redspecter23 wrote: »If I were a betting man, I'd say that they will re-release the dwarven crates in the store for a limited time at about the same time they are doing the giveaways. If that's true, then you may be able to cash in your gems for dwarven items at that time.
Nightfall12 wrote: »WARNING
Nix infestion on the way.....
....for those that were not around last wave.
weedgenius wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »If I were a betting man, I'd say that they will re-release the dwarven crates in the store for a limited time at about the same time they are doing the giveaways. If that's true, then you may be able to cash in your gems for dwarven items at that time.
@redspecter23 Ooooh, maybe you're right. That would be nice! I do think when they brought the Dwarven crates back in May they allowed gem purchases. BUT maybe since they already brought these back to the Store recently and now they are in the monthly rewards it indicates a pattern? A different old season might come back to the Store, instead, and then end up in monthly rewards in the near future.
weedgenius wrote: »Plus a Psijic one. Thoughts? Would be nice if we could buy Dwarven items with our gems as well.
weedgenius wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »If I were a betting man, I'd say that they will re-release the dwarven crates in the store for a limited time at about the same time they are doing the giveaways. If that's true, then you may be able to cash in your gems for dwarven items at that time.
@redspecter23 Ooooh, maybe you're right. That would be nice! I do think when they brought the Dwarven crates back in May they allowed gem purchases. BUT maybe since they already brought these back to the Store recently and now they are in the monthly rewards it indicates a pattern? A different old season might come back to the Store, instead, and then end up in monthly rewards in the near future.
You know I was thinking about it too. They brought these crates back in the CS in may, so all those who really wanted them, bought some, ZOS milked it so to say. Now they give them as a login rewards. My guess is that they will bring Reaper’s Harvest crates for a week before launching a new season, and maybe give some as a login reward 2-3 months later. I like this pattern honestly.
I couldn’t afford to buy crates, but I enjoy opening them and appreciate all those free ones ^^
BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »10? Am I ***, I swear I counted 7 last night when looking at the rewards plus the psijic one. Lmao
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »I open all the free crates I can get.... which then let me use all those gems to buy costumes & furnishings that I actually wanted.
10 Dwarven crates is nice, because that's higher odds of getting dupes & therefore more gems.
weedgenius wrote: »Here's a refresher on what you might be able to get this month:
@bottleofsyrup I think @Atallanta is right about why they did the Dwemer crates in the monthly rewards.bottleofsyrup wrote: »I wonder why they went with Dwemer though which was just brought back for a limited time recently, rather than something like Storm Atronach.
By putting the Dwemer crates back in the store, people who really wanted them had a chance to purchase. Now that those people spent their Crowns, they don't have anything to lose by giving them away for free. They'll probably do it again -- the next time an old crate season comes back to the Crown store, I'm willing to bet it will be free in monthly rewards not long after.They brought these crates back in the CS in may, so all those who really wanted them, bought some, ZOS milked it so to say. Now they give them as a login rewards.
griffkhalifa wrote: »
griffkhalifa wrote: »
Thats like saying crack is not crack when its free...Zos is trying to get more people hooked with these free crates. Why else give away what is already a profitable product? To be nice?