So, since zenimax doesn't officially take a firm position against/for macros which destroy the game's balance for those who encounter macro players (in PVP mostly) nor does it try to change the curent game design which encourages them since the advantage is huge, we can assume they are tolerated and i firmly believe everyone should know about them and have the chance to be playing on equal ground if they find themselves at a disadvantage.
Today while browsing the forum i stumbled across a discussion and a link to a YT video of an OP macro; swap bar>spell>swapbar. All done with one press of a button and extremely fast/efficient. So i decided to see how that works and played a bit with the software and managed to create my own swap bar + hardened ward + harness magicka + swapbar. Sounds cool ? Most gaming peripherals producers have their own software so things might be slightly different, but for logitech:
1. Open logitech software.
2. Select customize buttons tab.
3. Commands, press create new command.
4. Multikey, mouse over the black square.
5. For light attack macro: right click, insert mouse event, left button, click. Right click the second line and click record after here. Then you can record a spell like liquid lightning.
6. For my example same, but now you have to insert delay between actions. So something like this: swapbar/0.15delay + hardened ward/0.5delay + harness magicka/0.6delay+ swapbar.
I didn't try to improve the timings after i managed to make it work. Thing is, being able to press one button and do 4 actions can give a pretty big advantage. If you're cornered 1v5 and you use this macro while blocking, you'll probably live long enough until your team arrives.
P.S : personally i will not use this in neither PVP nor PVE, except for experimenting / testing purposes ( like now ). So if these things become bannable in the future use them at your own risk.