Stats have dropped again.

  • drummindrummer
    I cant help but LOL at this. I caught this in the first week of the wolfhunter pts cycle

    It was indeed a bug with summeset that has now been fixed. Some people had lower stats, some people had higher stats. It is now fixed and everyone has the correct stats that they should have.

    But just like Gina mentioned, there is still a bug when applying food with a poison equipped. But that is a completely separate bug than the one that was just fixed with wolfhunter

    I have included screenshots of before summerset, during summerset, and during the wolfhunter pts.

    Stats "before summerset" and "during wolfhunter pts" are the same. Just read the entire thread and you can see them all for yourself
    Edited by drummindrummer on August 16, 2018 2:29AM
  • eso_lags
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Next update?
  • drummindrummer
    I doubt there will be another update. She has already told us that it a bug fix, same as we had already discovered a couple weeks ago in my thread I linked.
  • DanteYoda
    I wonder if some one said that to Gina as a troll, evil devs some of these...
  • Soleya
    I lost 5k health on my stam sorc in PVP. 16k with no food, 17k with blue health/stam food. I had to relog and delete my food buff 4 times and retake it before it finally fixed my health to 22k.
  • SodanTok
    DuskMarine wrote: »

    really if its a fact then how come several build editors say otherwise hmm? your words are flawed when its been checked multiple times. it cant scale with weapons otherwise wed see crazy numbers coming out on dual wield builds which all the old numbers still match up with the current update on build tools. even doing the math out right on paper its still where it shouldve been before the update. so you honestly need to go back to math class.

    Sigh... How can my words be flawed when you literally didnt check anything. How it 'cant scale with weapons' because crazy numbers on dw builds? How are they relevant to it at all. IT SCALED WITH QUALITY. Golden staff or golden hammer - doesnt matter it buffed the food. White bow or white dagger - doesnt matter it lowered the stats from food. How can you be so dense as to argue about math now when the bug is fixed and not happenng anymore and you had no idea about it so obviously you did no math last patch andd obviously you cant use math to see problem that isnt here anymore now.
    Edited by SodanTok on August 16, 2018 9:30AM
  • dragonz868
    smacx250 wrote: »
    Pre-update my stats were slightly higher than what the ESOUI build editor would predict - now they are spot on. I use gold weapons and purple food, no poisons. So my experience seems to fit with Gina's explanation of the bug that was fixed.

    Except the bug supposedly only effected BLUE FOOD!
  • smacx250
    dragonz868 wrote: »

    Except the bug supposedly only effected BLUE FOOD!
    Ooops - yeah, I do in fact use blue food (max health & mag)!
  • XxCaLxX
    Didn’t go through all comments so I’m sure someone has stated it. But I have this problem on Xbox NA we th both stamina and magicka based characters. What I have to do is carry my main food(max health with max stam or magicka) and also carry dubious for stam and potent brew on mag so when this happens if I’m using food I’ll use a drink then back to food and it fixes it. If using drink them use food and back to drink fixes it.
    Edited by XxCaLxX on August 16, 2018 7:28PM
  • drummindrummer
    Soleya wrote: »
    I lost 5k health on my stam sorc in PVP. 16k with no food, 17k with blue health/stam food. I had to relog and delete my food buff 4 times and retake it before it finally fixed my health to 22k.

    Either you are experiencing the poison bug, or there is yet another bug when entering PVP areas, since health gets scaled up there.

    Just to be safe, make sure you do not have any poisons equipped when applying food. In both PVE and PVP
    Edited by drummindrummer on August 16, 2018 11:49PM
  • Vrany69
    After some investigation, we found this was actually a result of a bug fix we did for Update 19. Food was previously based on the quality of your weapon, but is now correctly based on the quality of the food. This may result in some slightly lower stats in some circumstances. We apologize for missing the patch note on this change and causing the initial confusion.

    Now, it’s also worth noting there’s still an outstanding issue with poisons – if food is used while a poison is equipped, it’ll be based on the poison’s level and quality rather than the food. This will be fixed in the next update.

    Whoever is responsible for this should lose about 10% of their salaries compensating the amount of our stats lost.
  • Sandman929
    I'm still grappling with "food was previously based on the quality of your weapon"...and now it will be based on the quality of poisons if they're equipped? That's some weird coding there.
  • Akimbro
    Vrany69 wrote: »

    Whoever is responsible for this should lose about 10% of their salaries compensating the amount of our stats lost.

    I think they're already paying the price from how much that comment made their heads hurt
    ALACRITY Emperors united RIP
    LAST PRODIGIES World first SO clear RIP

    The last egg in the carton.
  • bpmachete

    It was here last patch but they fixed it, however you could override the bug by eating your food on your backbar, however in this patch all of the fixes that worked previously are not working.

    Xbox NA They never fixed it for me, my 5-1-1 setups all lost health over 2k. They never fixed it, I ate the food on all bars different food no poisons no gear, gear again and nothing, just lost it for no reason. I can even do my build on UESP build editor, it has 2k more health on there... I was hoping they would fix it this patch, but I guess they might mess up other stats. I put it in the bug report couple of times, very disappointed it is not addressed.
    Edited by bpmachete on August 17, 2018 5:51PM
  • bpmachete
    Danksta wrote: »

    Are you applying your food on a bar you have poisons equipped? This will cause your food buff to not give you all the stats intended.


    Some of us know this isn't it everytime because we don't have poisons equiped.
  • bpmachete
    Thanks for the reports, all. Just confirming we've seen this thread and are investigating the cause.

    Yeah I have had everything the same and my health was always the same until Summerset came out and we made reports on it.
    Edited by bpmachete on August 17, 2018 8:01PM
  • bpmachete
    After some investigation, we found this was actually a result of a bug fix we did for Update 19. Food was previously based on the quality of your weapon, but is now correctly based on the quality of the food. This may result in some slightly lower stats in some circumstances. We apologize for missing the patch note on this change and causing the initial confusion.

    Now, it’s also worth noting there’s still an outstanding issue with poisons – if food is used while a poison is equipped, it’ll be based on the poison’s level and quality rather than the food. This will be fixed in the next update.

    We can make the build in an engine for it and the stats for health are lower. The guy is showing you that his stats were different without poisons and he didn't change his weapon. How come if this was a "fix" the food changes around like that? Also I have calculated my health and with the bonuses regardless of the weapon equiped my health is just lower now. The "fix" you did apparently stops the health bonus from working on the food like the Undaunted Mettle and Imperial or Nord health bonuses. If you "fixed" the food being based on the weapon quality, maybe they are taking away all bonuses? Please double check this. The UESP engine works off formulas and it doesn't calvulate the food being gold color.
  • bpmachete
    Ravenayle wrote: »
    I am having the issue in open world - not PVP zones. Running around in Summerset. Before this DLC, I was at 57.6K magicka, and after the patch I was at 55.3K magicka with the same gear and food as before. So missing 2.3 K magicka.

    Today, I log in and went to do the new dungeon with a friend. At my food and it put me at 52.6K magicka so I'm now missing 5K magicka from what it was before the patch.

    I took off my food buff and logged out and back on. I have less magicka unbuffed than before, too. Something is really wrong.

    Yep they are saying it's only the food but it seems even the base stats are lower... what the base stats calculated from the weapons too?
  • bpmachete
    SodanTok wrote: »

    Could you not throw around assumptions you have no idea about?

    Food was indeed scaling with quality of weapon quality last patch.

    You are supposed to have lower stats because you had them higher during the bug... Just using bistat on gearless argonian was easily over 500 more health than the tooltip says last patch.
    But you get bonus to health with argonian, so it increases the food health.
    smacx250 wrote: »
    Pre-update my stats were slightly higher than what the ESOUI build editor would predict - now they are spot on. I use gold weapons and purple food, no poisons. So my experience seems to fit with Gina's explanation of the bug that was fixed.

    Not me, my Stamina and Magicka are the same but my health is lower than it's supposed to be by 2k.
    Edited by bpmachete on August 17, 2018 8:39PM
  • bpmachete
    SodanTok wrote: »

    Lol. I have clue well enough. I literally tested and reported this bug. Before this patch food was giving supposed value only when used with weapon of same quality (color). If you had better weapon than food you got more. If you had worse weapon than food you got less. This was happening 100% for any food and consistently all during summerset patch, maybe even before that. Affected health, stam and magicka from such food not recoveries.

    Ok then why would it only affect my health then? You are saying it was giving me a bonus cause I rock gold quality weapons with purple food, then why did only my health go down? Also why did my base health go down? My stamina and magicka are exactly the same, only my health is lower. Also why on a build editor that doesnt account for the glitch does the stats differ? And how come they were so spot on and now all wrong, that glitch is not in the formulas it uses. And why do the stats change randomly like that guy was showing?
    Edited by bpmachete on August 17, 2018 8:52PM
  • bpmachete
    I cant help but LOL at this. I caught this in the first week of the wolfhunter pts cycle

    It was indeed a bug with summeset that has now been fixed. Some people had lower stats, some people had higher stats. It is now fixed and everyone has the correct stats that they should have.

    But just like Gina mentioned, there is still a bug when applying food with a poison equipped. But that is a completely separate bug than the one that was just fixed with wolfhunter

    I have included screenshots of before summerset, during summerset, and during the wolfhunter pts.

    Stats "before summerset" and "during wolfhunter pts" are the same. Just read the entire thread and you can see them all for yourself

    Yo I had the same health before morrowind, only my health got jacked,
  • bpmachete
    Soleya wrote: »
    I lost 5k health on my stam sorc in PVP. 16k with no food, 17k with blue health/stam food. I had to relog and delete my food buff 4 times and retake it before it finally fixed my health to 22k.

    This is what we are talking about, stop saying it's fixed
  • Facefister
    I may have found out the issue. The undaunted passive calculates and buffs your base HP/Magicka/Stamina, doesn't reapply when buffed. Example:
    I was wrong :neutral:
    Edited by Facefister on August 17, 2018 9:45PM
  • drummindrummer
    Also keep in mind that the more % amps to a stat you have, the more you will lose from the blue food being fixed. Then add in the further % amp to health from cyrodiil and it's even more of a loss.

    In fixing a bug, did they introduce new ones regarding racial and skill line passives... Idk.

    But it sounds awfully strange to me that base stats could be affected when supposedly only food was touched.

    This game has so many variables when putting a build together. Can you honestly say that you paid so close attention to your stats before and during summerset? I didn't, I had more stats in summerset and didn't even notice. I only noticed when they were taken back away and I lost 2k dps on my pet sorc.

    I was pretty upset and had I not have just happened to have a screenshot saved from a superstar build from before summerset, I'd likely still think the missing stats were a bug, not a bug fix.

    I was informed by another user on this forum that stats were higher than intended in summerset. And sure enough, I checked my superstar from dragon bones patch, and my health is exactly the same as in wolfhunter patch.

    The only extra health bonuses I have are undaunted and the sorc pet passive. And they are both working correctly for me as they were in dragon bones patch.

    I do not play pvp and I do not use poisons.
    I am not saying for sure that there is not a other bug, but my first assumption is that everyone is confused to why they have lower stats, and not paid close enough attention to your stats until you noticed them missing. Same as I did.

    If there truly is some other bug regarding passives or pvp areas, I think everyone should start posting screenshots instead of posting random numbers saying im missing "x" stats. A superstar would be very helpful to the devs.

  • Micah_Bayer
    Also keep in mind that the more % amps to a stat you have, the more you will lose from the blue food being fixed. Then add in the further % amp to health from cyrodiil and it's even more of a loss.

    In fixing a bug, did they introduce new ones regarding racial and skill line passives... Idk.

    But it sounds awfully strange to me that base stats could be affected when supposedly only food was touched.

    This game has so many variables when putting a build together. Can you honestly say that you paid so close attention to your stats before and during summerset? I didn't, I had more stats in summerset and didn't even notice. I only noticed when they were taken back away and I lost 2k dps on my pet sorc.

    I was pretty upset and had I not have just happened to have a screenshot saved from a superstar build from before summerset, I'd likely still think the missing stats were a bug, not a bug fix.

    I was informed by another user on this forum that stats were higher than intended in summerset. And sure enough, I checked my superstar from dragon bones patch, and my health is exactly the same as in wolfhunter patch.

    The only extra health bonuses I have are undaunted and the sorc pet passive. And they are both working correctly for me as they were in dragon bones patch.

    I do not play pvp and I do not use poisons.
    I am not saying for sure that there is not a other bug, but my first assumption is that everyone is confused to why they have lower stats, and not paid close enough attention to your stats until you noticed them missing. Same as I did.

    If there truly is some other bug regarding passives or pvp areas, I think everyone should start posting screenshots instead of posting random numbers saying im missing "x" stats. A superstar would be very helpful to the devs.

    Yeah i am one of those that paid close attention throughout all updates and when my new setup is lower than my original pre summerset. There is a problem
  • drummindrummer
    All I'm saying is that it's easy to forget things when there are so many variables and numbers that go into a build.

    I've been unable to recreate anything you guys are saying.

    My stats are all correct. I've tried applying food on both bars and entering and leaving cyro and it all seems to check out for me. Only poisons give me a bug with stats.

    Some screenshots from the superstar addon would help greatly. If there truly is some other bug with stats, we need to do some testing so the devs can be able to get it fixed quicker
  • drummindrummer
    Ok I just encountered something and I thought it might have been the bug you guys were talking about. I lost 2k health and 4k mag. And my base stats were lower.

    The I realised I was in sotha sil. There are no cp there thus all stats are lower, including base stats without food.

    Are you sure you guys arent just going to sotha sil and getting worried because this thread was made and you guys think there is some bug?
  • Micah_Bayer
    Ok I just encountered something and I thought it might have been the bug you guys were talking about. I lost 2k health and 4k mag. And my base stats were lower.

    The I realised I was in sotha sil. There are no cp there thus all stats are lower, including base stats without food.

    Are you sure you guys arent just going to sotha sil and getting worried because this thread was made and you guys think there is some bug?

    I'm sure
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