of the night a couple days ago. I can't find any info on what they patched but the Savage Strength passive is still broken. On the other hand I haven't seen that bug where Pack Leader werewolves would sometimes spawn an extra direwolf since. XP
  • dooderek
    Soul Shriven
    Bump for any updates.
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