[PVE][Warden] Green Lotus Eater- Stamina Healing (Lost Depths)

News and Updates:
Hello and thank you for waiting for the updates on this build! It's been a real treat to see intrest and more stamina-healers in the wild. Warden, or otherwise! Yes you can take these gear options, a few of the non-class moves and try out a necro-green healer for example, or even a templar.
A note on sets- as ESO has so many, many set options and combinations, I list as many as humanly possibly that would 'work' or are 'known to be good', mostly for your consideration! I don't know what access to DLC you have, craft stations, or content you are comfortable playing. So I want to make sure I list all possible options to make this build as accessible as possible.

I hope you enjoy your green healers and enjoy your victories in Tamirel!

Also excited to say, I have moved this build over to be on the ESO-Hub as well! I will be maintaining both, however, so don't fret!

Welcome to my in depth look at a Stamina Warden healing build! Ever since I saw the morphs for the various heals, and the passives in the green balance tree- I told myself it could be done, it could be effective. Thus far, there have been challenges and a bit of a learning curve- but it's refreshed the game play for me, instead of feeling like I'm falling asleep behind a templar healer- I feel like I have to more to do in content. I do not recommend this build to players first time healing in Elder Scrolls Online, however- let alone players who have never healed in MMOrpg's.

I have successfully ran 4-man veteran content, and hard mode with this build. I have also successfully healed all normal trials, and older veteran trials with it without any issues.

So if you need a build that is different, new and fun- let me introduce you to my Green Lotus Eater.

Note: inspired by Y'ffre's Guardian build by Cellentel

>This build is also a 'hybrid' healer, but focuses on the stamina aspect. Make sure you distribute your points accordingly depending on your magi needs. I run with bows, you could run with a staff to get more healing of course. Being that this is a super dooper #OffMeta build, its kinda experiment, have fun and play the game how you want it while still being effective for the role and content you play. I hope you try their build or this one!

What this build provides:
Stamina based game play that is in the role of a healer and has dps options. but should not ever be considered a replacement for a dps. It performs in the role of a healer in terms of functionality.
Debuffs on enemies, buffs to party members.
Something new and flexible, works with the warden class nicely. Its not easy being green.
Effective in trials, veteran 4-mans. Not everyone has to be blue to be cool.
A higher learning curve to healing in ESO then most builds, but not impossible to learn or enjoy. 

  • Build: how and why
  • Gear and weapons: options and play style, racials discussed here
  • Champion Points
  • Consumables

Build: how and why
For my build and what I've been doing, this is what's been working for me.
Main bar: Dual Wield (dagger/dagger), Two handed (axe), bow
Back bar: Ice Staff

Front Bar- (can be a bow (percise, frost), dual wield (nirn/charged with posion/frost), or 2hander (percise, frost)
  1. Subterranian Assault-Your bread and butter for AOE dmg. Flex: Razor Caltrops to provide fracture to the group.
  2. Cutting Dive- We keep this up and going as much as possible, especially on bosses, for that off balance. If there no one else able to do that in the group (Some classes, weapons and armor sets provide this debuff, consult your group). Flex as needed in Content: Efficient Purge, Ring of Preservation, Time Freeze, Bone Surge, Sanguine Altar, Expansive Frost Cloak
  3. Growing Swarm- You'll want to keep this rolling as you can to help maintain Minor Vulnerability on targets to help everyon kill things faster.
  4. Energy Orb- A magic based synergy for the group- moves across the battle field so it's great for those ranged players. Flex: Budding Seeds if you don't have orb yet
  5. Bull Netch- This is your berserk and stamina restore so you can do more everything.
ULT- Permafrost- I went with this morph to provide the group with chilled status on trash, as well as major protection. It's a great way to clear out a bunch of mobs in the way and move on to the next pull in the dungeon. Flex spot would be Enchanted Forest for harder to heal fights, Barrier, or double bear for more DPS oriented encounters.

Ice Staff Bar- Infused with Weapon Enchant 
  1. Winter's Revenge- High chance to apply Chilled status effect to the enemies in the group, to provide brittle and all sorts of good debuffs to the enemies.
  2. Crushing Wall- This will help us get more frost possibility to go off to debuff our enemies, and a shield for the group when you cast it isn't to bad. Being a warden we get extra DPS with frost damage as well.
  3. Flex as needed in Content: Efficient Purge, Ring of Preservation, Time Freeze, Bone Surge, Sanguine Altar, Expansive Frost Cloak (swap monster from magma), Caltrops, Trapping Webs, Budding Seeds
  4. Echoing Vigor- This move will be necessary for Powerful Assault to proc (as it does not work with other heals/moves other then ones in the assault line). THis also provides another stamina heal and a heal over time. You need to be careful with spamming this, yes it does heal a huge radius so it's good for when damage heavy phases are all over the place. I tend to try to only use it once ever 4 (for the hot) or 14 seconds to prevent stamina depletion. Depending on the fight. Flex: Mushrooms staminia heal if you don't want to PVP
  5. Green Lotus- Super important buff, as your light attacks and heavy attacks become heals. As long as you get those weaved inbetween, your healing will be great. This will keep your crit up at a decent rate. With this being a core to the heal of the build, it is recommended to practice your weave if you find that you are not healing as well in group content (much like practicing a 'parse' but just getting more comfortable with using light and heavy attacks between moves).
ULT- Aggressive Warhorn- What a better way to support your party's DPS then by making them do more of it? Warhorn is on here to make everyone do more of everything better. It takes a bit to build up, but it's great to open with and end the fight with it. Unless you have a nord tank with some ult-generating sets, its doubtful you'd swap this ult out for much other then the bear.

Purge Problems
Because this build does not run a passive cleanse like ritual for Templars- you may need to slot PVP Purge depending on the content, or you can get rings and weapons of Curse Eater to help with passive cleansing (recommended weapons/jewelery and morphing them to robust if you do use this option, but I highly recommend Efficient Purge and getting comfortable with using it). It all depends on who you are running with and what is needed for your group, and what you are comfortable with. The Efficient purge morph is sustainable enough to use in content however. You can also use Earthgore in content for a more passive purge proc if you do not need an active purge for the content you are doing. 

What About them debuffs?
Typically a magi-healer runs a lighting staff (or ice depending on group needs) with wall of elements to get off-balance. You can keep vulnerability with Growing Swarm! Which in turn adds more DPS and a more fun way to play this build, making it more a hybrid then ever! Yay fun!
With running the ice staff in the back, we're doing our part to provide chilled status and possible brittle to our targets now, as per expected of healers in PVE. 

This particular set up is to provide your group with more DPS, not nessisarily more sustain- so swap more healing power as needed if you find that your heals are to weak feeling.
  • Monster (Crit)- Any mosnter crit helm will do here.
  • Spaulder of Ruin- This is great because we're just going to be a circle of buffs for our group. You can deactivate it as needed if you find you need a sustain break.
  • War Machine- We front bar this, and you may want to get an ice staff so you can get the ult-effect on both bars, however, swap your front bar ult as needed for the effect for the group.
  • Kinras' Wrath- We run this on the body out of convince to keep up with up times that are needed for the 5 light attacks. Finally, we can do what healers do with Combat Prayer, but better* (*as long as we light attacking). Its an excellent set that mirrors the core concept of 'dps healer in green bar flavor'. You can body this for an easier up time, or you can front bar this and use a weapon-altering back bar weapon.
Having flex sets to swap with if your group has this present is good as well, as it is a very popular DPS set in general. Good alternative options would be a jewels and weapons of spell power cure, Vestments of Olorime, The Worm’s Raiment, Healing Mage, Hollowfang Thirst, Z’en’s Redress, Sanctuary, Kagrenac’s Hope, Jorvuld’s Guidance, Torug’s Pact, Martial Knowledge, Hircine’s Veneer, Ebon Armory, Winter’s Respite, Roaring Opportunist, Stone-Talker’s Oath, Hiti’s Heart, Scorion’s Feast. Swap accordingly to your group's needs. 

Flex options:
Torc of Tonal Constancy- This one set piece will allow you to have full control over your sustain. If you feel you're not having problems with sustain, then feel free to nix this. I personally like it a lot if I'm in raid content where I will be purging. 
If you are new to healing, struggling with sustain you can look at options like Draugr Hulkor Champion of the Hist for weapons (make sure to morph jewelry to robust/triune on Hist).

NEW Grave Inevitability- Much like Kinras, this provides a group wide buff for ‘Minor Force’. While not as useful as Kinras, it is a fun option to try depending on your friend's own set ups. You can body this for an easier up time, or front bar it.

Any of the follow in a body/weapon combo with some jewelry will get you through learning content nicely. Just consider who you are playing with (pugs, friends), and go from there to pick whats needed. personally, if I were to have to pick a crafted set I would go-
  • Body- Hundings
  • Helm/shoulders/neck- Shacklebreaker
  • Ring 1/Ring 2/ Weapons- Coldharbours Favorite 

Other Craftible Nominations:
Daedric Trickery, Daring Corsair, Torug's Pact, Druid's Braid, Eternal Hunt, Heartland Conqueror, Hist Whisperer, Innate Axiom, Kagrenac's Hope, Kvatch Gladiator, Mechanical Acuity, Morkuldin, New Moon Acolyte, Night Mother's Gaze (running this will free up a slot on your bar too), Order's Wrath, Red Eagle's Fury, Redistributor, Serpent's Disdain, Spell Parasite, Stuhn's Favor, Twice-Born Star, Vampire's Kiss, Vastarie's Tutelage, Willow's Path, Wretched Vitality

  • If in a purge heavy fight, consider Stendarrs or Curse Eater + earth gore + efficient purge.
  • Morag Tong-This adds more damage to your stamina damage dealers. Highly recommended if you have a stacked group.
  • Healing Mage (aka mending) - On the trash, weapons/ jewelry. Morph them to stamina focused things. Swap back to Morag Tong on the boss fights, if you feel that the healing is to intense.
  • Alkosh-This set provides a unique way to strip and debuff targets increasing your groups DPS, and frees say the tank up from wearing this set. As it is a naturally medium-armor set, it works well in the kit on the body or weapons depending on what you need. Sometimes off-tanks run this, just check with the group.
  • Twilight Remedy- If the other healer isn't running this, and you have the time to grind and remorph jewelry to stamina, and if you manage to get a stamina based weapon- then this runs very strong with the synergy changes. Make sure the synergies you want to have the 'bonus effect' are on the same bar as the 5-peice set if you go this route. 

Gear Traits
Armor- DIvnes
Jewels- Infused + Blood Thirsty + Blood Thirsty (robust if you nee dmore sustain)

Shadow- preferred. More crits from both healing and DPS! 
Other options can be to use the serpent, tower, thief, warrior, atronoch or ritual. I like to change out my mundus depending on the content I am doing. This should be considered as well with racial bonuses. Since we run with a divines-infused set up, your mundas does impact, but its mostly prefrence for the kind of content you are going to do.

Max Stamina and weapon damage is the focus, adjust ring enchants as needed (IE: Mag recovery ect)

Attribute Points
This is subject to personal preference- but as long as you are around 18K HP (with toughness), 28k+ Stamina, and 15k+ magicka then you're sitting at a decent set up for veteran content. 
My own points on a dunmer look like 4/0/60 and use jesters coins.

Racial Options
Your racial bonuses make up for, 'supposedly' 5%-8% of what your build is going to do.. Be it defense, heal or offensive roles- thats a whole whopping 5% that can break or make something in end game come veteran/hard mode style game play. But math is hard. However for the casual who has no desire to ever see these types of modes, racial should never break your immersion or roleplay desires- and by and large can ignore this section. This is your game, yo. Plus its a hybrid, you needs all the stats. Just adjust your gear accordingly, and remember your major heals benefit the most form max stam/weapon damage.
  • Dunmer/Khajit/Argonian- Possibly the best options for this build, providing enough resource for magika as well as as stamina for healing/group buff/debuffs- allowing this build to be flexible and balance it's need for both resource pools, while still performing decent enough damage in content. Argonian tri-pot sustain is amazing as well!
  • Imperial- A great 2nd option to consider, with the reduction of ultimate cost and raw stat pools, Imperial makes an excellent option with the new Wrathstone passive update.
  • Redguard /Orsimer/Bosmer- All have stamina passives, and mix bagged results for this build in terms of stamina healing. If you are looking for something more stam pool both Redguard and bosmer are good options for sustain max stamina at the cost of no magi regen, so consider a mundus/enchant swap as necessary.. While Orsimer have more offensive passives.
  • Nord- For the same reasons as Imperial. Very decent stat pools, and ulti-generation can go up at the cost of getting hit, but less viable as a healer (vs tank) in terms of the benefits of ultimate generation. A good option if you plan to pvp with this build.
  • High Elf/Breton- Possibly the lower end of good options for a stamina build in terms of beneficial radials. They all have max magika oriented ones, and High elf adds to elemental based damage.High elf has an intresting restore-passive however that could play in this build nicely.

*Honestly any race would be fine, just adjust your attribute points as needed. High Elf and Argonian would be very competitive to Dunmer/Khajit for this build in terms of sustain/output.
A note for any race combo you try, adjust your CP, and your mundas to keep your sustain up! 

I mostly run with traditonal DPS CP, but you can swap healing options as needed.

Tri pots, or singular restore pots are fine, just use what you will need in content. Weapon power is good to for easier to clear stuff where you want more damage.
Food options are vast since we provide ourself with minor toughness we don't need max health food. I like running with Candied Jester's Coins or Late Hearthfire Vegetable Tart. For easier content I run with Lava Foot Soup-and-saltrice.

Edited by OolongSnakeTea on July 23, 2022 3:32PM
"I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • Gargath
    It's a very weird experiment, a healer with 2H and bow. I wonder how many players were just about to kick you from group before they realised you actually could be quite handy :)
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • leeshi
    Nice guide. Thanks for spending the time to make this for us stamina healing wardens. :)

    I hate respecing my stats just to change roles so I like to be able to fill a vet healing role without going to a shrine. My tank and heal spec are both stam based so I don't have to go move my stat points.
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Updated with more testing. Have completed more content, learned some more challenges with it. Some trial content is iffy on it, over all something fun and new to play with.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    So I've seen a few 'stam warden healer builds' out there, and one thing I'd like to generally comment on it is- that the role of the healer in group content is to
    A) Buff the group
    B ) Provide synergies to sustain the tank

    If your build does not provide that, then you're just a bad DPS. SO keep that in mind when experimenting with the builds. This build is pretty off meta in general, and it defiantly cannot be sufficient to clear veteran trials (competitive or otherwise), but it is fun.
    Edited by OolongSnakeTea on September 27, 2018 10:16PM
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • Tasear
    any changes with murkmire?
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Tasear wrote: »
    any changes with murkmire?

    More then likely no, I haven't seen any sets that interest me to adjust, maybe some more CP shifts but beyond that the gear sets are pretty static, and move out loads the same. If anything the netch changes will help with more sustain.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • Rannah
    Soul Shriven
    I am currently (casually) leveling a warden and was looking forward some input for a hybrid healer. So thank you for sharing this build and your experience with us!
  • codestripper
    Tasear wrote: »
    any changes with murkmire?

    More then likely no, I haven't seen any sets that interest me to adjust, maybe some more CP shifts but beyond that the gear sets are pretty static, and move out loads the same. If anything the netch changes will help with more sustain.

    Now that it's been out for a little while, have you seen any sets or changes that you're going to want to incorporate into the build from the murkmire update? Or anything you're testing out?
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Now that it's been out for a little while, have you seen any sets or changes that you're going to want to incorporate into the build from the murkmire update? Or anything you're testing out?

    I want to test to see if Grave-Stake Collector might be fun to provide the group with more resources, but I feel in the long run- hulking + Powerful is going to be a good over all set to have the build fill it's strange particular role. This is due in part because of how vigor and spores scale off of max stamina.

    Champion of the Hist could be an excellent alternative to Hulking however- because it would mean more ult up time (horn or trees), so I am actually looking to test that out in harder content soon.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • codestripper
    Now that it's been out for a little while, have you seen any sets or changes that you're going to want to incorporate into the build from the murkmire update? Or anything you're testing out?

    I want to test to see if Grave-Stake Collector might be fun to provide the group with more resources, but I feel in the long run- hulking + Powerful is going to be a good over all set to have the build fill it's strange particular role. This is due in part because of how vigor and spores scale off of max stamina.

    Champion of the Hist could be an excellent alternative to Hulking however- because it would mean more ult up time (horn or trees), so I am actually looking to test that out in harder content soon.

    Awesome! Thanks for updating the build. I'll have to throw together a warden now and give it a shot. Looks like a very interesting set combination. Do you plan on making a build video for it? Maybe a video showing how to use it in group content?
    Edited by codestripper on November 21, 2018 8:39PM
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Awesome! Thanks for updating the build. I'll have to throw together a warden now and give it a shot. Looks like a very interesting set combination. Do you plan on making a build video for it? Maybe a video showing how to use it in group content?

    I'll be working on a video in the coming of days here, most likely with a vDSA group to show it in performance, or something like one of the HM DLC dungeons. I'm so glad you have enjoyed my guide thus far!
    Edited by OolongSnakeTea on November 21, 2018 8:46PM
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • rsantijw13
    I have had a stamden healer since the morrowind beta days and the NDA. it has since evolved. When others thought I was nuts I just kept on. x5 powerful assault x5 SPC 2xengine guardian. pvp its one of the most mobile healers that shrugs off stuns and can roll dodge, sprint, heal and with the vines I can manuever around the battle field. Great fun and always looking for more ways to develop, I was the first and the greatest wacko. Now I am starting to see builds pop up all around. good to see that. I run two bows and poisons also.
  • GlorphNoldorin
    Does hail proc Olo?
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Does hail proc Olo?

    No it does not, but budding seeds does if you wanted to use olo. I find SPC a better healing set for 4mans/high mobility fights however. This build doesn't use olo, instead it uses Powerful Assault which works in the same way providing your team with a buff.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    Updated with an advance player option for players who are more comfortable with sustain.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    This patch had me very excited, and after some testing and tweaking I've updated my guide. Now including my new favorite stamina set for this build, Scavenging Demise! Now we as stamina healers can run just like IA+OLO healers with our SD+PA combo!

    Between that, and the racial passive changes, there has been a nice shake up in terms of vaibility. Most stam-based races still work very well for this build. With the changes in imperial, it may out perform in terms of ultimate up time, but Dunmer shines the best still and is extremely strong in terms of its healing output, sustain and ability to perform some damage for the group. Khajit now being a hybrid of stats also stands out, and works very well much in the same way as Dunmer does.

    Orc would possibly be the best offensive for the build, followed by Redguard/bosmer for sustain.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • rsantijw13
    Does hail proc Olo?

    Yes hail procs olo
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Bars updated, word formating updated, slight CP updated, gear options explained and updated. Thank you for your interest! <3
    Edited by OolongSnakeTea on April 17, 2019 6:59PM
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • jcf190b14_ESO
    I loved Y'ffre's build back in the day. Glad to see a different/updated version. It is a niche play style, but its a lot of fun, especially in a group that can appreciate it. Thanks for the guide.
  • OolongSnakeTea
    Updated for Elsweyr, sorry for the delay. We've added Vastarie's Tutelage as a beginner /craftible set up, and Tooth of Lokkestiiz to the advance player set ups.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    One orb and insta-cast blood altar did right by this build boys and girls. Enjoy it. Its not memes.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • castem
    Soul Shriven
    I think this build got a nice boost with the recent Warden changes. Cutting Dive and Growing Swarm provide off-balance and Minor Vulnerability, respectively, and can basically be used on-demand. This frees up one of your armor sets, which can be swapped for something like Hircine's Veneer for more sustain, something more offensive like War Machine, or something to help with purges like Curse Eater.
  • OolongSnakeTea
    castem wrote: »
    I think this build got a nice boost with the recent Warden changes. Cutting Dive and Growing Swarm provide off-balance and Minor Vulnerability, respectively, and can basically be used on-demand. This frees up one of your armor sets, which can be swapped for something like Hircine's Veneer for more sustain, something more offensive like War Machine, or something to help with purges like Curse Eater.

    Yes, I'll be addressing that actually when I update the guide this weekend :)
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    And it's updated! Of course you can flex things out to have more DPS focus stuff as needed, but this build now addresses:
    • Minor Vulnerability
    • Off Balance
    • A DPS buff (Powerful Assault)
    • Major Fracture

    Minor Fracture and Minor Breach can be added easily with putting poisons on your weapons if your group doesn't have a way to create as well!
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • Videra
    Soul Shriven
    I haven't seen this discussed very much and I don't know if this counts as thread necromancy, but I was really curious if this still holds up to this day. How does it do in regards to buffing party members and such?
  • peacenote
    Videra wrote: »
    I haven't seen this discussed very much and I don't know if this counts as thread necromancy, but I was really curious if this still holds up to this day. How does it do in regards to buffing party members and such?

    It definitely does hold up for the use cases the OP describes; the build was updated in November and we haven't had a major game update since then so it is a current build.

    I think it's great!
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • OolongSnakeTea
    peacenote wrote: »
    Videra wrote: »
    I haven't seen this discussed very much and I don't know if this counts as thread necromancy, but I was really curious if this still holds up to this day. How does it do in regards to buffing party members and such?

    It definitely does hold up for the use cases the OP describes; the build was updated in November and we haven't had a major game update since then so it is a current build.

    I think it's great!

    I make sure to try to keep it up to date every patch! And always down to answer questions!

    The new updates make it super easy to provide more debuffs for your group, and the heals are consistent!
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    Updated for Greymoore! Torc of Tonal Constancy has added a new way to keep sustain for magi and stam regen. I personally have found it to be useful in purge heavy scenarios!
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • peacenote
    Ty for continuing to update this build! <3<3<3
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Cloudtrader
    I know it's been awhile, but how is this build for Flames of Ambition? And what CP load-out do you recommend?

    PS: Soothing Spores is now a Stamina-based heal.
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