Would you like to see some kind of punishement system for traitors in Cyrodiil?
Sotha Sil, PC EU.
EP player, let's call him "N", is leading a group of unexperienced in PvP low level/low CP players to an AD keep.
After they arrived he told them to start sieging. They listened to him and as soon as siege started, player "N" relogged to his AD character and killed them all.
Another day player "N" on his EP character see a group of other EPs going to retake AD outpost.
He quickly informs his AD friends so they already waiting for EPs in this outpost and they kill them all when they arrived.
Player "N" was playing with emotes at the door and remained untouched by ADs.
Are you fine with this kind of behavior in Cyrodiil?
Should it stay like this, or should ZOS implement some kind of "traitor system", where the players could "vote" for traitors and after X amount of votes they could be punished in some way?
I'm aware that this kind of system could be abused by some groups of players.
And I know that many people wants faction locked campaigns, but ZOS removed them in the past and looks like they won't make them a thing again in nearest future.
Do you have any ideas or should we just deal with it?
It looks really bad for new players especially now, when Midyear Mayhem is up, and they come to Cyrodiil for the first time...