SmellyUnlimited wrote: »Competitive end game guilds are more and more looking to Magblades to fill out the majority of DPS in a trial. Outside of VAS, stam can come in, but usually at most 3,and Stamblades at that.
So you look through a group comp, and you’ll likely see 8 NB’s, 2DK (tanks). 2 Templar (healers). No class changes or rebalancing has affected this yet, nor appears to be. Sometimes they’ll allow one MagSorc in the group for providing the Asylum weapon procs, but that’s the one anomaly.
I’d like to see this next meta be representative of the community, not simply of a class, where people felt compelled then to all make Magblades just to participate in end game content.
SmellyUnlimited wrote: »Competitive end game guilds are more and more looking to Magblades to fill out the majority of DPS in a trial. Outside of VAS, stam can come in, but usually at most 3,and Stamblades at that.
So you look through a group comp, and you’ll likely see 8 NB’s, 2DK (tanks). 2 Templar (healers). No class changes or rebalancing has affected this yet, nor appears to be. Sometimes they’ll allow one MagSorc in the group for providing the Asylum weapon procs, but that’s the one anomaly.
I’d like to see this next meta be representative of the community, not simply of a class, where people felt compelled then to all make Magblades just to participate in end game content.
Joy_Division wrote: »We talked about this. ZOS is aware.
At first I thought this thread was a joke, and then I realized you were talking about PvE. Yeah, you're right lol.
I'm actually all for Nightblades being top in DPS because they need to be in order to justify the difficulty of their rotation. The self healing of magblades is pretty over the top though. Yeah their damage needs to be higher, but they kind of have it too good.
At first I thought this thread was a joke, and then I realized you were talking about PvE. Yeah, you're right lol.
I'm actually all for Nightblades being top in DPS because they need to be in order to justify the difficulty of their rotation. The self healing of magblades is pretty over the top though. Yeah their damage needs to be higher, but they kind of have it too good.
At first I thought this thread was a joke, and then I realized you were talking about PvE. Yeah, you're right lol.
I'm actually all for Nightblades being top in DPS because they need to be in order to justify the difficulty of their rotation. The self healing of magblades is pretty over the top though. Yeah their damage needs to be higher, but they kind of have it too good.
Can we stop with this "they´ve a difficult rotation" argument? It´s not really an excuse anymore now that you don´t lose the assassin's will stacks upon refreshing or duration expiries (assuming you´re in combat). And with that logic every stamina class should have garbage DPS (especially stamDK and stamsorc), but that´s obviously not the case.
Having a player created rotation that some people find difficult is not a reason to justify questionable balance.
John_Falstaff wrote: »There's a colossal difference between "equal" and "equally viable". I'd be quite content seeing a way for all classes and builds to be successful in endgame in their own unique ways, in every role. (The other option would be (for example) something like replacing the text string "Dragonknight" in character creation window and throughout the game with "PvE Tank", just to be upfront with new players as to what they're locking themselves into. If we don't want to fix things, well let's at least be honest with players.)
But why "dragonknight" == "PvE Tank" when it's not?
John_Falstaff wrote: »But why "dragonknight" == "PvE Tank" when it's not?
Long story short, in endgame it pretty much is. Or you enjoy going to Cloudrest or Asylum on stamina DK DPS? Maybe doing vMA? (Silver lining: doing vMA on stamDK guarantees you a leaderboard reward, simply because you're the crazy minority, and even then I suspect a lot of DKs on the board is magicka.) In fact, topic starter pretty much mentioned typical current composition of trial groups - magblades as DDs, DKs as tanks, templars as healers.
You can’t say “we want a full support class” & then get upset at not being top/competitive at dps!
John_Falstaff wrote: »You can’t say “we want a full support class” & then get upset at not being top/competitive at dps!
I'm sorry, but who and when did say that we want a full support class? I can't remember hearing it from ZOS statements, and I can't remember hearing such unanimous vote from users. What if I say that I want magblade to be tanking-oriented, does that make things official? ZOS' position is "play as you like", they are trying to make all classes be good at everything (how successful those attempts are, we'll leave aside). So, thank you very much, I don't remember voting or hearing official statement that magblades are singled out to be best DPS class by divine providence.
> Warden at off heals, off tank, buff/support
That made me cringe just now. I just imagined a new player selecting a warden in chargen screen (a really nice class with own theme and flavor), without knowing that he'll be forever locked into off tanking, off healing and support. I think I don't need that sort of diversity, thank you very much.
It doesn't mean that dks are tanks only. You still can setup one as a dd or...heal. If they are not as viable as other classes in these roles – well, it still counts. Renaming "Dragonknight" to "PvE Tank" will lead to confusion.
More than that, not all the players are doing vTrials or vMA.
But let's be honest, how many patches we see majority of dds in vTrials as a mag ones? And DKs – they always were the best tanks for like any content in this game. Is this a problem? I guess. I don't really care, if I want to go to vTrial with my stamblade – you know, I'll do it.