You have a skill line that is being sold in the crown store, and it is broken. The estimated time of fix is over 1.5 months away. This is the featured skill line of the featured dlc. This fix needs to be a priority!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Update: We're planning to have a fix for these in Monday's incremental patch. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.
Meanwhile, they announce of fast they´ll fix the numerous bugs with the ability altering weapons:
I don´t expect to get an answer to this, but how the bug with Savage Strength not consider such a major bug that it can´t be fixed with a weekly maintenance is beyond me......
Like imagine if it suddenly turned out that "Battle Roar" didn´t gave any resources back when DK´s used an ultimate. I can´t imagine ZOS going 1,5 - 2 months with a bug like that. The extra 10k resistance is a huge deal for werewolfs (especially in PvP).
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
This needs to be a priority. The only reason I play this game is to be a werewolf and it’s hella broken. If this continues I’m going to drop this game and so will all my guild mates. We are paying customers and you’re giving us a broken product again. I understand that there are difficulties in my a game but this is Ridiculous. First you take infinite werewolf away and then you take both our stuns which is so great(sarcasm). And now our 10 K spell and physical resistance doesn’t even work you’re going to lose a lot of players due to you not wanting to fix the werewolf. Not to mention putting major Berserk on our healing Ability. Are you trying to get rid of all the werewolf players. I’ve been a day one werewolf in this game and an avid player putting probably a couple thousand dollars into this game and you’re making it where I don’t even want to play anymore. This is pretty much the only game I’ve played repeatedly and for this amount of time. Please fix this issue and every other issue that is wrong with the werewolf. The werewolf needs it stun back. I solely play werewolf that’s it All eight of my characters are where a wife so I know the mechanics of the werewolf and it’s broken right now.
Hircine's Rage gives Major Brutality (+20 weapon damage), if it gave Major Berserk (+25% all damage) the change wouldn't have been such a kick in the teeth.
We didn't just lose our stuns and resistances, we lost 10-20% of our dps: The 10% that we used to get from Hircine's Rage, and the 10% from the Exploiter Passive--now that only one morph of roar causes off balance and it doesn't work on bosses.
But yeah, it really does seem like the devs have something against werewolves. Guess they have something against making money too, because this BS is going to cost them a lot of customers.
The fear never set bosses off balance, so saying we lost the exploiter passive is not true. The loss of 10% weapon damage from Hircine's rage does not equal 10% loss in damage, as weapon damage is only part of the equation. With the intoduction of a werewolf specific dps set boosted our damage by roughly 20-25% and the changes to pack leader is an additional 5-10%. To give them major Berserk would have been completely broken in both pve and pvp.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Totally understand the frustration with this passive not working, everyone. We're going to see if it's something we can get into an incremental patch.