XGCAlbatr0ss wrote: »
Radiant Mage Light ? Although not sure why anyone would run that over Inner Light....
Micah_Bayer wrote: »
Yeah there was a bug but as for builds like mine which were the higher value before summerset have a problem.
I'm not sure if I'm happy, but you're right. When I put my build in UESP editor, I got the exact same stats as on Live. It means there *was* a bug and the blue food was giving more Health than intended. Now it gives the correct values.
But I'm not bloody running 16,8k Health, I want my 17,3. One Health glyph will fix it.
I'm short magicka as well, Had been running 57K and now with the same set up / food buff I'm only at 55,331 K.
Just FYI
DuskMarine wrote: »
jesus that hit is huge and on a pet build thats a ton of dps lost if your a pet build. but nobody wants to know what i got back from their support team sent them proof and all. and i got buttkis. there is no point to anything on the forums or in their support tickets you get nothing fixed or done. im so sick of this company.
Micah_Bayer wrote: »
No kidding
DuskMarine wrote: »
yea sent screenshots proving its a problem, and even that its not the first time its happened and i got the usual cookie cutter response. there isnt a point to reporting they litterally seem to not even care even if we send in screen shots showing hey theres a issue. so im so done this game will kill itself before long might as well get the good times in while i can.
Micah_Bayer wrote: »
I just don't understand how the same bug could happen twice
DuskMarine wrote: »
nor can i
I'm not sure if I'm happy, but you're right. When I put my build in UESP editor, I got the exact same stats as on Live. It means there *was* a bug and the blue food was giving more Health than intended. Now it gives the correct values.
But I'm not bloody running 16,8k Health, I want my 17,3. One Health glyph will fix it.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
I still have my old stats in UESP. My resources are 100% bugged.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
And your mag sorc hits like a wet noodle. haha. This game does not favor moderation when it comes to stats.
Also, to people who contacted support, are you sure you got past the usual "try disabling your addons, restarting your PC, reinstall your game, change ISPs, move to a new geographic region, etc." auto-response?
You have to contest a ticket at least once before a human sees it, afaik.
Also, to people who contacted support, are you sure you got past the usual "try disabling your addons, restarting your PC, reinstall your game, change ISPs, move to a new geographic region, etc." auto-response?
You have to contest a ticket at least once before a human sees it, afaik.
DuskMarine wrote: »
well every single thing you get back from them is almost automated bull anyhow that they type out in a script. you have to have about a thousand responds on there to getem to even react but i think i bugged mine enough and im still poking the devs till they fix this. their silence is starting to get old they need to respond more than they do.
Micah_Bayer wrote: »
I cant believe there isn't an official word on this yet. Because this is 100% bugged. My stats were higher than this 2 patches ago so i most definitely did not get boosted for the bug introduced in summerset. 1000 more before summerset, I hope they dont pin it on that bug that boosted stats.
DuskMarine wrote: »the tooltips are what you get so their taking it away from our unbuffed stats
DuskMarine wrote: »the tooltips are what you get so their taking it away from our unbuffed stats