Racial passives are the only element of a build that can’t be changed after character creation. The fact that spreadsheet toting power gamers use that to boot people from groups is enough to warrant the removal of racial passives, imo.
The problem are not the racial passives. The problem are the players, and yu won't change that by removing racial passives. If you do that, they will find other ways to be total tools. (Like, we've seen quite a few "I've been kicked for low CP" threads where "low" was way over 160.)
Other things can be changed. CP, gear, skills, etc. No, people won’t ever stop being tools, but racial passives are the only thing that people cannot modify after character creation. Removing them would help by eliminating that element of the almighty meta. Any other aspect of a build can be adapted except that. They need to go because they’re too restrictive thanks to power gamer stupidity.
Racial passives are fine for single player games. They’re not good for multiplayer games - anything that might affect combat effectiveness in ESO that can’t be changed after character creation shouldn’t be a factor and should probably go.
I'm pretty sure i was booted from my pug solely due to my Khajiit committing the crime of holding a staff, because there's no other logical reason i can think of other than the other DPS looking at me and going "oh great its a mag cat he can't do anything".
The PSA is classes can be played just fine on ANY Race, no matter the content. My Khajiit just so happens to hold several vet trial titles as a MagSorc as a testament to that. So please when you see a High Elf Stamblade or a Nord Magplar or a Khajiit Magsorc, just give them a chance and see what happens. No one wants to be thrown from the dungeon without a word.
Darkstorne wrote: »And this rep for dungeon groups is precisely why, at almost 300CP, I still haven't tried running a single dungeon. I enjoy weird builds too much, hate the idea of playing builds that are "so hot right now", and threads like this make me cringe at the thought of bringing my MagWarden DPS or StamWarden healer, both wielding 2H main bar and bow back bar, into even a normal mode dungeon...
Racial passives are the only element of a build that can’t be changed after character creation. The fact that spreadsheet toting power gamers use that to boot people from groups is enough to warrant the removal of racial passives, imo.
The problem are not the racial passives. The problem are the players, and yu won't change that by removing racial passives. If you do that, they will find other ways to be total tools. (Like, we've seen quite a few "I've been kicked for low CP" threads where "low" was way over 160.)
Other things can be changed. CP, gear, skills, etc. No, people won’t ever stop being tools, but racial passives are the only thing that people cannot modify after character creation. Removing them would help by eliminating that element of the almighty meta. Any other aspect of a build can be adapted except that. They need to go because they’re too restrictive thanks to power gamer stupidity.
Racial passives are fine for single player games. They’re not good for multiplayer games - anything that might affect combat effectiveness in ESO that can’t be changed after character creation shouldn’t be a factor and should probably go.
Actually there is another thing people can't modify after character creation screen. Classes. Should we also get rid of those?
Racial passives are the only element of a build that can’t be changed after character creation. The fact that spreadsheet toting power gamers use that to boot people from groups is enough to warrant the removal of racial passives, imo.
The problem are not the racial passives. The problem are the players, and yu won't change that by removing racial passives. If you do that, they will find other ways to be total tools. (Like, we've seen quite a few "I've been kicked for low CP" threads where "low" was way over 160.)
Other things can be changed. CP, gear, skills, etc. No, people won’t ever stop being tools, but racial passives are the only thing that people cannot modify after character creation. Removing them would help by eliminating that element of the almighty meta. Any other aspect of a build can be adapted except that. They need to go because they’re too restrictive thanks to power gamer stupidity.
Racial passives are fine for single player games. They’re not good for multiplayer games - anything that might affect combat effectiveness in ESO that can’t be changed after character creation shouldn’t be a factor and should probably go.
Difference caused by racial passives is negligible compared to difference caused by personal skills. If you are putting together team to top leaderboards you probably should care about it, otherwise it does not matter at all.
Maybe accept that there are people who care and then there are people like you who don't care all that much about BiS builds etc.I'm pretty sure i was booted from my pug solely due to my Khajiit committing the crime of holding a staff, because there's no other logical reason i can think of other than the other DPS looking at me and going "oh great its a mag cat he can't do anything".
The PSA is classes can be played just fine on ANY Race, no matter the content. My Khajiit just so happens to hold several vet trial titles as a MagSorc as a testament to that. So please when you see a High Elf Stamblade or a Nord Magplar or a Khajiit Magsorc, just give them a chance and see what happens. No one wants to be thrown from the dungeon without a word.
End the BiS Discrimination? This is just plain silly. As long as you have human beings making judgments toward your net value, you're going to experience discrimination. Either live with it or stop using PUG's and find a good guild. These PUG rants accomplish nothing.
LeagueTroll wrote: »People in PuGs rarely manage to pull 20K DPS ST. In that range racial passives, CP allocation and consumable used make literally no difference. Yea, a Khajiit Magicka player won't do more than let's say 32K DPS while a High Elf will manage 37K with same gear, rotation, CP but unless talking about trial score board runs that won't matter either.
To kick players before you actually see them play, based on race or CP is downright dumb. I've seen plenty high CP players with theoretically BiS race struggling to clear normal dungeons or even overland trash mobs (I can one-shot those with a LA in most cases). So I rest my case.
Ppl in pugs often pull low 20s, I generally kick about dd in the bottom quartile, so i know. And I guess op was kicked for being way below average.
I'm pretty sure i was booted from my pug solely due to my Khajiit committing the crime of holding a staff, because there's no other logical reason i can think of other than the other DPS looking at me and going "oh great its a mag cat he can't do anything".
The PSA is classes can be played just fine on ANY Race, no matter the content. My Khajiit just so happens to hold several vet trial titles as a MagSorc as a testament to that. So please when you see a High Elf Stamblade or a Nord Magplar or a Khajiit Magsorc, just give them a chance and see what happens. No one wants to be thrown from the dungeon without a word.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »First pull will generally tell the tale.
If people are not interested in giving that opportunity before making a decision, the weakness is on their end, not yours.
If gear and race were not such a large factor in builds, this would be less of an issue.
jaschacasadiob16_ESO wrote: »So many times I've met ridicolous DPS who claimed they had Alcast's build, just like that makes them great all by itself.
People have no idea what they are doing and blindly follow what Alcast or Deltia say (just to mention a couple). Just look at the psychocis for th eAdvancing Yokeda set. Suddenly everyone wanna go HR and TFS/VO are sheet.
Magsorc Khajiit? Not BiS. Permaban. That's what you get to play with that kind of people.
I'm pretty sure i was booted from my pug solely due to my Khajiit committing the crime of holding a staff, because there's no other logical reason i can think of other than the other DPS looking at me and going "oh great its a mag cat he can't do anything".
The PSA is classes can be played just fine on ANY Race, no matter the content. My Khajiit just so happens to hold several vet trial titles as a MagSorc as a testament to that. So please when you see a High Elf Stamblade or a Nord Magplar or a Khajiit Magsorc, just give them a chance and see what happens. No one wants to be thrown from the dungeon without a word.
Go PvP, everyone is chilled, run what ya brung.
Trials crews are cold as ice.
Darkstorne wrote: »And this rep for dungeon groups is precisely why, at almost 300CP, I still haven't tried running a single dungeon. I enjoy weird builds too much, hate the idea of playing builds that are "so hot right now", and threads like this make me cringe at the thought of bringing my MagWarden DPS or StamWarden healer, both wielding 2H main bar and bow back bar, into even a normal mode dungeon...
LeagueTroll wrote: »People in PuGs rarely manage to pull 20K DPS ST. In that range racial passives, CP allocation and consumable used make literally no difference. Yea, a Khajiit Magicka player won't do more than let's say 32K DPS while a High Elf will manage 37K with same gear, rotation, CP but unless talking about trial score board runs that won't matter either.
To kick players before you actually see them play, based on race or CP is downright dumb. I've seen plenty high CP players with theoretically BiS race struggling to clear normal dungeons or even overland trash mobs (I can one-shot those with a LA in most cases). So I rest my case.
Ppl in pugs often pull low 20s, I generally kick about dd in the bottom quartile, so i know. And I guess op was kicked for being way below average.
That's quite optimistic. I did PuG some dungeons on normal to fill the gaps in some sets I had. I queued as Tank/DD or Healer/DD and ran Inner Rage on my bar. My average DPS was 30-35K while holding aggro and block casting some skills. According to CM addon I was doing around 60% of group DPS in most cases. That means that the other 3 players pulled 20-30K together. And 2 of them had queued as DDs. So those people were 8-10K on average.
And I've went as high as 85%. Surprisingly they weren't lowbies. In that particular run 2 of the other players were CP 200-350 and the 3rd was slightly under 50. Those people didn't even pull 5K, about as much as I pull on my trial tank with Cinder Storm, Choking Talons, and Pierce Armor & Heroic Slash w HA weave.
P.S. I once got kicked out of a group because I was "ruining the experience"